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Everything posted by EduardoAndFriends

  1. I’ll hold fire just for now until the above things get tweaked n stuff 😎 but I just wanna ask: it’s not attributed as a Squonker Team joint in the supplied text. Is this right? I don’t wanna wrongly attribute stuff. I suppose it would be more appropriate to just list the given names instead, if that’s the case yeah? Cheers! Can’t wait.
  2. !!!! I know what I’ll be doing for a blind playthrough next! Perfect timing, dudes. Looks FAB as always! :D
  3. I agree, e4m4 would look boss with Doom 2 textures. Chuck some BSTONE and pipes in there - perfect.
  4. Finally finished my vid playthrough of RC1. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE. Thanks, Tango and gang, I had the most wonderful time. I did a live commentated run of Dance With the Devil which had some deaths, but I really wanted to give it a proper go and managed to land a zero deaths run on Tough difficulty. Wicked fun. :)
  5. Oopsie poopsie, did a run and forgot to actually post the results here. Haha, it did not go very well at all. But! I enjoyed the map, great vibes. Category: 1 Kills: 129/766 Fumbled a weapon swap with a rev in my face. Meant to go for the SSG, accidentally changed to the SG, then the SSG then got punched in the head. Ah well.
  6. Cheers! Yeah I didn’t envision the map being hard at all, so I’m glad folks haven’t found it rough. :) I’ll stick my nose into that misaligned texture, thanks. As for the red key, I’m not fussed if people want to get it from the supercharge. If they go there instead of via the rocket launcher they can but they won’t have the rocket launcher, so it’s the player’s choice and as you say it’s via a secret. I’ve seen folks try and fail to do the jump so you’d really have to want to get to the red key from there. Feels a bit manky sometimes to artificially lock stuff off too much to me. 🙂
  7. Yeah boooooi! Just watched and you had me on the edge of my seat. Thanks! The tune is “Neighbouring Tribes”, it’s such a bop.
  8. Nice! Thanks for recording a vid, I'll give it a watch when I get a sec. :) Cheers, thanks for giving it a shot and thanks for your thoughts and notes. Cheers, lad. Lemme know how you go!
  9. UPDATE: Beta 2 now available. Tested exhaustively in DSDA v0.27.5 and GzDoom. Download link in OP. The Captain's Log (Change log): Rejiggled the entrance to the gardens after the first fight. No longer need to hit a switch to enter, you can go straight in, but you might want to scale the lifts for goodies. So ... I'm leaving it up to the player. You do you. Wanna dive into the next fight without grabbing the fresh armour and ammo? Be my guest. :) Also took out two pillars and widened the exit area and the revenant recesses. Just more room to move and less cramped. Also removed a hanging curtain of vines for a clearer outlook. Gave the red key fight a good flossing. The trigger sector to kick off the voodoo doll conveyor belt has been greatly reduced in height so far less chances of line skips (if that was the problem). Also the voodoo runway has been extended. The plasma gun fight ... the megasphere secret is now on the teleporter you land on to get the megasphere. Shouldn't be hard to miss, hopefully! Also removed the blue armour from the plasma gun fight and put in a green armour at the very start. Seemed a bit overkill, especially with how easy the megasphere is to get. Sorry if this ruffles feathers. The two cell packs that were near the megasphere are now in the cliff secret. If you want more juice for the end baddies, you might want to explore the craggy areas. All monsters all very much killable but do let me know if this is not the case for you and I shall once again stare into the abyss and shout at it loudly. Thank you very much, everyone who has tested and given this map a play so far. I REALLY appreciate it. Handshakes all 'round. Fresh updates coming when needed. -Edz xo
  10. Curious. Just tested Beta 1 in DSDA 0.27.5 and Woof and that red key trap works fine. I ran it slow, I rushed it, I creeped up to the key ... no issues. Hmm. Well, I'm extending the flight path for the voodoo doll regardless in case it was a line skip folks were experiencing not making the monsters shoot up from their closets. Weird.
  11. That’s general why I go with Quake deathmatch. My ping is still abominable but I can just jump into a game.
  12. This has been my experience in recent times, sadly. There are so many extra mods needed just to jump in it’s a major turn off. Boo. :(
  13. I’m just spitballing but I might replace the area map with moving some cells up there so you can have more ammo for the cyber if you root around. Will think on it, cheers :)
  14. Oh goodie, we can thank the lovely knifeworld for the tip on tweaking the url. :D thanks mate! Glad to hear you bagged all the kills, and thanks for the offset texture notification.
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