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About Veddge

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    Junior Member

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  1. To me :D I turned 19 today (March 13th). I thought I might post some pen/ink and digital works I've been working on. The first is a Sin City esque look, the second I colored a bit quick :\ I need to work on it some more.



    They're a bit large so I linked them :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bucket


      Nah. Look at the inturned feet, the strained neck.

      It's obviously the aftereffects of curry.

    3. Captain Red

      Captain Red

      Happy birthday to me as well. I'm 23 now.

      carry on.

    4. Veddge


      Bloodshedder said:

      Is he having a heart attack?

      Sort of... not so much a heart attack as clutching his chest because of a similar pain. But basically, a heart attack yeah :)

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