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Everything posted by EduardoAndFriends

  1. Oh neato! Found this wad thanks to Vytaan playing through it at the moment… look forward to giving it a play! Congrats on the release. :D
  2. Also, not sure if anyone has noted it but there’s a typo in the map06 text screen. Says “HYRDO” instead of “HYDRO”. Unless that was deliberate in which case don’t listen to me 😌
  3. Finished the set! Fantastic work, guys. Really, really solid stuff, very inspiring. :) felt a bit of a dope while playing but a champ for finishing, haha. Not quite what I expected when I jumped in but subverting expectations is generally always a good thing. Look forward to more from you guys!
  4. And fair enough too. There’s certainly quite a bit of cussing in my vid lol
  5. Got some sort of bugging on Map05. The caco in the picture didn't teleport in; he was awake and going back and forth across his lines but hadn't come in at the end of the map. Not sure why! Had to idclip and torch the poor little sucker. I think he must pop in at the archvile / baron tight squeeze area before the yellow bars area, if that makes sense.
  6. Wowsers! Up to the last map now, recording-wise. Gosh n golly, I REALLY hope I don’t bitch too much through map06. It was so good but I think I went in with the idea that it could make you rage quit, which is completely my fault for getting into that headspace. I somehow managed to beat the last fight without a death though…?! I think infighting must be the key there, for sure. Seriously though, I truly hope I’m not too grumpy. It was fucking rad.
  7. Oh yikes! That’s up next for me to play blind 😳 I’ll give ya vid a squizz when I’m done to see how you battled through! G U L P.
  8. Map 02 - Hustle Bones. Love the tune, myolden. and the map is a sizzling scorcher. You got me good with that final burst of bad guys (I totally thought they were in the exit or something and that we were all done with the water). And to be taken down by a caco bite when archies are on the menu is the cruellest cut of all. ;) marvellous stuff, man!
  9. Map 04 totally hits the spot for me; Yugiboy you’ve made something that really sings to me and hits its marks like a champ. Hot but not uncomfortable, beautifully rendered and with remarkable flow. That subtle humour will always make my eyes light up too. 😎 an absolute joy to play, matey!
  10. Yee PG is the real sex weapon in all kinds of ways. For punching through weak, bastardly imps it’s a godsend!
  11. Haha nah you’re all good man, I foolishly played at the end of a really long day and wasn’t expecting such a ball buster. Think I might include a practiced playthrough at the end of the blind run to see if I can do it deathless with some sort of strategy lel. Certainly don’t hate the map at all it’s super smart and naughty, but I felt like everyone was ganging up on me and being mean, I only wanted to hang out with the demons, what was their problem 😛
  12. That’s a good idea too … or if you save up enough bullets to try and chaingun through imps as much as possible, using something other than the RL is probably a good idea lol
  13. That’s actually an awesome idea; you can plasma a bit to manage the imps then get space to rocket a bit then megasphere and try for vertical rocket damage from the safety of the upper area. Even then you need the archies to come to the front haha! Or try and waste them in the pit too. 😎
  14. Oof aaagh eee. Map 3 is… so mean. I must have been doing a whole lot of things wrong cos OUCH. Not entirely sure what a valid strat of that one would be, because I was drowning big time, lol. 🥲 I think the only time I felt safe was at the exit! Grim, ball-busting stuff to play blind for sure. I hope I don't sound too forlorn or frustrated in the recording but it was hard to look on the bright side when I got turned inside out so often, lel
  15. Map01 - Wetworks. Super duper entry into the mapset, I had a ball jumping into each waterfall until I finally struck gold, lol. Loved the tune, great smooth action, sexy as hell. :p
  16. Got stuck into maps 01 and 02 (vids scheduled for 20th and 21st respectively) and I’m like a pig in very high quality muck. Love it, guys, bloody love it. plenty of breathless lock-ins and tight scrabbles so far. Bring on the rest! Y’all should be very proud of your work, this is some sexy stuff. 😇
  17. Mmm, one thing that really cheeses my onions is how different the mouse feels between different ports. I just can’t get my sensitivity right in any of em. I’ll blame that for my bad aiming while playing instead of my being a filthy casual. ;) sorry, I’ll stop subverting the thread now lel
  18. I always forget about Nugget.. I played Mayan Reynolds in Woof, looked awesome 🍔
  19. Ah, awesome! Then I shall refer to it as such. :) thanks matey
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