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About Tom2007

  • Rank
    $shotgun god$ :)
    Green Marine

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  1. Tom2007

    Man on the Moon

    this wad is good
  2. Tom2007


    It looks like psx doom
  3. last night I played TNT Devilution map 30 it is the creepy and intersting map and out of any map in this megawad map 30 is my favorite. and Xaser midi is creepy.
  4. Ok thanks now I can finally finish my wad
  5. map2 exit brakes https://1drv.ms/u/s!Am1Gttr_cP6jqxuMALX6BVJ3c-Ea
  6. this looks good :) is this a deathmach map
  7. _com.apple.Pasteboard.ly9eOO.png.4a5e19e81310435d1bb5da3f0c64ba65.pngMy unfinished wad form 2021 

    I work on it for 2 months and I never finish it. 
    DOOM colour Dr sci-fi 90000 

    map1 red sky’s 

    map2 green blood on the floor 

    map3 blue eyes 

    map4 pink grass with Demon Souls 

    map5 sunset skin 

    map6 stars and sunders 

    map7 hells fire 

    map8 eyeshadow 

    map 9 






  8. I love Btsx 1 a 2 but when I play this wad I think I’m having a fever dream.
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