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About holy

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  1. doom.wad -wad playdemo holy(name of the demo)
  2. so 1)id like to be able to record demos without having to reset the game and delete the files 2) the issue im facing is that the demos will play in e1m9 if i have an .imp file in my crispy doom folder and thats the main issue since its really uncomfortable closing my game and deleting my files every single time e.g e1m1 bugged.imp was recorded after having the nb.imp file on my folder so in crispy doom it plays in e1m9 commands used: crispydoom.exe doom.wad -wad doom.wad -skill 4 -record holy -warp 1
  3. Thats the weird thing when I play the demos with prboom+ or crispy doom it just shows my movement but played in E1M9 (the e1m1 bugged file) but the nb file shows the actual e1m1 footage
  4. nb.rar thats when theres only one demo on my crispy doom folder
  5. e1m1 bugged.rar thats the proof
  6. Hello,thanks for the answer! that isthe exact same command im using tho this is weird since if the demo i play is the only one in the folder then it does work it still annoying since i planned on doing full game runs and taht basically means that i have to reset the game and delete the demo every single time. Ive also tried playing the demos with prboom but it does the exact same thing ill do a e1m1 run to show as an example so hopefully i can fix it thanks for the answer tho
  7. so i wanted to record some demos to show e1m4 skip to a friend but when i finished recording the demo plays e1m9 withbthe movements id use in the level is there an specific reason/solution for this ocurrance?
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