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About Ganimoth

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  1. Eternal actually runs bit better than the 2016 game and is holding 30 fps fairly consistently.
  2. You are surely free to dump your game for yourself, but its certainly NOT legal to distribute it further.
  3. Weird, could it be a bug in retroarch on some platforms? I tried both latest stable and nightly RA on Windows, both are using the same picodrive version and sound works just fine for me. Also works on both my linux handhelds running a bit older versions
  4. Sounds is working fine for me in Picodrive in RA on pc (PicoDrive 1.99-5703193)
  5. Arkagis: Escape also supports Segacd cpu for extra performance, but only a demo is out so far.
  6. https://www.retrorgb.com/32x-doom-resurrection-3-0-lands-with-mips-mapping-and-sega-cd-pcm-speed-boost-support.html Vic has released a new version, 3.0.
  7. They barely could fit first doom on cartridge with big cuts, doom 2 would be probably quite unfeasible.
  8. Genesis can adress only 4MB, to get more you need to use some kind of bank switching (sega mapper), which complicates things a bit. And btw there was officially released first party game on 5MB cartridge, the Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers.
  9. Question, weapon sprites are stored in in low resolution, correct? Could these be replaced with sprites from pc doom, so they would look proper in highres mode? Or there simply wont be enough space left?
  10. PSX had some levels removed and some levels slightly cut down, but nowhere near as much as jaguar. GBA Doom 2 had some extra walls etc to limit visibility to improve performance in some levels and also quite a bit of censoring (because you know.. Nintendo..), but levels are mostly intact.
  11. If you check project github, you can see support for Sega Mapper is being worked on. That will allow creation of larger rom files (more than 4MB) with more maps and stuff.
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