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About DoctorKlump

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  1. well I gotta tell you that doom 2 levels were designed the way they were because thy had to be special in order to stand out from other video games during that era. sandy peterson was a true pioneer who had a knack for creating something truly unique.
  2. Interesting idea. It would certainly make the gameplay much more challenging and require players to be incredibly strategic in their approach in order to avoid taking damage. However, it could also potentially be frustrating for some players and make the game feel too punishing. It would definitely be a unique experience though, and I can see how some players would enjoy the added difficulty.
  3. The reason why i think that is because the classic games were made with passion and love, while the new ones are just another cash grab for greedy developers. The old ones had more soul, and the levels were more intricate and well-designed. The new ones are just flashy and rely too much on graphics and gimmicks to distract players from the lack of substance.
  4. i honestly think that the doom 2 story is too uninteresting
  5. It's an interesting thought experiment. it's unlikely that we'll run out of unique maps any time soon. The creative possibilities of level design are virtually endless, and new techniques and technologies are constantly being developed to expand the boundaries of what's possible.
  6. it really dosent make sense because im pretty sure doom wasnt even the first fps game, so why was everyone of them considered a doom clone?
  7. i bought a used windows vista that still had a couple files left by the old owner, it was nothing personal i think just a bunch of junk, it was mostly pdf files so i looked through them until i found a zip file that had it... a freshly pirated copy of doom 2. i enjoyed it cause i never seen a game so gorey so insane and so addictive i just couldnt look away now i feel like every single game gets better and better so i keep sticking up to the series. and till this day doom 2 still remains as my favorite doom game in the series
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