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About JollyRoger

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  1. I'd only call map 26 long and complex, the rest felt comparatively brisk, which is not a complaint - I really like the pacing of the non-secret maps of the final episode. I felt like Kenosis would have been a nicer continuation of the map26th's theme for players who have thoroughly explored it and are itching for more challenge, they would then get dropped right back to the build up for the finale. Anyway, that's just my personal preference, which may have been influenced by the fact that I was determined to finish the whole last episode in an evening and that I tend to play continuously instead of pistol starting.
  2. Just finished on UV (with saves), played through most maps, except 31 - couldn't find the exit to that. I really like the WAD on the whole, perhaps more than the original, although that's a high bar to clear. I hope Dragonfly doesn't mind if I take inspiration from MAP35 for my own project - it's pretty close to what I had in mind for wrapping up my Lovecraft-themed map set and probably my favourite level. As for the other secret maps - MAP36 is an absolute masterwork, but I feel its placement hurts the pace of the WAD a little bit - the penultimate levels do a great job at building momentum towards the finale, which Kenosis promptly kills with a long, grueling experience. I would have placed the exit to it in MAP26, but maybe that's just me. I'm not quite sure what to think about Catalyst - this was the first Doom level that made me rage quit and IDDQD through it, and I've played through Sunder (up to map19), but when I came back and beat it properly afterwards I ended up really liking it. I guess it was too much of a genre-whiplash the first time around. Out of the mainline episodes the last one has got to be my favourite - I really dig the hellish space aesthetic in Doom. That would be it for my initial, disorganised thoughts. Sorry if this has been asked before, but when should we expect the final release?
  3. "There is a lake in distant Zan, beyond the wonted haunts of man..." MAP05 is finally out, I paid much more attention to the concept here than to combat, which is pretty simple slaughter. Ammo and health are stored in specific places though so this hopefully should spice things up. Also added the custom intermission screens to maps 03 and 04, they look really neat. The new download link should point to the updated wad already. Let me know how MAP05 plays.
  4. Well, the Vale is basically Lovecraft's underworld - it's a pretty evil place all things considered. Your completion is roughly what I expected from someone playing the map for the first time without deliberately looking for secrets.
  5. So, has anyone beat MAP04 yet? I'd like to hear some feedback, particularly if the secrets aren't too obnoxious to find. Started work on MAP05. Here's the opening scene, still WIP:
  6. Just got around to finishing my copy - quite nice overall, though without much replay value with the level being rather bare, I guess to make it easier to customize, but the opening room is great. Still - had fun for about 30 mins. Even managed to beat up the archie after some save scumming.
  7. "Volumus" means "we wish" in Latin. Was the naming intentional? Either way, may I have a copy to confirm for myself?
  8. MAP02 Intermission screen done as well. Took a bit longer than expected, but I think this came out better than MAP01. Drawn by - https://www.instagram.com/p/CpJaaXOKvqp/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  9. Indeed - personally I'm more annoyed than entertained by secrets in maps I'm playing. Ironically, I found that I enjoy putting in secrets and designing complex layouts when mapping myself - makes it feel like I'm truly building a world.
  10. Found this weird effect in MAP10: Was this intended or is there a bug? There are also some minor slime trails, but they're barely visible. Otherwise a lovely set of levels - looks a bit like a cross between Auger;Zenith and Ancient Aliens, but combat feels more like an easier version of Haste.
  11. Finally, after a long wait, map04, "Vale of Pnath", is finally out. The monster count is scaled back from map03, with no massive encounters (unless you find The Super SecretTM) yet the layout is more complex and the level is consequently more hostile especially on a first playthrough when you don't know where everything is. OP updated accordingly.
  12. So, my girlfriend found out what I'm doing and volunteered to make intermission screen art for all my levels. Here's her rendition of map01: All intermission screens will be added once map04 is done.
  13. It turns out adding a custom intermission screen and custom map titles/par times that show up in Boom is easier than I thought. The unpegged textures in maps 1 and 2 are still broken. Also, looking into speeding up the death exits may be something to consider - they seem to force restarts for some people if they press some button too quickly. On a brighter note, here's a sneak peak of map04 (currently only this room is finished): File in the OP updated.
  14. @IcarusOfDaggers Yeah, I seem to have fixed the trail in the current version. I'm encountering a weird issue with unpegged textures in the first two maps, however. All door tracks are actually tagged as "lower unpegged" in UDB, yet they still scroll with the opening doors. Is this UDB acting up or did I make the doors wrong?
  15. There you're crossing across two temporal rifts - I'd imagine the feeling would be pretty jarring and disorienting. Yeah, I should probably add more hell knights/revs in the corridor bits to force the player to use the linked teleporters on hard difficulty. Thanks for the suggestions - the player getting locked in for the final fight in map01 was intentional. Also, the death exit in map03 works - in your playthrough you probably pressed some button on the keyboard too quickly. I moved the Romero's head on top of the teleport location to hopefully make it faster, although speeding it up might be something to look into. As for the others - I'm currently in the process of fixing/improving them although I don't have that much time to map right now so this will take time. On another note - I managed to fix the weird texture glitch in map03 + added some other minor fixes and improvements. OP updated accordingly.
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