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Everything posted by EduardoAndFriends

  1. Thanks! Yeah I really liked seeing the little flowers in Sunder and thought I’d yoink them for this mapset, haha. :) cheers!
  2. Thanks, IP! It was great to return to the map and give it some more grunt and QOL improvements. :) more maps on the way!
  3. Haha! I never do either with testing so I’m glad someone picked that one up. I’d better do a quick run through and check other ceilings for the next update! :D
  4. Sweeeeeet. Got the plasma, nice! Oh thanks - there’s bound to be a few oddities left over from face lifting that area, cheers!
  5. Thanks! I've just now put up an updated version with a big tweak to fights to offer greater challenge and to overall use the cityscape better. Next step is implementing difficulties which will take a bit. Hope you give the new version a shot! :D
  6. UPDATE ALERT! Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/um6x9tsoy3rmwij1cb4hr/BBB01-Beta-6-08-03-2024.zip?rlkey=xckyvtm5lk5nqc8zatd1f7zlw&dl=1 New version of the map now available to play! This is Beta 6 and has a number of changes: Lotus flowers are now a thing (replacing blood splat) that rotates instead of being a flat texture. New BIG big boy fight when you get the red key. Get ready to run! New end fight. Backtrack teleporter at the end. It's got a yellow texture and I will be using this to highlight a backtrack is available in future maps if you come across a yellow teleporter. Bit more ammo. Bit of texture aligning. Remade the archway into the exit room as it had some nasty black slimetrails. Ah well. Much simpler now. Half the amount of lost souls at the start as they tended to come in late otherwise. I'm sure ten or so is enough for anyone, anyway. ;) Teleport from the first secret (LBF was 'ere) now takes you to the top of the platforming lifts. If you get the secret I'm not making you wait for those damn elevators again. That's about it. As always, any and all feedback is most welcome and I hope you enjoy. Massive thanks to QA testing legend @DreadWanderer for all the awesome work checking things out in a wide array of ports and of course for all the testing. You bloody legend. :D -Edz xoxo
  7. Hell yeah, Cage’s work in Supplice is especially divine!
  8. Mate, you more I think about it the more I realise again and again how bloody fun everything is. And that’s the best of Doom in my book. 🍗
  9. Yeah baby! Haha I totally forgot I made those vending machine graphics. Let’s crack a cold one open, boyz! 🥤
  10. Not that I’ve found (yet) but yeah, that’s a very good point…! I would cautiously guess that it might be an episode mapset, which is common these days, maybe maps01 - 11? Hmm. 🧐
  11. Very true! Some VERY stiff competish and I’m sure it will be judged accordingly and potentially quite harshly depending on what he serves up, as is the way of things. Super interested to see what ends up on the menu!
  12. I can only assume from the provided (brief) info that this is the WAD hinted at in the past and then Sigil II emerged instead. I’m also assuming that this is another solo project from Romero… very interested to see more info.
  13. This might not be news to some but I spied this on Instagram and was like “hey, nice!”. “One Humanity will feature as a level in the upcoming Doom II WAD, HELLION (release date TBD).” Thoughts? 🤔 Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3_aT9jtZ8h/?igsh=MTYyamduNTRwZHE5cg==
  14. Haha thanks man, it’s been great fun finally getting around to returning to the map and with map02 as well. Hope the second map’s revision isn’t too mean 😈 don’t blame me, blame myolden! Coming sooooooon.
  15. Map03 - Hydropump. Did not play my best and was not prepare for what T.WILL was going to throw at me, lol. I really, really liked the aesthetics of this map and the flow was impeccable. That megasphere fight can go jump in a lake, though hehe. Map04 - The Place Building Itself. REALLY loved this map. It really hit the spot for what I look for most in a Doom map: it's short, it's cheeky, but it's not a pain in the anus. Lovely stuff. Map05 - Higher Ground. As others have said, it's quite tricky to get a foothold at the start and I managed it after a fashion. Troll light goggles aside, everything ran pretty smoothly beyond one cheeky little caco not teleporting in, but I'm sure he's been whipped into shape in RC3. Nice one, Bobby. Map06 - Hacker. Quite a tasty dish from myolden here. This map made my brain melt, as you can no doubt tell in the cyber pit and I'm like "50 damage ... 50 damage!" and I mean 50 health. Derp. No idea why I started shooting my mouth off about ammo and other stupid stuff, take no heed of my ramblings. Bit embarrassed about my dribbling actually. Sorry about that. Very sexy final fight. Very naughty. Very myolden. Map07 - Serene Slaughter. Lovely finisher from ZeMystic. Really bookends the mapset well. Once I punched through the monsters at the start it was plain sailing and extremely good fun. I've said it before and I don't mind repeating myself when it comes to compliments, but y'all have made something very special and very fun here. Big pats on the back all 'round. Thanks for making! Roll on idgames release! :)
  16. BIG BUMP! I’m not finished with this map, oh no. What’s come before was just the groundwork for something tastier - I’m working on an updated version with more heat. Just wanted to let it sit for a while and got sidetracked with YouTube stuff too … coming soon! :) Edz xo
  17. Haha! No worries, I loved how map01 played in Vytaan’s video. 😁 The idea of raising four pillars via switches scattered all over the level is exceptional. Has a really nice amount of interactivity!
  18. Think you might mean someone else! I haven’t streamed or played the WAD yet. Not yet but I will! 😎
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