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D. Shwagginz

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About D. Shwagginz

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  1. A collection of all the Doom II Master Levels in alphabetical order Only works with Doom 2 This WAD uses DeHackEd to make sure it is compatible with almost all source ports All maps have the correct skys and music for their levels The title screen graphic as well as the automap level names and intermission level name graphics have been updated Level Order: - Attack (ATTACK.WAD) - Black Tower (BLACKTWR.WAD) - Bloodsea Keep (BLOODSEA.WAD) - Canyon (CANYON.WAD) - The Catwalk (CATWALK.WAD) - The Combine (COMBINE.WAD) - Mephisto's Maosoleum (MEPHISTO.WAD) - The Fistula (FISTULA.WAD) - The Garrison (GARRISON.WAD) - Geryon: 6th Canto of INFERNO (GERYON.WAD) - Titan Manor (MANOR.WAD) - Minos' Judgement: 4th Canto of INFERNO (MINOS.WAD) - Nessus: 5th Canto of INFERNO (NESSUS.WAD) - Paradox (PARADOX.WAD) - Subspace (SUBSPACE.WAD) - Subterra (SUBTERRA.WAD) - The Express Elevator To Hell (TEETH.WAD) - Bad Dream (TEETH.WAD) - Trapped on Titan (TTRAP.WAD) - Vesperas: 7th Canto of INFERNO (VESPERAS.WAD) - Virgil's Lead: 3rd Canto of INFERNO (VIRGIL.WAD) - The End (Map to show end of Master Levels) Notes - Mephisto's Maosoleum (MEPHISTO.WAD) should be level 11, but is instead level 07 because of its use of the 666 tag For this reason, Bloodsea Keep's (BLOODSEA.WAD) room of secret#4 can not be entered because it uses the 666 tag but is not level 07 - The secret level enterance in level 17 (TEETH.WAD level 31) goes back to level 01 (ATTACK.WAD) Credits - This WAD D. Shwagginz - Doom II Master Levels - John Anderson (Dr. Sleep) - Geryon: 6th Canto of Inferno (GERYON.WAD) - Minos' Judgement: 4th Canto of Inferno (MINOS.WAD) - Nessus: 5th Canto of Inferno (NESSUS.WAD) - Vesperas: 7th Canto of Inferno (VESPERAS.WAD) - Virgil's Lead: 3rd Canto of Inferno (VIRGIL.WAD) - Jim Flynn - Titan Manor (MANOR.WAD) - Trapped on Titan (TTRAP.WAD) - Christen Klie - The Catwalk (CATWALK.WAD) - The Combine (COMBINE.WAD) - The Fistula (FISTULA.WAD) - The Garrison (GARRISON.WAD) - Subspace (SUBSPACE.WAD) - Subterra (SUBTERRA.WAD) - Sverre André Kvernmo (Cranium) - Black Tower (BLACKTWR.WAD) - Bloodsea Keep (BLOODSEA.WAD) - Mephisto's Maosoleum (MEPHISTO.WAD) - Tom Mustaine - Paradox (PARADOX.WAD) (with Bob Mustaine) - Tim Willits - Attack (ATTACK.WAD) - Canyon (CANYON.WAD) Download Master Levels Bootleg rendition of MASTERLEVELS.WAD
  2. Welcome to Doomworld, D. Shwagginz!

    1. D. Shwagginz

      D. Shwagginz

      Thank ya, and I'm excited to be here. I've been interested in doom speed running and challenges, things like that, recently.

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