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Ed got a reaction from Fonze for a status update, I built a tune-able tongue drum / wood xylophone! This was made from mostly knotty pi
I built a tune-able tongue drum / wood xylophone!
This was made from mostly knotty pine with red oak on the trim pieces. The 'fretboard' is a milled down strip of dense teague with aluminum rails running into a 1/8" trench to act as the frets. The keys are adjustable and fretted down with 5/16" machine screws. The inserts are t-nuts mounted in through the bottom of the fretboard. The length is around 11", 8" wide and 7" or so in height.
Keys mounted, also red oak. The keys do not resonate as well as I'd like, but the modular design allows to change materials or have a mix and matched material configuration if I want.
Front view
All in all, about $30 in material and a month or so of work off and on. I have to play around with the key material, but the body is acoustically very loud.
This is why I can't get a wad out the door in less than 2 years!
Ed got a reaction from esselfortium for a status update, I built a tune-able tongue drum / wood xylophone! This was made from mostly knotty pi
I built a tune-able tongue drum / wood xylophone!
This was made from mostly knotty pine with red oak on the trim pieces. The 'fretboard' is a milled down strip of dense teague with aluminum rails running into a 1/8" trench to act as the frets. The keys are adjustable and fretted down with 5/16" machine screws. The inserts are t-nuts mounted in through the bottom of the fretboard. The length is around 11", 8" wide and 7" or so in height.
Keys mounted, also red oak. The keys do not resonate as well as I'd like, but the modular design allows to change materials or have a mix and matched material configuration if I want.
Front view
All in all, about $30 in material and a month or so of work off and on. I have to play around with the key material, but the body is acoustically very loud.
This is why I can't get a wad out the door in less than 2 years!
Ed got a reaction from Breezeep for a status update, I built a tune-able tongue drum / wood xylophone! This was made from mostly knotty pi
I built a tune-able tongue drum / wood xylophone!
This was made from mostly knotty pine with red oak on the trim pieces. The 'fretboard' is a milled down strip of dense teague with aluminum rails running into a 1/8" trench to act as the frets. The keys are adjustable and fretted down with 5/16" machine screws. The inserts are t-nuts mounted in through the bottom of the fretboard. The length is around 11", 8" wide and 7" or so in height.
Keys mounted, also red oak. The keys do not resonate as well as I'd like, but the modular design allows to change materials or have a mix and matched material configuration if I want.
Front view
All in all, about $30 in material and a month or so of work off and on. I have to play around with the key material, but the body is acoustically very loud.
This is why I can't get a wad out the door in less than 2 years!
Ed got a reaction from MrGlide for a status update, I built a tune-able tongue drum / wood xylophone! This was made from mostly knotty pi
I built a tune-able tongue drum / wood xylophone!
This was made from mostly knotty pine with red oak on the trim pieces. The 'fretboard' is a milled down strip of dense teague with aluminum rails running into a 1/8" trench to act as the frets. The keys are adjustable and fretted down with 5/16" machine screws. The inserts are t-nuts mounted in through the bottom of the fretboard. The length is around 11", 8" wide and 7" or so in height.
Keys mounted, also red oak. The keys do not resonate as well as I'd like, but the modular design allows to change materials or have a mix and matched material configuration if I want.
Front view
All in all, about $30 in material and a month or so of work off and on. I have to play around with the key material, but the body is acoustically very loud.
This is why I can't get a wad out the door in less than 2 years!
Ed reacted to Fonze for a status update, My girlfriend's 22 month old daughter wouldn't let me play some tdm alone... she got
My girlfriend's 22 month old daughter wouldn't let me play some tdm alone... she got her first frag tonight ^^
Don't tell her mother
Ed reacted to Dragonfly for a status update, Oh hell yeah, I got animated textures on models working.
Oh hell yeah, I got animated textures on models working.
Ed reacted to Dragonfly for a status update, I'd be lying if I said this wasn't tedious. :P
I'd be lying if I said this wasn't tedious. :P
Ed reacted to Tracer for a status update, Weighed in today. Thirty pounds down and counting!
Weighed in today. Thirty pounds down and counting!
Ed reacted to Fonze for a status update, A quick and easy recipe I haven't made in a while: There are few "real" proportions w
A quick and easy recipe I haven't made in a while:
There are few "real" proportions with this recipe, but I'll try to make some up for the sake of communication:
I start with either some chicken I've previously boiled and pulled or when I'm lazy I'll swing for some of the canned chicken breast, since it's basically just boiled chicken. Little bit of a tuna-y smell to the canned stuff, but heavy spices cover that up well, heh.
Let's just say 12 oz chicken breast, pulled/shredded
Add mayo; I eyeball about as much as it would take to cover the bread I'm using. The mayo doesn't do too much anyway but keep the meat moist.
Add mustard; I'll usually put in a bit more than I put in mayo, but truthfully there is like nothing in mustard and you can add as much as you want without destroying the "healthiness" of this.
Add tons of oregano. Yep, just keep pouring it on; you'll thank me when you eat it. Obviously don't dump the whole container, or even a really noticeable amount of it, but with all the strong flavors of this, you need that oregano to be at the forefront of the taste.
Add salt+pepper to taste; once again you can likely add quite a bit of pepper, as with the oregano, but of course you really don't need more than a tiny pinch of salt to bring out the flavor of the meat.
Add cheese; I like provolone, but truthfully a more sharp-flavored cheese might match the meal better.
A couple varieties I've tried over the years that are pretty good: add Worcestershire sauce, add liquid smoke, add parmesan cheese. However by far the best one I've had is adding hot sauce, specifically the somewhat newer Texas Pete brand Sriracha sauce... omg take off the cap and dump it in. Coincidentally, you'd be surprised at how much the mayo, mustard, *bread* and cheese cut down on the heat of the hot sauce.
You can also take this and mix it straight into a cheap box of Craft mac n cheese, which is enough to feed 2 hungry men that can eat a lot. I think I may have eaten the whole thing once or twice years ago and regretted the decision, so 'lots of food for cheap' is basically what I'm getting at here.
I originally made this recipe off input from my pops when I was wrestling in high school, during times when I had to cut weight (and didn't have much money to buy nice food). All of the ingredients, save the mayo and cheese, (and possibly the bread, but let's be honest here, somebody has to eat the bread armies being baked on a daily basis to conquer our world) are healthy. You can prolly leave the mayo out as well, but I found that a bit of mayo compliments the mustard well on keeping things from getting too dry, especially if you eat this out of the mixing bowl and without the bread (which equates to a very high protein, low fat meal). Of course the hot sauce might be able to flat-out take the mayo's place as well.
Unfortunately I wasn't the only one eyeing the sandwich on the counter...
Ed reacted to Koko Ricky for a status update, I'm not sure if anyone saw it because I posted it so late, but here some screenshots
I'm not sure if anyone saw it because I posted it so late, but here some screenshots from my first map, an E1M1 remake. I'm so close to releasing it now. Maybe this week!
Ed reacted to 40oz for a status update, WORLD EXTERMINATION RADIO ft. Splatterhouse Live show tonight 6:00PM US EST (~2hrs fr
Live show tonight 6:00PM US EST (~2hrs from the time of this post)
Check it out!
Ed reacted to Koko Ricky for a status update, Been on the verge of releasing my first map for some time now. Think I might finally
Been on the verge of releasing my first map for some time now. Think I might finally get around to it this week...
Ed reacted to Fonze for a status update, Hey I hear that guy Fonze is thinking of pressing "Y." Somebody should deathmatch him
Hey I hear that guy Fonze is thinking of pressing "Y." Somebody should deathmatch him in a minute!
Last spotted on ZD.
Ed got a reaction from Tristan for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?
Ed got a reaction from Misty for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?
Ed got a reaction from baja blast rd. for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?
Ed got a reaction from BigDickBzzrak for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?
Ed got a reaction from Benjogami for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?
Ed got a reaction from DoctorGenesis for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?
Ed got a reaction from Nine Inch Heels for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?
Ed got a reaction from Doomkid for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?
Ed got a reaction from Fonze for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?
Ed got a reaction from AD_79 for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?
Ed got a reaction from Breezeep for a status update, Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distr
Junior making his first completeable map at 4 years old (while being rightfully distracted by the Powerpuff Girls). This is actually a few months old now, he's graduated to having skies and variable light levels. He still wants blood floors everywhere, should I be worried?