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  1. I'll have to check that out after I'm done with my 3rd playthrough of this lol. EDIT: Scratch that, my save got corrupted somehow. Let's make it a 4th run then :P. I'll do the warp only levels as well, forgot about those.
  2. Yeah, precisely the reason why I loved Death Run and any level in the campaign that didn't ask anything of me other than 'circlestrafe and shoot'. I like the barest-of-necessities encounters and I'm really into the way a lot of the combat from vanilla is expanded upon. I'm just not that sharp on sorting out level hazards especially if the punishment for failing at them is so severe. I'll hold my opinion that the mod would be improved without the instant death crushers but I've even come to stomach those. I'm just happy I decided to give this another spin. Much better flow and less haphazardly traversing the levels in fear of dying all of a sudden to something I didn't know how to avoid.
  3. Going back to this after dropping it at MAP22, started the whole thing over and had a good time. Beat the Mother Demon without touching the Unmaker but didn't record it. Still got some peeves with the traps though luckily the later maps don't abuse them as much, STILL found the darts and instadeath crushers annoying, and I wasn't a big fan of the changes to the visuals on the late game hell levels. All in all a pretty nice reimagination of the OG game with some caveats but definitely a much more enjoyable experience coming off a rough 1st time playthrough.
  4. Lol! Sorry but the ridiculously small margin of error for crushers considering how scarce they are vs. the practical use for learning how to sort them in the midst of the breakneck pace of combat (or in my case, PREDICT them altogether) is completely bogus. You're just wasting the player's time by killing them because a stray pixel nudged one the wrong way. And with how weird and imprecise movement in this game can be sometimes, you'll find it's not a good idea. And also, if you wanted to hint at the correct solution to a particular trap via signposting and force players to follow a visual cue, perhaps don't kill them out of pure spite? Because otherwise they could just as simply make their way back, quicksave on that particular spot, then do trial-and-error until they get the right answer to the puzzle and memorize it, effectively trivializing it for any future playthroughs. And where would the 'challenge' reside then? Punishing the player with such severity on moments that were once perfectly survivable makes no sense, doesn't teach them anything, and only serves to add pointless frustration to an otherwise perfectly enjoyable experience. I'm not here to tell you how you oughta do your job. What I am saying is forcing the player to endure completely arbitrary BS in a game that's already filled to the brim with traps of a similar caliber ain't it. Especially when it's inconsistent like this and only SOME of them function exactly as they did in the original game, and some others just kill you on the spot.
  5. Noticed that too. Speaking of which- I made it to MAP25:Spawned Fear, got to the blue skull key room, shot the first symbol out of muscle memory and died because of course I did... and got sent back 8 levels. I'm not even mad at this point, that's frankly hilarious xD
  6. Nice enough but didn't care for the Hectic rework. Also not a fan of how seemingly every crusher is... instadeath now... just took a death in Outpost Omega that would've been totally harmless in vanilla and quit the game there and then. I'll hop back in later but... nyehhh.
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