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About BigMacDavis

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  1. I'm gonna play this for Thanksgiving this year. :)
  2. Oh hey, I know you! By which I mean, I've seen your videos and such hehe. Welcome to Doomworld, BigMac!

  3. Now THIS is gonna be real handy. Thanks for the in-depth listing.
  4. Oh, this is gonna be so helpful. I'm having a lot of fun with these posts. You're seriously a life saver. Sarge's Office: 1 Pistol 1 Shells Small 1 Super Shotgun 1 Artifact Charge 1 Sweetness Bear Head. Hehe. And yes, in Levitation Site Gamma, there is a trigger point for a Trite to spawn, but the trigger is under the rock. You have to move the rock with the Grabber Gun for the Trite to spawn.
  5. Great level. So many triggers and enemies. Lol, nice 69th post.
  6. Welcome back. Definitely going to be practicing Resurrection of Evil tomorrow with your Level 1 list.
  7. Really, really interesting about the 100% enemies in the Main Excavation and how only certain enemies will spawn if you do a certain set of events. I can't remember if I did it the 100% way or not, but in any case, it's interesting that several of these enemies in Doom 3 are predetermined to spawn only if you do certain triggers. Really makes getting a true 100% really tough if you don't know what you're doing.
  8. Welcome to the Internet!

    1. LoatharMDPhD


      Love the show! Your Doom 4 Ultra-Nightmare run was something else... Dedication for sure.

  9. So, sometime in early 2023, I will be re-doing my Doom 3 BFG Edition Walkthrough to accommodate all these items I missed. What's also REALLY cool is you're now adding in the triggers for the enemies and what gets them to trigger, perfect for a visual 100% Walkthrough. When I do re-do the videos, I'll be sure to give you full credit in every video, as these lists will definitely help, and make the guide on YouTube the ultimate guide. Are you also going to do Resurrection of Evil and Lost Mission BFG Edition? No worries if not, just wondering. Have a good day.
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