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About datdude12399

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    someone somewhere

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  1. small update: im planning on doing a KDIKDIZD and splitting the thing into 2 wads: e1_udmf_a.wad and e1_udmf_b.wad with A having the textures and weapons and B having the maps and the 2 custom enemies (that i stole took from realm667 lol) ye sorry it's gonna have Bruiser Demon as the boss of U1M8, and i'll pull a KDIZD and have the actual final boss be something different (Guardian of Hell) also by "new weapons" i mean the OG weapons put with casings and 2 new weapons (Assault Rifle replacing Plasma Rifle/Gun and Machine Gun replacing BFG9000) the casings will be using the sprites of the unused ones from OG doom i will be making a version without the custom weapons btw
  2. good news, ma dewds. progress on U1M2 has officially begun!, here's a screenshot of the level in the builder, with an image of the og map for comparison
  3. so, i've been working on another fraggin' remake of E1, with UDMF Finished maps: - U1M1 - U1M8 WIP maps: - U1M2 (40% done) Resources used: DOOM2.WAD Episode 5 Textures DrDoctor's Textures LostRes Bruiser Demon from Realm667 Guardian of Hell from Realm667 Plans: - Ambient sounds (Done) - Colored lighting - Zdoom skybox of Intermission screen (Done) - 9 maps from U1M1-U1M8 (U1M9 being the secret level ofc) - Warping liquids (Done) Tested with GZDOOM Screenies:
  4. Europe, more precisely Hungary. this place (around Kaposvár is where i live)
  5. Cross-posting this from Doomer-Boards btw Hangar remakes are a dime-a-dozen nowadays, but i'll throw this map into the pile too requirements: -GzDoom (or any sourceport that supports UDMF) -OpenGl rendering (because of some sloped 3d floors) -Doom 2 IWAD ofc credits to NaturalTvventy and Xaser for lostres textures and flats download screenies:
  6. if I got a dollar for every time a piece of horror turned into a gay love story, I'd have 1$ ( my theory on this story )
  7. I'M GOING TO A PARTY ON THE 31ST *insert The Only Thing They Fear Is You
  8. i like it cuz of the more weapons , new textures and new decoration that can e n h a n c e my map so it's cooler. the blood and gore i'm like: ok but it lags my pc but i kinda don't care because b l o o d s h e d
  9. what do you think of brutal doom? i honestly think it's really cool
  10. you know i've kinda gotten used to it. it's not a problem or anything it's just weird sometimes
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