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Mr. Hypnos

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About Mr. Hypnos

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    Son of Sleep

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  1. I’ve made/released one map and have another that’s nearly complete, but the ambition and inspiration has all but vanished.
  2. That’s understandable. I think it gives the levels a slightly different feel in atmosphere, which is refreshing. I essentially based the concept and design of my level Octate off of the night sky he used in Master Levels, so seeing these maps in a new light (literally) is pretty neat.
  3. I'm definitely going to check this out later, it looks awesome. Thanks for sharing. I noticed that the night sky flat wasn’t used in the bits of video that I watched. Was it incompatible in this context?
  4. It’s a real honor to be mentioned alongside all of the extremely talented designers in this year’s “Promising Newcomers” section. Doom’s thirtieth year also happened to be my very first year spending time with this incredible game, and creating Octate was an experience that I’ll never, ever forget. Thank you very much for my inclusion.
  5. I still haven’t played TNT Evilution yet, I definitely need to check it out and see if I notice any similarities.
  6. Thank you very much for the kind words. I’m glad you enjoyed at least some of the aspects of it. There’s still quite a lot that I need to learn about Doom mapping, so hopefully Octate will have been a good stepping stone.
  7. Thank you again for the nomination man. It’s definitely awesome to be mentioned.
  8. That truly means a lot to me, thank you. Regardless of whether “Octate” actually wins an award or not, I’ll always be extremely grateful for those like you who still remember it.
  9. I really appreciate this. It’d be pretty spectacular to win one, although I’m not sure how realistic it would be since I’m not too familiar with the process. When does the voting typically take place?
  10. Thank you for the incredibly kind words. I’m honored that you chose to pass Octate along to others as well. That really means a lot to me. And I agree with you, one of my biggest regrets is making it a bit too easy on UV. That will be one of the first things I adjust in the next update. I’m glad to hear that you’re looking forward to Providence. It’s around 70% complete at the moment and still on schedule for a release this Spring. I’ll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Thanks again, Mr. H
  11. I just assumed that the soulsphere was a "like" and the megasphere was a "really like." As for the other two, I have no idea.
  12. Here’s a few very early screenshots of my second level, “Providence." It’s a puzzle-style map which has you starting off in a small room with four doors to each side (three of them locked) with each leading to a larger arena, or “sub-level”, based upon the four liquid themes: water, magma, nuclear waste and blood. Each arena will consist of monsters, weapons and items relating to the nature of the arena’s theme. The mission is to retrieve the key found at the end of each arena in order to advance to the next one, with the fourth and final arena containing the level’s exit. “Bad Dream” and “Tricks and Traps” were significant inspirations for this one. At this point, it’s nearly halfway complete, so there’s still a ways to go before it’s ready to release. I’m hoping to have it finished by early-mid Spring. As I did with “Octate”, I will also be composing the level music for this one as well.
  13. Thank you for your kind words and for playing my level, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I definitely plan to continue mapping. I’ve started working on my second level “Providence” (a puzzle-style map), though it may not be released for quite a while.
  14. This is a fair critique, though I think it’s safe to say there won’t be any mandatory secrets in any of my future maps. This was just a very special circumstance because of the “real-life secret” that was revealed to me about my father. There was no way for me to omit it from the level because of the personal importance it has, though I knew it wouldn’t come without criticism. Thank you for your comments about my music and detail in aesthetics, that means a lot to me. Creating an atmosphere was definitely the focal point of this map.
  15. @Roebloz That was funny man, I really enjoyed it. The interview segment was pretty cool also. Thanks for all of the nice things you had to say about my level in the video and for involving me in the making of it. Really awesome.
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