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About JohnR60

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    John Chenium
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  1. Hi BluePinneable72 how are you? My name is JohnR60 and i started playing a time ago your wad PussXXII The Chilling Wind of Dis and made some videos playing it in Spanish. I really liked the Wad and i am eager to try more Wad that you organized or made. They were really challenging, short and fun in general.


     I wanted to ask what was the music used in Map 39 The Swirling Fires of Damnation.

    i really liked it and weill i want to add it in my own playlist of songs hehe. It sounds familiar but i can´t which one is it (i wanted to know in the readme but it is not there the Songs used in the maps).


    Waiting for an answer and see ya Blue!


    PD: Sorry for the bad english, it is not my native language. And i saw that i mistake where to post too haha.

  2. I played the Wad and it was a fun ride playing knowing the Stanley Parable! It is amazing how similar is to the real game and even the messages and other situations. There is a lot of gameplay, humour and easter eggs everywhere almost and how you made it the Stanley world mixed with the Doom theme it was awesome. I made a video playing it (in Spanish commentary).
  3. BigMacDavis, decino and Coincident. Watching them together motivated me to play Doom again after a long time and open my own youtube channel where I play some Wads and other videogames in Spanish.
  4. I played this Wad a few months ago and it was really fun and impressive. I really liked how was every level, the OST in every level, and it was in his own way difficult. The sense of danger in every zone and battle and some animations like the Doors closing in and the traps were very thoughtful. I hope other people try and have some fun playing it! I leave a video here of my complete playthrough through it in Spanish. But beware that is difficult haha..
  5. In an old JRPG one of the villain that i liked and disliked at the same time was Albedo from Xenosaga Trilogy. He was always a stick in the way in almost 2 games of the trilogy. In TV Series, Negan from the Walking Dead was one of the most better villains because he was funny and deadly at the same time for our protagonist. In Anime Shogo Makishima from Psycho Pass and Yagami Light from Death Note i was in a moment thinking when they are gonna make a mistake in how impressive they were evading everyone who tries to stop them.
  6. I would love a remake for old fps games like: Blood Red Faction Unreal Gold, Unreal Tournament 99 or Unreal Tournament 3 (a shame what Epic did to one of my favorite games from the golden age time). Quake 3 Arena (this game with a new remake and a workshop like UT would be amazing in terms of what it can be). I saw Hexen and Heretic but i didn´t played them but i would love to saw a remake from those too after watching some playthrough from them.
  7. Thanks for telling me i was outdated in Gz Doom version (i didn´t think that Gz Doom has changed a lot in this time). I will update my version of Gz Doom that play and the other person also has fixed the bug using Gz Doom 4.10 so it actually works fine right now!.
  8. I really like this project and i will try it to play in the meantime. The first RAMP version was a very wonderful adventure with a lot of surprises in terms of designs and creators and other things. I had some problems trying to test if the Wad works without problems. I wanted to know why this error pops up when i try to play RAMP 2023 in a Gzdoom that i am using normally to play Wads (Maybe there is some configuration or something that makes GzDoom unable to run? even if i use almost everything in default except the controls and some adjust in sounds). There is someone more that i know that happens to have the same error. I tried in a fresh version of Gz Doom 4.1.0 and it works without problems.
  9. This Wad looks awesome! I can't wait to try it when it's complete!
  10. Ahh esta bien, pero no soy mapper solo jugador y bueno hago videos de gameplay de los niveles que juego de la comunidad Doom cuando tengo un rato libre jeje. Espero poder probar su Wad y si necesitan de gente que lo pruebe estaria disponible! Al final el meme termino sirviendo para unir a la gente de habla hispana jaja algo positivo tenia que salir!
  11. Nunca crei que iba a ver un mapa de Doom teniendo una estatua del Gaturro hecho pelota, jaja es impresionante el nivel de viralizacion que tiene el tema. Un meme mas que termina de introducirse en la lista eterna de mapas customs de Doom! Seria interesante ver un discord de comunidad de habla Hispana ya que cuando empece a introducirme en la comunidad solo encontre en inglés.
  12. I agree with Cammy's post, really even though I'm not very active, I feel part of the community, which in my case I joined recently and started recording the maps I was playing and commenting on them. Currently, outside of it, I also began to collaborate when they need map testers to see if the gameplay of a level works correctly, and I think it is my way of collaborating with the community in conjunction with recording the levels and mentioning who the creators were. I am currently playing RAMP and I have seen that there are hundreds of Doom map content creators each with their own style and way of creating levels, designing the maps and it is a lot of fun to play the maps they have created. I have often been impressed with the level of detail in these levels compared to the days of classic Doom and how far the Doom community has progressed in terms of map creators compared to the original ones. And the latter is due to the map creators and all the people who actively participate in it by playing them and also collaborating. Thanks for everything!
  13. This Episode was a nice match of different styles maps, from a small arena where we have to explore until we get to the last Frozen Wasteland. The gameplay and the exploration is nice the only map that is a little big is the "Life in the Fast Lane" and in my opinion the most difficult one from these levels. Otherwise a nice Episode of Doom maps. I will try to make some videos about Episode 2 and 3 now that they are released! And waiting for the next episode 4 to play it!
  14. Hello everyone, I finally had some time to play this Wad. I must say Woody that it was quite fun to see how your first maps were, the ideas were tested, some battles and etc. but in the end I see that there is a good balance in general to the gameplay. The level that I liked the most of this was The Lions Club and The Crusher, I think they are the 2 best levels of this episode in my opinion. Here I leave a video that I made playing this Wad, I finished it from the 1st level to the 8th. Waiting for Episode 2 in the future, anything to test I'm available as always!.
  15. Hello @adventurer look i made a video about the first map and a part of the second because i tried the second again until i died. I would say that some of these maps needs improvement in resources and you can watch why in the gameplay video. I would wanted to test more than the first two maps but i feel that if the gameplay mantain like this in adjustment in ammo and everything else it would be very hellish. I hope this helps to improve the Wad.
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