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Everything posted by EduardoAndFriends

  1. Thanks man and I totally get what you mean. I replayed pretending I didn’t know what was to occur and it’s pretty fucking mean. I must have played Sunlust when I did the first build, inspired to use friction floors. I think inputting difficulties would be a wise move, just gotta work out how to organise the easy > hard spectrum. :) thanks Bio!
  2. Hi beautiful people, hope you're doing well. :) Please let me know if this is NOT the place to put this post, I'm still learning the ways of Doom World. This is to be my first proper release, a single map with vaguely Halloween-y colours, a pleasant palette, and some fun Boom stuff. I've only implemented one difficulty so far. Should I do all difficulties, or is it okay to just make the map for "Hard"? If you're going to test, please play with GzDoom as that's what I've been using and will be recommending at the time of release. This was previously textured using OTEX but I've been really getting into GOTHICTX lately, so it's mostly drawn from that WAD as well as a few of my own. It's up to you, but for the last fight I would suggest disabling infinitely tall monsters as it may spoil the fun if you don't. I've tested with both tall monsters on and off and it works both ways, so it's up to your taste. Please disable jumping aaaaand ... that's all I can think of for now. Run using Doom 2 and have fun (I hope). And and all feedback is needed and desired! I assume I'm doing the right thing by attaching the PWAD here, zipped? Should I use a link from Drop Box or something instead? Hmm. Thanks very much. :p - EduardoAndFriends. TWILIGHT_V2.0.zip
  3. AOM is a gorgeous WAD, I’ve played the first few and loved them. Thanks for reminding me!
  4. Oh sweet, I forgot about Bauhaus! I meant to play it ages ago since decino played one level for a viewer submission. Thanks for jogging my memory! 4 Seasons sounds absolutely lovely too. I’ll investigate. :)
  5. Thanks everyone again, I’m making a list, checking it twice. It’s getting BIG. :p
  6. Heeeey, VisionThing! Loved FOTM, absolutely loved it. Thanks for these recommendations, I’ve heard of 10am break, I think BeefGee zipped through it. Looks really fun. Cheers!
  7. Whoa! Such awesome suggestions and feedback. Thanks, everyone! I’d better start compiling a list.
  8. Sounds really cool; the desaturated monochromatic palette really interests me. Even just for my own personal enjoyment I’m gonna check it out. Thanks!
  9. What’s your latest release? I’d still love to have a look at it. ;) I’m MORE than happy for people to declare their own work, I’d actually prefer it.
  10. Awesome! I’ve played map 1 from Paradise and forgot about it until now, thanks for the reminder. :) I really liked it, it’s the perfect vibe for me. Hmm, maybe I WILL do that next. Cheers, Thelokk. I loved how Tangerine Nightmare looked when Mount Pain 27 covered it (I think). Is that one of the French projects?
  11. Yeah, I’ve got my eye on that one. Sounds great! I’m a big fan of AD_79 after playing Cydonia so I’m looking forward to it! Thanks RH. :)
  12. Thanks for the welcome, Bio! Finally got around to making an account. I want to be more active in the community. :)
  13. Cheers, peeps! All those sound awesome, Bio. Squonker Team have been schlepping out HEAPS of stuff, I’ll totes be working through their back catalogue. :) thanks, WhyB, I’ll give that a look!
  14. Hello, beautiful people. I’m looking for short WADs to play on my YouTube channel, so I thought I’d do well to turn to the collective wisdom of Doomworld. What’s “short” mean? 10 maps or less. The smaller the better. How difficult? I’m not too fussed. Not stupidly hard obviously. Anything else? I love WADs with cohesive aesthetics and designs that really stand out. To indicate what’s “up my alley”, think: Pagodia, Crumpets, Starshine. I play the maps as separate episodes and then do a wrap up video at the end. Here is an example of what my stuff looks like: Pagodia WAD Wrap Up Cheers! :) - EduardoAndFriends.
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