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Everything posted by DreadWanderer

  1. As good as a technical KO 😄 In the txt it says that the track is "Studiopolis Zone Act 2" for MAP20 and "Neon Night Riders" for MAP21, I think there was a switcheroo.
  2. Back with another bug report, got a stuck caco in its closet in MAP20. Screenshots below. P.S. That track is absolutely banging, I think it's my favorite of the set so far and that's saying something!
  3. Thank you for mapping. I could say I slowly acclimated myself to slaughter maps (or at least higher difficulty maps with a decent degree of congestion), but this felt like a whole new scale. I'm surprised I managed to do it since slaughter isn't exactly my thing, it's a very well designed map where I had to think quite a bit about how to secure space and approach things. I think it also has the highest monster count of any maps I've recorded.
  4. Hey fellas, back with a couple of bug reports. Minor slime trail in map 8 + 2 monsters which got stuck in their closet in map 9. Screenshots attached. Also I think it's really worth praising stuff like the custom monsters which fit very well, plus all the little details like being able to interact with panels and monitors and find secrets. It makes a great companion to Auger Zenith's attention to detail and the DoomCute is super wholesome. FASCINATING!
  5. Six maps finished in about an hour, missed a couple of secrets. Really really good, I appreciate the fact that you guys took it a bit easier with the combat. Maybe I overestimated the difficulty of Sanguine Holy Land but I'm having a more relaxed ride here. The environments have room to breathe without super tight ambushes. Having played and finished PUSS XXV: Lunacy, I'm quite familiar with the theme and very pleased with the atmosphere. Great music choices too, spotted stewboy's "Web of Steel". Dunno what comes next but it's bound to stay fun.
  6. Glad to see others who also want 100% items, I had the same problem in this map but gave up eventually :(
  7. Thanks for the reply. Went something like this: shoot the switch to unlock the path, head left to grab the supercharge, turn around, and when I reached the spot where the imps were supposed to show up I fell through the floor. It's quite possible I skipped a linedef because in my second run I didn't swerve left as tightly as I did the first time when I went for the supercharge and the imps appeared.
  8. I'm on MAP08 atm and find it very interesting and cool, some creative combat scenarios and the aesthetics are pretty true to the original TNT. Goes pretty hard from the beginning. In terms of issues: - In MAP03 I picked up the supercharge secret behind the boxes without triggering the double imp ambush, and on my way back to the conveyor belt I fell through the floor alongside the imps and got softlocked, had to noclip through; - The lost souls have blue flames in their idle animation but they turn back to the default red/orange when charging. Not sure if this is an oversight or if it's intentional; Having fun, will absolutely play more of it. Edit: Found a very prominent slime trail in MAP11 at the beginning. Screen below. Running DSDA 0.27.5 with software rendering.
  9. Eternity doesn't currently have robust comp levels (sigh). During testing I tried tinkering with various map-relevant comp flags from the menu in order to try to solve the issue but nothing worked. One possible solution is to create an OPTIONS lump and dump it inside the wad, but this requires identifying the issue then learning Eternity's specific syntax (if the issue even has a relevant line for that). In my opinion it's too much hassle so like Edz said it's better to stick to DSDA, Woof, Nugget, or GZ.
  10. There's a great danger in me going on a tirade about how old physical media (especially if it's pristine) has turned into a shameless cash cow, with capitalist greed milking nostalgia value and symbolic subcultural status to the maximum. This is the modern day equivalent of stamp collecting, exploiting passions and hobbies and turning them into industries and sources of income. TLDR: it's expensive, and even if you have the money and the desire to get it, I'd refuse to do so on matters of principle.
  11. After quite a long journey I managed to complete my UV max playthrough. Playlist: Big congrats to @Cammy for this fantastic remaster, and ofc to The Macintosh Team for the originals. It wasn't always a bump-free ride but overall it was worth it. I will likely +1 this for the 2024 Cacowards.
  12. Hey everyone, started playing this a few days ago and I really like the faithfulness to the IWAD. Good fun. I've made a new version of the UMAPINFO which I attached here. The problem is that the original gets you stuck on the secret maps when you hit the "next map" key in DSDA, which is quite an issue for me. It also helps to navigate the maps in ports that don't have a level table (aka anything except DSDA and Cherry Doom). Let me know if you encounter any problems. UMAPINFO_LC.rar
  13. Thank you to @EduardoAndFriends for another chance to test in closed beta and provide feedback. This map gets a big stamp of approval from me, it's a tight and excellent romp!
  14. It's not that it's too generic to copyright, it's that there is no original at all. 😎
  15. Yeah ofc, it's just...I don't back down. I file it under "personal failings" :D
  16. 5 maps in and I'm already dazzled by the amount of colors and impressions. While playing MAP03 I was instantly reminded of playing Hedon Bloodrite. I love the combo of psychedelic vibes and pretty complex harmonies in the retro music. It must be said though, this wad is difficult. There's lots of room to optimize and stuff, but yeah...hard.
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