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About LoatharMDPhD

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  1. Madame boner... Lady boner...


  2. I am searching for sunlight The years have passed Hoping to find a way out of this place But all hope is gone All hope is gone Oh my god, I've got to find a way out of this place I'm going freaking insane here Who did this to me I am going to find a way out And when I do I'm gonna rip the fucking heads off the guys who did this to me who put me in this god forsaken place -- insane laughter -- Will I hear the wind again? Will I smell the earth again? Will I feel the rain again? Will I see myself again? I can see my reflection In my blood Distorted face Shattered thoughts Broken dreams I can see it The exit Unreachable
  3. could have two exits on the level that has the key, if the player goes over it, then the normal exit is blocked off and the secret exit is opened up, then the next levels are a copy of the maps but with the key at player start. twice the maps but its a work around.
  4. just have the key spawn at the player start for the next map. don't have to reinvest the wheel here...
  5. 1" player 1 start and exit/s 2" Fuck the player 3" Not too hard, but still, Fuck the Player 4" Ironic Title and killer soundtrack 5" Playtest for catastrophic errors and don't forget to kill the player... 666" Evil 7" Rinse, Repeat... 8" Poorly Worded ReadMe File 9" Upload to B.B.S and keep a copy on a floppy for yourself in the bottom of your rare earth magnet collection drawer... 10" there is no # 10...
  6. // if it hurts, have it removed... if not... leave it alone... and yes, even with anesthetic, its horrible pain the whole time before during and after extraction... blows...
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