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About Zylinderkatze

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  1. More progress images you say? Oh.. you didn't? It was me? And I didn't even try to speak in a different voice? How lazy. Sorry I'm not home right now.. If these don't draw your eye, I don't know what will. Not really feeling like mapping right now, to be honest- but I wanted to put these things in the map and see how they look. Good. They look good. At least to me. And that's kind of who I am doing this for in the first place :D Goodnight for now!
  2. Heeere we go. I had had the idea of "pipes" or something looking like connections / cables / what-have-you from / to that control room. As you can already tell in the previous shot. "When in doubt, use washboards" Background: I had some trouble with making the walls and the ceilings and floors align while also introducing some more dynamic angles.. so I instead opted for obscuring things, like you can see above. I'm pretty pleased with this, even if it's just a very small change. That's why I am sharing it ^^ There will also be stuff running along the ceiling and potentially also enbedded in the floor but I wanted to show a first victory.
  3. Is this the way in? So I had another idea- this time on how the outside of the very small switch area from the last screenshot would look like. However, it was more oppressive in my mind so this will very likely still change (a lot). It had lower ceilings and all.. a longer passage leading up to the "door". But for the time being, I give you this! It's something! I think I also want it to look a little more "organic". Yet still mechanic / technical. There need to be more angles that aren't 90°. Take this as the "before" :)
  4. Oh look.. ..seems like you activated my trap card }:3 I wonder what this button does! Admittedly, still in progress. But I am not really feeling it today (worked too long, not much energy left) so I am taking a slow day today. If you are familiar with the default doom textures, you might notice that I am "off the grid". This is FLOOR0_5, which is off by 40x 8y map units from the 64x64 grid. I started moving stuff in this area to work with the way I am using FLOOR4_8 (the metal hexagons).. which is not offset the same way but it aligned for me.. I'm trailing off. Anyways. This is the way you approach the "maybe a little too close to the reactor core" section. Necessary to give it a kickstart. But the way you actually get here is the challenge. I'll try not to make it too "puzzle-y". I think it'll be a challenging fight instead. Challenging. As in.. not unfair. Watch me fail at that :D But not now. Later!
  5. Theoretical update I didn't map much yesterday, aside from a "proof of concept" kind of thing I wanted to try after watching a playthrough on EduardoAndFriends' channel. It was basically a direct rip of something someone else did in their map.. a very rare, if not a first (conscious) thing for me. I'm not sure whether mine was "vanilla" and theirs wasn't.. and even though it looked kinda cool, I didn't feel like I could really add anything worthwhile to the concept either way, so I scrapped it again ^^; During the meanwhilst, I am still tossing around the idea(s) of how & why exactly the reactor at E2M6 is not working and what you actually do to get it back up and running. I do have ideas, I just need to work out which one(s) work best with the theme, feel most believable and create the most fun interaction. It'll involve sector interaction / doomcute stuff, that much I can say. But that's not really a surprise anymore, with my maps, I guess ^^; More soon!
  6. More already? As I said, the place is slowly coming together. Browwwwwwwn. I also now know why crossing over to this part from the "secret(ish)" passage is maybe a good idea.. It has to do with radiation.
  7. It's high time.. ..that someone finds the switch and turns on the reactor. Sheesh. So dark. Also, this is not the reactor. But we are getting closer. Also, I have a few ideas for stuff crossing over and such.. like- getting to the reactor in two seperate ways. It's currently still kind of "floaty", where map progression goes, though. Let's see where it floats to :D
  8. Oh no. I forgot that there's also all that smeared nukage on it and several noticable bullet holes. I mean.. it's dark and you'll just step over it and be on your way.. ..but I know they're there. Or rather.. not there. Grr.
  9. Am I overdoing it? The question is: When am I ever not overdoing it?
  10. Same map, different location. So in light of the whole "map is without power, make your own way"-idea.. I have run into a little problem. I don't see a problem? That door is closed (at the moment) and I kind of want to keep it that way. As in, it doesn't open with a "door" action. However, there are inconsistencies (oh no, in Doom? D:) ..as in, there is a door earlier that opens kind of normal. Two, even. The one that opens delayed and then another one that I haven't mentioned yet that requires you to walk up to a (lit up) computer console. The latter one I might be able to explain with some sort of auxiliary power supply. That's only the first half of the problem. The main problem is, that I want that wall to "disappear" when you shoot it. Which is kind of new to this map. I mean you shoot the first door to cause it to open.. and that's a progress-blocking non-secret you have to figure out yourself.. albeit being very obvious.. My question is.. is this obvious enough? I have a tendency (like many others) to mark shootable things with a texture that looks broken or previously shot.. but is this too obscure? I know, I know.. coming from me, asking if something is "too obscure" is a little ironic :D Any thoughts?
  11. Where are you going? What. In there? But it's dark! :0 You should be used to that by now. Hmpf.
  12. What's this? A train for ants? Just when you thought I wasn't doing anything because I didn't post in a while, I give you: my WIP "how you will leave E2M6" :D More news when there are more news!
  13. Ideas ideas! I looked at the map (as in.. the OG Doom1 intermission screen for the DOS / Vanilla / Chocolate version of DOOM) and the "you are here" starting locations left me no other choice but to come up with a "battle plan" of sorts. If you played URE2020 in an engine that shows the intermission screen, you'll remember how much fun I am having with adhering to the original starting locations ^^; Meaning: I know now how to transition from E2M6 to E2M7.. and even what E2M7 will look like! I will try my best to not have you get on another boat of any sort. But perhaps there will be a different mode of transportation. Maybe a high speed train or such. Traveling in style! Only maybe not quite as far as you would like. And obviously without actually showing the journey. I mean- I do have a "vanilla" idea or two on how to maybe fake something.. but.. who knows if that will actually work out. Oh! and as a treat(?), since there isn't a screenshot this time, you'll get my planned map title for E2M6. Are you excited? Can I get a drumroll? No? Okay. In good old 90's fashion, it will be called ENTROPY.
  14. Addendum. I don't even know how you are leaving this map to advance to the next. I might want to look into that before too long :D It might also help me work out what you "have to" do in this map (aside from killing stuff and not dying). I mean- getting the power working again is only a means to an end, not the actual solution for this thing. While I have you I would like to say that I feel better and more comfortable by now, about the whole "from scratch" thing. Like.. making completely new maps instead of reworking existing ones. Let's see how long that feeling lasts :D Oh and here's a picture as a reward for reading: Finished the description of this thing :3
  15. Hmmmm. HMMMM! I guess this is where I decide whether I want to make this whole area actually optional. I am still very much tempted to make it optional. Poison AND radiation? Oh my. However, I am putting quite a bit of effort into this area :D Not that that's a bad thing. Glowing reviews incoming! The thing is- part of the whole map idea is that you try to re-establish power to some parts of the map. And this starts to look like you might be nearing some reactor or such. But maybe this is just the back of it.
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