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Everything posted by EduardoAndFriends

  1. Map01 has dropped, good people, you can find it at the very top of the original post. Look here in future for newer versions and / or new maps for the set. It's been thoroughly tested on different sourceports ... please let me know if you have any issues! Above all else, have fun. :) -Edz xo
  2. Why hello there, divine people. Time for a new project - Relic, a set of 4 adventurous maps with devious traps in a jungle setting. There's also a fifth thank you map at the end. Difficulties are implemented; UV is pretty nasty so unless you want that kind of heat, give HMP a go! DOWNLOAD: (All Maps - 13/06/2023) RELIC.zip Tested with GzDoom, DSDA, and Woof. STORY: After taking off in a ship at the conclusion of Grime, Doomguy hears tell of yet another demonic infestation going on, this time in some ruins in South America. The lush jungle hides an ancient temple stained with the blood of countless sacrifices. The demons want to harness the spiritual energy of the place for some dark, nefarious purpose. Time to slap on the bug spray and kick some bum. There is a pseudo hub revisited at the end of each map as each part of the temple is conquered. This may cause confusion when initially playing map01 but it will all make sense, promise. COMPAT: Boom (9) IWAD: Doom 2 Textures and sprites are sourced from OTEX, Mayan Reynolds, Ancient Aliens, and Strife. Credits to these beautiful bits and bobs are: OTEX by Ukiro and 32in2415_tex_V2 by Esselfortium, Squonker Team, skillsaw, and Rogue Entertainment respectively. Sexy MIDIs sourced from: Jazz Jackrabbit, Inca, Donkey Kong Country, and Heroes of Might and Magic 2. Doubtless some small issues may be encountered. If you encounter any issues, please let me know in the thread below! :) SNAPPIES: -Edz xoxo
  3. Cheers, bud! Thanks for playing. :) new project coming SOOOOON.
  4. ANOTHER SEXY UPDATE (26/02/2023): Inputted Razza's sweet squiggly line remedy for map 5's invisible blockage. Brilliant idea! Cleaned up a few misplaced flats in map 4. Popped in a teleporter for Map 4's end fight so you can travel back to the start (thanks, Clippy)! I think that's about it. :p -Edz xoxo
  5. DUDE, I had such a blast. And thanks a lot, I really like the concept of the Doom factory. I've had it in my head for a few years and yeah, it's a bit meta and silly, but hey - Doom's a silly game. That's why I love it so much, haha!
  6. Haha, that's so silly but it seems to work! Wow, thanks so much, Razza, you're a gem. :D
  7. Thanks, Noisy Velvet! Love your work. :) really appreciate you taking the time to give it a play!
  8. Yeah, I was wondering about what sort of shelf life WAD names have. Forever, I guess lol. I think I might make up a word for my next jaunt and hopefully no one's made it up before, haha! Thanks!
  9. Thanks, Fly! My silhouette trick certainly made a splash with people which I’m very happy with. Wasn’t too sure how it would go down but I’m over the moon that folks liked it.
  10. Thanks a lot! Understandable about the sounds; it was a little experiment which was fun to do but I get it that it’s not for everyone. :)
  11. Thank you so much! The silhouette texture was something I rustled up in a few minutes wanting to have that cinematic quality you’d see in Condemned Criminal Origins. Really wish I’d done a department store map lol. Really appreciate your kind words. :)
  12. Oh thanks, Bri! Really appreciate the help. And thanks so much!
  13. Further updates (22/02/2023): Blocked off the revenant on Map 01 at the end so the bastard doesn't jog off into the darkness. Also pushed back the walk-over exit line so as to not accidentally trigger a premature exit. Additional cover added to Map 05 on the walkway so as to not get your helmet sniped by the chaingunners around the corner. Yellow key stripes removed from the switch in the cyber hut in the last fight. It never needed the yellow key, it instead hinted at the fact that the yellow bars are now accessible, but I see why this would confuse people. So they're now plain old silver. The bastard invisible blockage in the final fight that may lead to accidental face-rockets has been somewhat remedied with the placement of a large crate over the problem area, discouraging rocket fire. There was absolutely nothing there in Doom Builder, and I now don't think any lines are the blame as rockets are detonating before the line would be crossed. It's a real stumper. The search for a cleaner solution continues ............. -Edz
  14. Nah, no amount of flipping made any difference for me, what a bugger. I've chosen the solution of placing a 128 long crate in the area to discourage rocket fire within that problem area. Bit stumped about any other solution at the present. Thanks for the suggestion!
  15. Oh hey, pcorf! Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Absolutely love Zone 300 and 400, bloody fun stuff, mate. :)
  16. Thanks matey. :) I’ll let it sit for a day or so then implement a few tweaks. I’ve already put in more shotgun shells hehe. Already mulling over my next mapset!
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