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Everything posted by TwinBeast
how would you rate your mental health?
TwinBeast replied to fruity lerlups's topic in Everything Else
It's been bad after my girlfriend died to covid some 2 years ago. The only time in my life I've been truly happy was with her. Now I'm either depressed and get nothing done or sink into making my game the whole day and trying not to think of anything else until I go sleep and then feel sad. Sometimes I meet some friends, feel like they wouldn't really care if I was there or not, later go back home. Then I might feel more depressed than if I had been home alone all day. During the worst time I ate some 200g milk chocolate every day. That lasted some 6 months, then I managed to decrease it a bit. Now 200g chocolate could last a few days and I don't buy more right away. Also smoked for some year when I was drunk, and I hadn't smoked for over 10 years. I drink alcohol more often than before. -
I got this door stuck like this in the Refueling Base. Don't know what exactly I did, but apparently from this side there's a blue door open once action and on the other side there's a regular door open repeat action. If I use the secret teleport again, it's possible to get locked to the other side. The next use action on the other side will close the door, then trying to open it, will open it up 1-2 units. If the door is closed from the other side and save & load the game, then it will start working normally again.
I Can't Get Excited About (AAA) Games Anymore
TwinBeast replied to Major Arlene's topic in Everything Else
Newest AAA game I have seems to be Doom Eternal, and I haven't even tried it. Not enough hdd space. Why does it need to take nearly 100gb. I only have 5gb free. -
@Daytime Waitress it's definitely useful :D Also a new level coming along, Level 13: Rovaniemi Lab. It has this big elevator platform that is operated with buttons. Plan is to make the level a bit similar to Doom II: Tricks and Traps with various rooms/areas player can go in nearly any order from a central room. Each area should have some different challenge. Suppose the areas that have the keys are bigger than the optional areas, or if every area is big, then no optional areas? The room with the green containment cells (seen in a post above in the collage) is probably the central room. Just needs some teleporters or doors to the different areas and maybe some height differences, so it's not so flat.
Was waking up from a nap.
Released version 8 couple days ago. Every monster and player character now have 2 death animations. Player character got a new look that combined v7 look with v0 look. She can also do a double Cat Claw melee attack anytime when pressing the Power Meow button. Some of the weapons got new models or polishing. Also decided to remove the normal/specular maps, they looked too often like some molten plastic. Maybe I'll redo them (much) later with more time and care as an optional package. Player character's new Cat Combat Armor. No idea where exactly she got it with humans being slaves to the demons. Maybe she built it secretly or maybe she worked as some higher ranking security officer for the demons, but later rebelled against them. The Railgun got a new model with some glowy parts and the purple part spins. The Missile Launcher got some polish. Should the ammo boxes say Rockets despite the weapons that use them, don't fire rockets? The Grenade Launcher got a revolver magazine into the middle. In some very early version the Rockets ammo was called Explosives, I wonder if it would fit. Also moved the Plasmagun energy cell to the middle, so it doesn't intersect with player's arm. Might make some more changes / new texture later. The Lightning Ripper got a proper handle. Version 8 patch notes: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2347390/view/4188989767886920054?l=english Plans for version 9 are to make a new level (probably Level 13). Other plans are to make another new level (probably Level 14) or more polish on models, or textures or improve sound effects? Also curious what's so far everyone's favorite levels, weapons or monsters?
I put some kiwifruit on pizza recently. Just about to eat some of it.
Released version 7, made a new gameplay trailer and updated the store page, and there's a 20% discount for a week. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2347390/Hell_Denizen/ Version 7 adds Level 12: Power Plant. It's a kind of large level that has some non linearity. Player and level stats can be recorded and there's some background stories about the monsters, weapons and levels. There's also some weapon tweaks and bug fixes, and player can do a Power Meow, which knocks enemies away from player. The magnum pistols primary fire is now the magnum bullets and alternate is an explosive magnum flare. The machinegun got an alternate fire: mini rockets. The rocket launcher got renamed to missile launcher and only fires guided missiles. It has 3 types: basic, incendiary and fusion. The lightning ripper was reverted back to using energy cells and the alternate fire is a slow moving ball lightning that can slide along surfaces and fires secondary lightning bolts at nearby targets. Here's the trailer in YouTube. Wanted it to have some episode 2 stuff, but maybe later when more episode 2 levels are complete. Here's a video where I was testing the Ball Lightning in Level 12. Note: the weapon doesn't actually appear in the level. It's snowing in Level 12: Power Plant. Just a random action shot from Level 09: Pit of Decay with the posterize shader. Stats and some background information about the stuff. Version 7 patch notes if you need something long to read while falling asleep: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2347390/view/4101161968283337389?l=english Plans for next version: Going to make proper specular textures for all level textures, so they don't use the fallback specular, which makes every surface using it shine the same amount. All monsters should have at least 2 death animations, and remove the silly spinning. The player character could have some updates: like a bigger visor for the helmet, maybe return the cat ears, and remove the skirt, the belt part of the skirt could stay. Then maybe some other polishing, maybe no new levels. Plans for the whole year: Here's a collage / plan image for Episode 2. The image is missing: Level 15 which may contain a boss monster, Level 20 which will be the final level, Level 11 which is already complete. Don't know if I'll make them in order, though the first two levels of episode 2 were made in order. Levels 14, 16, 17 and 18 are the most complete.
Spring, usually every bad thing that has happened, has happened on even numbered years in the spring, middle of March or a little bit after.
@LadyMistDragon If feel like taking another look at it, it should work fine in Doomsday 1.8.6: https://sourceforge.net/projects/deng/files/Win32 (Obsolete)/1.8.6/ Then it has stuff like colored light and ambient sounds, switches etc work, and apparently I modified some guns too. But seems like there's a kind of lack of ammo in it, whoops.
What is the coolest scenario in fiction of the 3 listed
TwinBeast replied to Ralseiwithagun's topic in Everything Else
I like all of them. I also like the evil robot scenario, the one where humans make robots that later decide humans are a problem that needs to be removed. -
Do you care about unrealistic/inaccurate guns?
TwinBeast replied to Artman2004's topic in Everything Else
Some realism is ok, but completely fine to have unrealistic things for the sake of better gameplay. Recently I've been playing Deus Ex with Shifter mod. The mod allows getting experience points by killing hostile characters. I was in the Versalife building offices. The guards there are initially friendly, so I decide to first shoot one of them to the leg to make him hostile. But he just stands there as if nothing happened. I had to shoot him several times to the legs to make him and the other guards hostile. After the fight, there's still one of the guards at the elevator, somehow he didn't notice all the shooting and killing, although was turned hostile when I went closer. It was fun despite the whole situation was unrealistic. -
Released version 6. It's got one new level, improved textures, better 256 color palette postprocessing shader and bug fixes. Was kinda stuck on making the new palette. Didn't know exactly how the palette should have been, and some colors just didn't like to work nice, but eventually with some inspiration from the Blood palette and combining that inspiration with the old palette, the new palette formed. The new level is Level 11: Rovaniemi Anomaly. It used to be the level named Vengeful Entry, but it didn't fit into Episode 1, so it became the first level of Episode 2 with new/extended areas. Here's a yard outside, there's still "the choice" between the red and blue buttons. Later player ventures into the basement underneath the yard. The facility is heated with some lava. This red lit corridor with the demon spawn didn't change much, but there are some buttons at the corridor ends. What could they do? The first 2 screenshots are with the new palette and the second 2 screenshots are with a new posterize shader that tries to mimic some of the paletted look. The posterize shader may work faster on older computers than the 256 color shader. Patch Notes: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2347390/view/3961546575204993796?l=english
The first thing I do after waking up is look at the cat pictures from Jodel @kissa channel and give an upvote to each.
Version 4 is out. There's new areas in some of the levels and realtime lighting performance is better. It's also possible to turn off the monster shadows while keeping shadows on the world, which further improves the framerate. Though levels with large open areas like Level 07: Catwalks can still be slow with realtime lighting on. Spent kinda lots of time on tweaking the weapons, suppose they're pretty good now, but definitely not going to add more. Rather I'll just polish the current weapons models/textures if needed. Maybe doing a new model for the Railgun, as it's no longer a Sniper Rifle type of weapon, it's become more Shotgun like and uses Shells for the ammo. Then there's also a Gameplay Settings menu that allow some other kind of gameplay changes than just how many monsters are in the levels. For an example it's possible to turn off the more powerful powerups for extra challenge. The crosshair can now change color depending on target health. Green: 100 - 76%, Yellow: 75 - 51%, Orange: 50 - 26%, Red: 25 - 1%, White: No target and Blue: Explosive barrels etc, or player with health over 100% (maybe there should be different colors for these two). Level 04: Toxic Tunnels got some extension and more toxic slime. Level 08: Blood Processing got some more blood, there's a large pool of blood ahead where player needs to swim for a bit. Secret 99: Hexed got some adjustments too. The quicksand got replaced with water, which makes this area more attractive looking and plays more fun. And here's a more detailed changelog: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2347390/view/3709336113899540693?l=english
I notice that in Quake level format I make more details that can be done by adding more blocks into the level and less details that would carve an alcove into a wall, and would require splitting a block into smaller blocks. Same goes to floor details, like if the middle of a room should have different texture and be a little lower from the floor near the walls, that's more complicated to do for Qbsp, and did that kind of stuff more in Doom levels. But then if I have done some outdoor area with sky visible, I usually add lots of beams and stuff to the "ceiling", while in Doom levels I wouldn't do such details so often or would try to make them not split the area into lots of small sectors. Also doing more 3d stuff that wouldn't be possible in vanilla Doom levels, though not too much to keep the top down view of the level easy to make sense what's what. Pillars are also a nice and easy detail to add and can make the gameplay more interesting, both cover for the player and enemies. If they don't go all the way up to the ceiling, some enemies could be placed on top of the pillars too.
I'm a kissa, mrourrr :3
I could have some extra mature cheddar right about now.
Liquorice and/or salmiac and possibly combine with raspberry or lemon.
Making progress on Episode 2. The portal at the end of Episode 1 took player to Northern Finland. The demons have been experimenting on regenerative technology in Rovaniemi Lab to improve the Zombies to be more durable in harsh environments. The Brutes also got some armor and a machinegun to guard the experiments from intruders. Should make some snowy textures other than just snow and ice. Then I've been tweaking the weapons and turning the Power Ammo into a timed triple damage powerup. Feels more useful than the version 3 power ammo that just has a minor effect on the alternate firing modes.
Depends on the game. It can also work that enemies drop nothing if there's lots of stuff placed into the level, but just the same it can work too that there's very little items in the level and player gets nearly everything from the enemies. But if an enemy drops a weapon, and if the weapon is some powerful weapon, then maybe that enemy should be some mid boss.
I've been pronouncing it gibs, kinda like I've been pronouncing Descent as Deskent, though after finding out it's pronounced like Disent, I might sometimes pronounce it like that.
I've played through Hexen with every character. I did need to check a walkthrough to know there was some small dark hole in a dark corner in Caves of Circe I needed to fall in to get a key or was it switch? Also remembered it was Kirke, maybe I've played too much Mortal Kombat between now and then.
So glad you like it @Daytime Waitress and @BGreener Just uploaded version 2 and then immediately had to update to version 3, which fixes the Reset to Defaults functionality, uhh. Here's the release notes/changelog: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2347390/view/3681180462710570156?l=english Has anyone found this level yet: And I've been wondering about making the flamethrower alt fire have a charge function by holding the alt fire button down for a while. Quick tap would fire the current non power ammo alt fire (the incendiary grenade), and holding the button down longer would add the circling flames up to 8 flames (the flame bomb, seen in the screenshot). Maybe also add a charge function for the grenade launcher (alt fire)? Though not entirely sure what the charge would do for it, shoot multiple grenades? Maybe the plasmagun alt fire could (rather) have charge, so both high tech weapons would have something similar in their alt fire?
Released Hell Denizen Early Access on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2347390/Hell_Denizen/ The first version contains the first episode which is 10 levels + 2 secret levels, and 3 deathmatch / survival levels. The game takes place in futuristic southern Finland. The player character codenamed MeowMeow (you can change the name) starts the game at her workplace where the demons had kept her as a slave. Now she must fight the demons and start a rebellion to overthrow the evil demon rulers and their minions. Version 1, Release Notes: Default video mode is 1600x1000 windowed Forgot R as one of the default bindings for Pause 256 color palette glsl postprocessing shader might not work with AMD graphics cards RT World Lighting may be very slow These things will be fixed/changed in the next or later updates. I'll collect feedback data for a few days and then address all the simple easy to fix issues for the next update. Fixing the RT World Lighting slowness can take a little longer and will be in a later update. I'm using version numbering like: 1, 2, 3, 4... So the next version will be version 2. I've also added a Discord server for Hell Denizen, though it's still a bit quiet there. Here's some random screenshots: Shooting a pack of zombies with the shotgun. Firing the assault rifle in third person. The demons getting incinerated with the flamethrower. If you play the game, feedback is very much appreciated :3