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About Veddge

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  1. Hey I'm pretty new with doom and the community but just saw the whole thing with myhouse.wad/pk3 and I just wanted to know whether or not veddge is alive. There was some account on tiktok called sallybananapants or something saying that it was her husband having done that doom mod of their house (she also said she miscarried, explains the bottle on the attic that if you collected it, it said that it wasn't meant to be) but that tiktok's been taken down by her, but I believe that veddge was/is her husband. There are ppl saying veddge was steven/thomas but I mean he posted last at the day of the realease of the game so that's impossible. Does anyone know him personally or something? I'd be interested. Also, if she said that veddge made a doom mod of their house, does that mean veddge moved in his dead friend's house? I'm pretty confused but there's just a few articles and nothing more to find.

    1. .danielcss


      There are some things to take into consideration here:
      Veddge is alive. The story of the characters in the game is obviously not a reflection of what actually happened to the people in real life.

      It's hard to contact or find information on Veddge for a reason: he probably wants to be left alone and keep his personal life separate from his doom life. That or he simply just doesn't see the need to answer/converse with people trying to talk to him about the mod or who he is. The mod contains, in one way or another, personal topics for him and that could be some of the reasons he's a hard man to get ahold of, regardless of if anyone here knows him personally.

      I would advise against going to ask his ex-wife, as last I saw she made a post on Tiktok saying she'd prefer that people don't go running up to her just to ask her about Veddge and the house and everything that happened, as she was dealing with some traumas and it didn't help her much when all people wanted to know or talk about was her ex-husband. 
      As for the house, I doubt the deceased friend has too big of a role in this, chances are the house is just a house they purchased once they got married.

  2. What risk Can take my Friend ? 

  3. So veddge i follow you...

  4. you make some good maps

  5. MyHouse Excited to finally release this tribute map. Last August I lost a good childhood friend of mine and took it pretty hard. When I was visiting my hometown for his funeral, I connected with his parents who shared with me some of his old belongings. Among them was a copy of an old map of his backed up on a 3.5” floppy from high school. Thomas and I were into amateur Doom mapping in the early 00s but I had never seen this map of his prior to uncovering it on one of the old floppy discs. As a way of paying tribute to him and all the great memories we had together, I took the plunge and installed Doom Builder in order to polish up his map and add a few modern amenities just for convenience sake. I haven’t touched an editor in over 15 years so it was quite a surprise to find out how easy mapping has become. I may have gotten a little carried away with these new UDMF features and, as such, the map is designed for GZDoom. From the text file: * Doom 2 - GZDoom, hardware renderer * 1 map: Not much of a challenge and roughly 10 minutes of play time. All difficulty settings implemented. * Jumping & crouching disabled, freelook is fine * Lots of Doomcute! Making maps of your house was all the rage back-in-the-day, but I feel like this is a pretty adorable and detailed tribute to my friend and a great way to share something of him with a community we loved. Miss you, Tom. Download myhouse.wad Screenshots:
  6. Playing this mod leaves the player feeling very uneasy. What was your motivation? During the process, did you ever feel like the map had a mind of its own... like you were just a guiding force in the editor, but the map... took over? Sorry, playing your map just left me feeling uncomfortable at times... maybe that was the point though.
  7. For the past couple months, I've had increasing difficulty sleeping. I don't realize it, but I'm staying up far later than I should and when I do sleep, it's restless and unfulfilling. It all started around the time I tried to finish a tribute map to someone I lost recently in my life.
  8. Batman Doom has some incredible opening shots, especially when you consider it was 1999 Map14: Gotham Tunnel Map16: Scarecrow Map22: Axis Industries Map30: Bane (Simple but effective)
  9. I think this can only be done if you use the UDMF map format (ATM machine, I know!). I started playing with this feature and got a little carried away...
  10. Had some spare time this weekend to work on finishing my friend’s map and repackaging it for release. Spent a lot of time playing with UDMF features. Lots of fun sector-based objects that can be made for a house when aligning and rotating flats is an option. I’m trying to remember the layout of his house, it’s been almost 20 years since I was there and his parents don’t live there anymore. Since finding his old works, I keep having nights of restless sleep, and I keep waking up feeling exhausted. I hadn’t seen my friend for almost 10 years now but I keep dreaming of him. I miss our wacky high school antics.

  11. I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately. For most of my life I could just put my head on my pillow and fall asleep, but lately I find myself lying in bed staring into the darkness. What’s the opposite of claustrophobia? I can’t explain it, but when the lights are out, I’m paralyzed by thoughts of emptiness while seemingly trapped in a void from which I will never escape. What’s worse is my overactive imagination that takes over and says, “but are you really alone?” If I’m being honest, I think cleaning up maps from my friend who passed away is leaving me feeling a little lonely.
  12. Sure, I get that, I was more interested in knowing if there have been any negative feelings towards individuals who borrow from the greater community but choose not to give back.
  13. I’m preparing my map for release and I wanted to create the text file to accompany the map in the zip file, but I was curious about the licensing and distribution aspect of wads. I was using the Doomworld text file generator and came to this question, “Allow adaptations of your work to be shared?” I haven’t publicly released anything I’ve made before, and normally I don’t think it would bother me, but the map is really personal and I would prefer people not make modifications and rerelease it. How taboo is it to release a map and check the box “Please don’t modify?” Is there a stigma attached to works and authors who don’t share with the greater community? Also, how often do people ever make modifications of existing works and release them?
  14. I haven’t logged into the forums in over a decade, but a close childhood friend of mine passed away recently and I decided to go through some of the Doom stuff we were making when we were kids. The hardest part was recovering the wads from my old 3.5” floppy disks! It took me a few hours, but I managed to recover some files from the late 90s when we were making maps. Most of it is completely forgettable, but apparently my friend was making a “my house” map around 1999. In his honor, I’ve been cleaning up his map for release and adding some ZDoom/UDMF features for the sake of convenience. I haven’t touched an editor for almost 15 years… but boy, is it a lot easier to make maps today than it was in the 90s!
  15. To me :D I turned 19 today (March 13th). I thought I might post some pen/ink and digital works I've been working on. The first is a Sin City esque look, the second I colored a bit quick :\ I need to work on it some more.



    They're a bit large so I linked them :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bucket


      Nah. Look at the inturned feet, the strained neck.

      It's obviously the aftereffects of curry.

    3. Captain Red

      Captain Red

      Happy birthday to me as well. I'm 23 now.

      carry on.

    4. Veddge


      Bloodshedder said:

      Is he having a heart attack?

      Sort of... not so much a heart attack as clutching his chest because of a similar pain. But basically, a heart attack yeah :)

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