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About Sirius104x

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  1. Sorry to wake up such an old thread but have there been any map packs where they put the secret exit in other than level 15? Like through some kind of dehacking method or using an advanced engine (perhaps GZDoom can do this among its many new features?). I swear I recall playing some map pack once where the exit wasn't it in map 15.
  2. Awesome, I need to try this asap too! Dragonfly, my brother and I like to play a lot of Doom wads in coop. I noticed on the release site that coop isn't implemented yet but also the topic title here says it's an RC1. So any word when it might get coop? Just curious! I'm definitely playing this single player asap though
  3. This mod is amazing and I'm amazed it doesn't get more praise! Me and my brother play coop GZDoom all the time and this is exactly what we've been looking for to impose a life system in coop. Before this, we would just try to enforce lives by ourselves. I can't believe this mod actually exists and we found it! Thank you, Doommarine_maxi
  4. Thanks plums. I did wonder if SSG was a completely different slot. I actually had the thought that perhaps it was arranged like this: 1 fist, 2 chainsaw, 3 pistol, 4 shotgun, 5 ssg, 6 chaingun, and so on. For the weapon switch order. But turns out its 1-7 and then 8, 9 added. Thank you. Now I'll get it set right. One other tiny, tiny thing which bugs me and I don't think there's a solution to it. But if I bind 3 to SSG, it switches to SSG but then pressing 3 again does not switch to Shotgun. However when I bind 3 to shotgun, then it will switch to SSG but it will always start on Shotgun first when pressing 3 even if SSG is available. It's very minor. Maybe there is a way to get it to toggle SSG first, and then Shotgun, with key 3. Edit: never mind, somehow I got the behavior to stop. I re-assigned my weapon keys and assigned Shotgun to 3 and now when I press 3 it goes to SSG first if it's available. Not sure if re binding my keys did it or re-arranging the weapon preference slots. But everything is set now.
  5. Got a question here about the weapon slots. I cannot figure out which one the super shotgun is. I've re-done my preferred weapon arrangement a few times now, first trying 3, 6, 4, 7, 5, 2, 1 (meaning, Super Shotgun/Shotgun, Plasma, Chaingun, BFG, Rocket Launcher, Pistol, Chainsaw/Fist) thinking this would be like the standard buttons for weapons as Doom had it. But it doesn't seem to be arranged like that, with 1 through 7. When I ran out of ammo on the chaingun, it switched me to regular shotgun when I had super shotgun available. So what is the full 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 weapon slots as the way DSDA Doom defines it? I'm trying to set mine up as such: When out of ammo I like it to primarily switch to my SSG if I have it, then Plasma, then Chaingun, BFG, then finally rockets since it's a chance to face rocket myself when it auto switches. Thus I have it so far back in the arrangement. Finally, the worthless weapons like pistol and chainsaw.
  6. I do play in general with freelook especially when I am doing single player. It always just bothered me a little when I can lowkey cheat by aiming up and shooting at enemies in sniper type positions which you are normally only allowed by the map designer to approach later. Little things like that. That's why I'm glad I found a way through this nofreelookaim mod to still preserve the shooting mechanics while I look around and admire the level design more. When it comes to streaming we just want to make sure we're not missing any potential viewers who may see freelook as "not proper" and move on. Our channel (siriuscoop) is very small and new still, only a bit over 100 subs so far. So I'm curious to see if playing without freelook will get more views. It's going to be an experiment for a while and then if it makes no difference in views or subs, then probably go back to freelook lol.
  7. I thank Worst for showing me this mod in another forum topic where I was specifically trying to find ways to have freelook in GZDoom or other ports, but while still maintaining the original shooting mechanics of the game AKA to not cheat the shooting limitations. Such as not being able to take out snipers from across the map by aiming up. So his mod was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks, Worst.
  8. I tend to agree with you, I also would like to see freelooking. It's just the fact people on youtube (the watchers and main content makers like decino etc) have decided to do super strict compatibility including the horizontal view. To preserve the game experience as intended fully I guess. But yeah I will be trying freelook when I can lol. Oh, nicely done with the Eviternity version. Yeah it's maybe the most popular map set in the last decade so good to have. I'm sure it will come in use for people. Also it's not the only map pack I've seen where they copied the faster Eviternity pistol, so it may even end up working for a few other map packs as well. Thanks for all the help by the way. Without your messages here we'd have given up trying to coop maps in GZDoom with freelook/autoaim. Something I've been thinking about and wanting to get working for a long time.
  9. Holyyyy crap, I was not aware of the no multiplayer lol. I can then possibly check out Woof or Nugget but if they don't have a console, my brother wont like that ;[[[[ But I will give them a try some time. GZDoom is the way to go for now. Should work with most of the WADs we play. I can't recall the last time I played one with altered weapons. Worst, in cases of things like the pistol shooting faster in Eviternity, would the nofreelookaim.pk3 break from that? Visually the gun is unchanged. And thanks for the link. We will link to the post when we get to making a video about it. We usually have a few weeks lag between when we are recording and the time videos are finally getting to our youtube. Also we play not just Doom wads but oldschool games too and periodically a new game as well. So it's kind of a mix. But mostly Doom map videos. I'm curious to see how our gameplay will change now that we are going to record properly, as in either with freelook but no aiming, or fully horizontal locked the way most Doomers record on youtube, but with an alias bound button to let us switch to freelook when needed, to show off level architecture. I.E. Overboard's map Archi-Pelago where you can look up and see you're actually in the sky upsidedown and the ocean and boat where you came from is now above you. You certainly don't get the full effect with your view locked horizontal so there's advantages sometimes to going freelook. That's why all the effort here discussing how to get the best of both worlds. Maybe it can become somewhat of a new standard in the way people play. No idea lol. My brother is almost keen on just playing fully horizontal locked if that's what viewers expect. I'm still for sure going to be using the freelook toggle whenever I feel it's necessary.
  10. Plums, lol, my brother is not keen on using DSDA Doom to coop because it's kind of a pain to make things work in it compared to GZDoom. We got the auto aiming/freelook working and all of that, but it doesn't feature a good console. We managed to enable to console (in itself was difficult to find deep under key bindings and setting a key to it), but then the console itself doesn't seem to recognize any commands like ZDoom uses. For example he had an alias set in GZDoom to re-pistol start at any time in a map. I forget why we found that useful playing coop but it did come in handy once in a while. Another thing is he would use changemap ## to change the map from console if we're streaming and need to go to a certain level, or back a level, etc. Are you familiar with DSDA Doom and cooping? or the console commands. I can't find info on this online. The way to change maps, or pistol start on next map. Also we don't know how to host and join a coop session, what the commands are for that. Sorry for all the questions. A lot of this stuff has easy google results on gzdoom to do these things. But there's almost no info on DSDA doom.
  11. By the way Worst, do you have a public link for this PK3 file that you let people get this mod from? Besides the dropbox link directly? I'd like to share it on our youtube stream, in the description if it's okay with you.
  12. plums, putting the full path in quotes did it. Thanks. It's interesting, it even uses Plutonia's own font for the large numbers (armor, ammo, health), so that's pretty cool. Looks different to vanilla Doom's font for those. So that's cool it even will use different large fonts based on the map pack if they have custom fonts. Adds another level to everything. I finally got DSDA now properly set how I wanted. Thanks again. By the way I assume DSDA will also do things by default like not let you jump over demons (infinite height) because that's another thing I was blatantly just doing in GZDoom hehe. I know it doesn't look good with streaming, where people expect you to play by all the default Doom rules. Worst, I will test this now. Let me see what my screen says. Now... this is interesting. It didn't crash this time. I'm not sure how I had the shortcut made before, but I'm pretty sure it was similar to how I did it this time: C:\Downloads\GZDoom\gzdoom.exe -iwad plutonia.wad -file PL2.WAD PL2.DEH nofreelookaim.pk3 This time it didn't crash on getting shotguns or any weapons. Not sure why. So it appears to be working with the shortcut as I have it now. I'll just make sure to keep loading maps like this. By the way, side note. I have set Autoaim in GZDoom to full (35), is that proper? Where do you have it set at? I noticed if it's on zero it won't auto aim the weapon shots up or downward. But is 35 (max) too high?
  13. Having a little further issue actually. While I got it working the other day with vanilla Doom 2, simply launching it like this: DSDAdoom.exe -hud hud.cfg when I try it with a custom map pack, example: DSDAdoom.exe -iwad plutonia.wad -file PL2.WAD -hud hud.cfg then the custom hud doesn't load in Plutonia 2. Also doesn't matter if I put the -hud part at the start. Any idea what's wrong with it? Also lol side question, is there a way to mouse wheel scroll weapons in DSDA? I am lazy to press 3 again when switching long range/short range shooting between the shotgun and super shotgun, and just mouse scroll between those two usually. HEHE. Otherwise I do press the keys to switch guns like a proper player. Edit: I'm dumb. I found the "next/prev" setting under key bindings and could assign mouse wheel to those. Edit 2: Worst, when I was trying Plutonia 2 in GZDoom with the nofreelookaim.pk3, after playing for just a few moments, it had a script crash because it was apparently trying to call a player class item, or such. Also said it was trying to call "newshotgun1" when picking up a shotgun, even though none of the guns look different in this map pack. So I guess we have to assume a lot of custom megawads have changes in the way they name weapons or do things with the player (player class?) settings. Maybe voodoo doll use, or something? In any case it seems to break these custom wads. I'm gonna have to mess around with DSDA more until I get it just how I want. It seems to only way to get this fully working in every way. I'm close with having DSDA set up and working just how I want in all aspects now, except the custom hud not loading in map packs.
  14. Oh damn, Worst, that's amazing. That is what I was looking for and I will have to get it. It's useful in any map packs which don't alter weapons. As far as I recall even popular ones like Eviternity didn't mess with the guns. Oh except the pistol, which was made to shoot faster. But most don't alter the weapons (and honestly in my experience, wads that did tended to look and feel kind of silly with the new weapon graphics and gun's feel anyway). I'm glad I also got DSDA set up and working now, so I will always have it if needed, compatible with any map packs. I do like the custom HUD with it too. Not really sure which port I will use now lol, going forward. Probably a mix of both.
  15. Thanks. I figured it out now. Apologies plums, I ended up taking pltr's HUD script from that post in the end, because the info was spread out a little more to the edges of the screen. Leaving more of the center of the screen to see. And with your post liPillON, I figured out which values to change in the "stat_totals" command. So I ended up with my config like this: doom full composite_time 4 45 bottom_left 0 stat_totals 4 55 bottom_left 0 1 1 big_health_text 56 32 bottom_left big_ammo 7 32 bottom_left weapon_text 8 12 bottom_left 0 big_armor_text 275 32 bottom_left keys 261 34 bottom_right ammo_text 276 36 bottom_right 0 message 0 0 top_left secret_message 0 76 none fps 298 0 top_right tracker 2 56 bottom_left render_stats 2 8 top_left coordinate_display 2 8 top_left line_display 98 8 top_left command_display 198 48 bottom_right event_split 10 16 top_left level_splits 2 2 top It looks very nice. No kills shown. And also if I press minus key in the game to shrink the screen size by one, then it shows kills in the extended hud. So it's best of both worlds. I can play without seeing kills, with a nice big hud, and reveal the kills with a press of a button. Truly excellent! This will be great when my brother and me stream. And we can ultimately avoid shooting at distant targets unfairly. Which was the whole point of why I started this discussion. I like when things work out in the end and this was a perfect ending!
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