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About Slypenguin

  • Rank
    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. Upload your demos, chat to other people, give speedrunning tips and show people new glitches all on this doom forum! have fun (;
  2. But what source port does 4shockblast use
  3. bruh shut the hell up

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slypenguin


      you do know how much time i spent on that run

    3. GarrettChan


      That's your problem, not mine. Easy is easy. Getting to 5 is just very easy. Now people are going for 4 seconds. 5 is not even a real challenge anymore.

    4. Slypenguin
  4. submit your demos by friday next week
  5. btw I am hosting another contest to beat my time of 6s:51 and the person with the lowest time will get (let's see let's raise the stakes) winner can ask me any question
  6. Btw I have found a glitch on entryway when you click to fast and then Some monsters don’t appear so when I try to go through the door to the exit switch the screen melt happens to restart the level Auto clicker used
  7. plus that was definitely IDCLIP m8 that is just ridiculous because if that was a real run you would of got that megashpere for sure
  8. Breaking news I got a 6:51 time on entryway and just a quick update I am going to make a weekly news so any achievements pls post them in a video recording (and not a demo file because I can’t watch demos because I use doom unity) and I will put your username in my weekly news update thank you
  9. If you discover any glitches on Unity port pls post them on this forum (and pls follow me)
  10. Can people start actually following me cuz I’m not far of the world record 

    1. ZeroTheEro


      this ain't youtube.

      you get one if you deserve one.

    2. Mr Masker

      Mr Masker

      "Not far off the world record"


      "1 follower"

    3. Slypenguin


      You guys are very polite today aren’t you 

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