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Everything posted by ZOMILE

  1. Big thanks man! I was hella confused, finally got it!
  2. I request that a kindly user would give me a step by step instruction on how to make a map in SLADE without it crashing PrBoom, or any doom port. It always seems to crash on everything except gzdoom. Help? Notes: It seems that other editors dont have this problem, but i exclusively use this editor. And, when i launch it, it boots up fine, but then it buttfucks me with “Nodes not built” or related message.
  3. Feature me as Janitor 2 in scene 5 of chapter 3
  4. Is it one of those weird VERY overmemed “shitpoststatus” characters?
  5. Fun fact: The first rap artist i actually liked was yelawolf, then Xanakinn Skywok
  6. I reached 100 content count. GG

  7. I remember getting a WAD from a friend through email. It was a pretty fucked up wad and Terry traps galore. I never downloaded a file from email again
  8. I cannot process the information i just took into my brain so. Okay.
  9. Each time i come to this channel i am greeted by this hot mess
  10. Has anyone noticed that you can cheese a lot of fights especially with the tougher possessed with automatic weapons [excepting the minigun] by shooting a single click, bashing, then shooting then bashing like spam, and that shooting resets the bash timer? It seems to work for me, but idk if this is a glitch or not
  11. I need a mod that adds that monster, looks cool
  12. Every copy of doom is personalized lmfao
  13. Now THIS is TOP TIER MAN! Nice work!
  14. HHeritic, successor to HDoom, harbinger of nuts
  15. i am using the zip, have been. The pk3 i got from moddb remains as a little dead storage, nothing more
  16. What does the original Wasteland cover art depict? I fail to see what in the game it represents.
  17. Your lucky, but list time i checked i did not search up hentai, or any porn for that matter. I feel like its a YOUTUBE NEEDS TO FIX THEIR SHIT AND NOT ALLOW THIS STUFF IN THEIR WEBSITE problem
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