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No-Man Baugh

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About No-Man Baugh

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  1. The original DOS release indeed never had support for 400p, but Azafran was asking when was the first time a port enabled the use of higher resolution, not if it's possible to get anything higher than 200p in actual vanilla Doom (which of course you can't)
  2. Coming back to the subject and reminding myself of other similar official project: Hell yeah! If the approach to this is similar to Super Mario All-Stars for the SNES or the Macintosh port of Wolfenstien 3D: Where the method of "HD"ifying these older games was to straight-up redraw them in a higher resolution then I could see giving it a try Hard disagree. while I ain't the biggest fan of any of these "modernized" projects, I don't really see how basing the sprites off of 3D models would help any
  3. Not entirelly true: as the Imp, Lost Soul, and Pinkie demon were all totally hand-drawn (with only reference work being done from the player model, legs of a Jurrasic Park toy, and human skull model respectively) and even the seven whole characters that were directly lifted from real-life models like the revenant or cyberdemon still weren't just raw downscaled captures of the things. they had to be touched up either to make them look more cohesive in-game like with Gregor Punchatz's latex models or to give them any color at all like with Adrien Carmack's totally colorless clay models There's no getting around it even with a physical thing to reference in real life: you're at some point going to have to make guesstimates on how they're supposed to look but to answer your main question: "Do I want this?" And I'm simply the wrong kinda guy to be asked this question I love Doom's pixelated look, and asking me if it should get hi-res graphics is like asking me if Citizen Kane should be colorized or if William Shakespear should be rewritten with modern vernacular; it's so defined by it's time that such a suggestion is a total non-sequitur for me. Even a project like Cheelo's Voxel Doom, which I followed since the Doom 1 version dropped and watched the production with baited breath as each Doom 2 asset video was dropped and saw integrate with the port that I play the most on, is a mod that I rarely turn on when playing casually But what interests me about your project is the totally original art used to reimagine these monsters It sounds like the kinda thing that if you downscaled and paletted the original art to work in vanilla doom: it would create a totally unique monster design; and that sounds really cool to me!
  4. NOMANBLOODFALLS-25-_-1.3.zip @ViolentBeetle Here's the FIXED fixed version, Because I did the elevators weird I had to do two joined sectors and when I moved them to align the join broke. This version fixes the join
  5. Dang! those 2 exits were a bit of a late edition just because they made sense by the time the layout was done so I shouldn't be too shocked something went wrong there anyways: here's the fixed version
  6. NOMANBLOODFALLS-25.zip Here's my rendition of Bloodfalls! I'm pretty happy with how the main 3 rooms turned out, the connecting hallway is a bit too simple and crude for my liking. So I might still keep working on the overall layout during this project's development
  7. No, I also recognized the relative difficulty of each option by it's placement on the menu alongside the names (In my case: I knew for a fact that the middle-most option was probably going to be medium difficultly)
  8. Try out making DeHackEd lumps with WhackEd4. You can make either totally vanilla-compatible deh files and formats for more modern source ports with DEHEXTRA https://www.teamhellspawn.com/exl/whacked4/
  9. No, we all did not want to respect veddge's privacy. There were (and probably still are) enough people who wanted to pry at his personal life for the sake of solving this "mystery" to the point that he basically had to declare an informal cease and desist
  10. This might be a bit of a non-answer; but maybe try using a Doom 3 source port, I'd be surprised if any of these asked for a CD-key https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Category:Doom_3_ports Honestly I'd just recommend playing with a source port either way for stuff like resolutions above 720p and proper widescreen support, Dhewm3 in particular is pretty much just like vanilla Doom 3 otherwise
  11. I have made some maps for a soon-to-be released project technically, though they are just literal cubes of maps and no real conventional maps Though of course I do hope for that to change soon. finishing up that last box and showing it off to the team was a better feeling than beating any megawad
  12. Don't recollect anything like that myself, but if you want eyeballs on this case then there's a dedicated thread just for these sort of "tip of my tongue" wads
  13. When you're in the map editor launcher and opening a map: select "Boom + MBF21" in the port field and then open your map. now you should have access to all the special MBF21 features
  14. Off the top of my head there's a submissions for RAMP2023: MAP 197 "I Only Wish To Be Safe" by Engired. A map that flies a good bunch of pride flag colors in stark white void rooms and hosts tough as nails fights
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