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About EduardoAndFriends

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    Smoking hard inside a bar, I'm drinking like a fish.
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  1. Thanks so much! Felt like giving a bit more of an easy breathe map after the closeness of Machine Men, glad you had fun. 😁
  2. Ah. If you’re not averse to them, I’d suggest DSDA or GzDoom for this one, or Woof. Some undesirable things occurred on Eternity, which reminds me: I meant to put that in the OP. Sorry bout that! Slipped my mind
  3. Thanks man. :) at which point during the map does this occur? What had you done so far? Which comp level were you on? Cheers
  4. Ah nice, thanks for playing, man! :) yah wanted to make a fairly breezy romp for this one, despite the heavy map name lol. Thinking of something with a lot more bite for my next outing. Maybe a small episode mapset. Cheers!
  5. Yow! Can’t for the life of me work out the secret in map01, think I’m being dense. I know it’s via a shootable switch in the wall but can’t work out precisely how to shoot it lol. Wickedly evil mapset!
  6. Is that a Cash Converters? Cos they love a ridiculous mark-up lol
  7. Cool, thanks for letting me know, appreciate it. :D Will still keep my eye on it going forwards!
  8. UPDATE (yah, another one) RC 1.3. Download link in OP updated. Patched up an inescapable pit in the blue key area. Put more walk-over lines into the yellow key switch voodoo closet in case line-skips are causing issues. Will watch this issue with interest. More spot fires to be put out as they appear in further updates! :D thanks, y'all
  9. Cheers, thanks for playing and for your feedback. :) thanks for finding that inescapable ledge in the blue key area, big old oversight right there. Fixed in RC 1.3. Re: the yellow key switch not working, that's a strange one! I've put in two extra walk-over lines in the voodoo doll closet in case it was a weird line skip for RC 1.3. Tested it on the various sourceports and all appears to be well. What port and build are you using? If I've got the build I might test it in that to see if I can replicate the problem. Thanks!
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