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Everything posted by EduardoAndFriends

  1. Bum, bugger, and bother it. It would be something funky in a voodoo closet. He might be skipping a line in the closet… hmm. Time to get creative. 💅 I wonder whether to not have the switch to open the gardens and have them always open but have something at the top of the lifts to lure the player up instead…? You can’t do anything up there until you have the yellow key anyway and if you want the supercharge you’ll have to explore. Hmm. Will wank about in DB tomorrow for some (hopefully) elegant solution. Might have to rebuild the red key fight from scratch or at least demolish the triggers as a switch may not work what with the floor lowering etc. would get too sticky and clunky. Thanks again, bruz. 🥸
  2. Thanks, mate. Dang it again with line triggers not working?! I wonder what the difference between our sourceports / methods of play are as they always trigger for me and didn’t present as an issue for testers, lol. Ugh, more switches needed I suppose, that’s a drag. Thanks for pointing that out, will be interesting if anyone else has this issue. Further feedback will dictate what’s to be done. Hmm, will take some shaking to rethink the switch into the gardens proper if you couldn’t find it quickly, bum. I put a green torch on it for guidance but as it’s facing the other way so you can see the gardens open it’s not immediately apparent, I suppose. If it’s the other way around for easy viewing, you won’t see the garden walls open when you activate it, doh. lol computer area map was for poor souls who have real trouble getting that mega sphere but it was placeholder at best, that’s true.
  3. Howdy doody, Doom World folks! This is Savage Garden, a linear set of fights set in a lush, overgrown demonic park featuring the same elements of splatter found in Bloodbath Babylon I but with a bit more oomph. IMPORTANT INFO: IWAD: Doom II Comp Level: 9 (Boom) Sourceport(s): Tested on GzDoom v4.11.3 and DSDA v0.27.4 NO JUMPING OR CROUCHING. NAUGHTY! DON'T DO IT! Mouselook is all good, I won't tell. Map #: Map01. (Map02 is a THANKS that stops you stumbling into Underhalls) Let green torches be your guide. Green = go! DOWNLOAD HERE: (Beta 4 - 19/03/2024) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2ykx3cqh4or552ov3p5pm/BBB02-Beta04.zip?rlkey=5iqcbyuw2pna6bj5oox2rqdrd&dl=1 This is the second map in what is planned to be a series of maps set in this lush Babylonian environment, the first map being "Into The Sandy City", which you can find here: I had the idea of making these maps not link together to provide myself with more creative freedom, but I've now found the first map leading directly into this one, so ... I guess things will link up eventually? I'll make that call when I've finished all the maps, I suppose. The Story (same as part one): The UAC (yeah, those guys) are up to their tricks again. UAC archaeologists established a dig on the site of an ancient Babylonian city, at the heart of which once sat the fabled Tower of Babel. These wicked scientists discovered a manuscript, the reading of which lead to the possession of the supplied armed forces and with a grinding that shook the earth, stones and turrets pushed their way through the bedrock of ages. When the dust cleared, where previously there stood a parched desert, now stands a lush oasis bristling with greenery, cool water, and humming with life. Demonic life. The haunted city has been reborn. Our hero was unceremoniously called in from his well earned shore leave for another mission. Penetrate the city. Kill all in sight. Get to the Tower. And bury it under the sand once again. New stuff! Sexy new barrel sprites I cobbled together: Sexy new plasma gun sound and sprites (gotta go with green). Sound courtesy of Eviternity II. Extra weak lost souls (you're welcome, as they tend to travel in packs). Weak cyberdemon too. He now comes in blueberry flavour. Obligatory EduardoAndFriends FastPistol (TM). Lots of explosions! Yet ANOTHER yummy stewboy MIDI, Neighbouring Tribes. Love it so much. CREDITS: A massive THANKS to @Biodegradable and Tim Doherty for getting stuck in and giving the map a play for me. Cheers, blokes! Textures courtesy of the hugely talented Ukiro by way of OTEX (imbedded in the WAD for future map usage, hence the WAD's size) and Insane_Gazebo by way of Sunder. All appropriate credits will be addressed when it's ready for an idgames upload. Plasma sound and foliage sprites from Eviternity II. Appropriate credit will be addressed same as above. Barrel from Hexen which I fudged around with. Music: map music by stewboy and title and intermission tune by Jimmy Paddock. Blue cyber graphics from Fractured Worlds. I think that's it. Will add more if I've forgotten anything. PICS: As always, any and all feedback is much appreciated. Updates will come when needed, so keep your eyes peeled for 'em. Hope you have fun. :)
  4. UPDATE: Beta 4 Now Available! Removed a few lost souls from the main city area. They could get lodged in things and that's annoying. Removed the poles from the raising / lowering platforms at the start because that platforming was rather annoying. Have now added an arrow in the form of a bloody splat on a box where the rocket launcher is for jumping instructions. Uhhhh ... can't remember what else, heh. As I said above, gonna let it sit, take on further feedback and then ... it's ... done...? At least for now, lol. Time to clean up Bloodbath Babylon II. Cheers!. -Edz xo
  5. Thanks! Hope you enjoy. I’ll be putting up an updated version in a few hours so feel free to wait for that one to download. :)
  6. UPDATE: Beta update coming very soon. I've removed the poles from the centre of the platforms in the start area to make the platforming not so annoying. God only knows why I kept them there since I first created them. -_- Other than that, I'm going to call it DONE ENOUGH FOR NOW and I'm going to let it sit to await any further feedback for a bit as I have a new map that's going to be available this week. :)
  7. Oh mah gawd! Thanks so much - I've not used Drop Box at all until I needed more room available for putting up WADs. Now all I need is a way to not forget this for the future, lol.
  8. Thanks! Yeah I’ve got a few more maps in mind… but they’ll be a little way off. Got one finished but I need to balance it better before inflicting it on people! :D
  9. Man, you had me at "Flash Animation". These are really good fun! Love the voice overs and the music choices are on point. :) The cartoon graphics in the mods are really nice too. Great work, mate! Thanks for sharing.
  10. You're not wrong, but aaaah, I dunno. Still didn't feel quite right to me. Cheers. :)
  11. The Plutonia Experiment: It was a major pain trying to find a spot to squeeze in the "Gettin' too old for this shit" line from Lethal Weapon. This was really, really good fun to make.
  12. Doom II In Spain Only: In keeping with the nature of the WAD, the entire trailer was translated badly into Spanish via Google Translate and features many slices of The Man Who Saves The World (Turkish Star Wars). Ay-ay-ay!
  13. Lights, camera, caco! This is a repository for real WAD trailers (full release, WIP), fake WAD trailers (parody, pseudo review etc), and everything in between. Please feel free to nuke this thread if there already exists a thread for this sort of bunko. I felt it wasn't entirely appropriate for me to slap my silly WAD encapsulations in the "Post Your Doom Videos" thread going forward so I've made this thread instead. Please feel free to slam down your own creations, I'd love to see 'em. Always love seeing a trailer, no matter what it's for. If you're gonna post a trailer, please give a tiny bit of info alongside the embedded video - it might be release info, how long the trailer took, what programs you used, some concept you adhered to while creating ... be good to have something extra, ya know? Gonna get started by adding some content to the thread with some of my crap, but please add your own stuff. Cheers. :)
  14. I also need to constantly remind myself in regards to YouTube to try and maintain an even keel: There is no financial incentive here - you already have a job, you don't need a second job that you don't get paid for. Don't sweat things too much. This is supposed to be fun. If you're not having fun, what the hell are you doing this for, ya dingus? Enjoy what you're making. You're lucky to get a few hundreds views on your best videos, so you'd better have fun making them because they're not gonna rock the internet, lol. Mapping covers the same points too - this is a hobby, buddy. No-one is sliding you big bags of cash to make Doom maps, you do them because you want to bring some idea to life that is fairly easy to make and has a receptive audience. Take your time. Have no illusions of success or delusions of grandeur ... you're setting yourself up to fail. If a vid does well, AWESOME! But don't assume it will, lol. Because it largely won't. Sorry if this sounds deeply pessimistic, but if I don't ground my expectations and set my goals low then working on something for ages for a lukewarm reception can be pretty devastating. So those are just some things I try to tell myself to avoid emotional burnout, haha! :p
  15. Hell yee, man. I feel ya. Personally, I like to quit Doom altogether when it's all a bit much and play stuff on my PS4 - platformers mostly, Rayman Legends or Dead Cells. Or even just some Age of Empires 2 on PC. Same with watching other people's stuff ... sometimes things blend together and Doom gets deeply meh (99.9% of the time from overdoing the Doom myself) and I just watch some stuff about World War 2 on Netflix or something or read some Goosebumps. Feel so terribly uninspired with maps sometimes and I just let Doom Builder sit for ages instead of trying to force a map to magic itself into existing, lol. I can't imagine what its like being in The Frozen North, though. When it's too hot outside (the opposite of your problem) I like to kick the air conditioner into gear and hop on the exercise bike and watch nature trails on YouTube while I cycle and pretend I'm in some mystic forest. XD Mmm, I getcha. That's 100% why I like to focus on episodic / short mapsets now for YouTube otherwise the investment is WAY too much and there are other things I like to do other than playthroughs. Playthroughs are really good fun and super interesting, especially blind, but what I love to do most is scripted stuff that requires a lot of editing, because I can chip away at it over a period of time and fine tune stuff and the end result is largely so much more rewarding. :)
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