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About nathanB404

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    Doom Eternal Pure EdgeKino
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  1. I had mine removed. From what I remember, after getting my wisdom teeth removed. I had very sore pain from my teeth afterwards that at times hurt like hell. It was miserable.
  2. But I was asking for help multiple times on that subreddit. But the moderators kept banning me because they thought I was joking.
  3. I kept posting on a subreddit about stuff I was dealing with that I was banned from multiple times. i kept abusing banned evasion I guess. Now I’m permanently screwed and I’m pissed
  4. I’ve been permanently banned on Reddit. Worse of all. Everytime I create a new acc, it gets instantly banned. what do I do? I’m very upset that I’ll never get to post on Reddit forever. No matter how many different emails I set up. Reddit still knows it’s me and they ban me. please someone help me on this.
  5. Super Mario 64 big star secret (lost screamer video from 2007-2012)
  6. It's been hard for us NuDoom fans during these times. From the closure of Mighty Doom, to the fallout between Mick and Bethesda Studios. We have been through it all. It's been 3 years since tag 2 and 4 years since eternal's launch. We are starving for new doom content officially from ID here. As we have been desperately waiting to see what ID has been cooking since the job listing's came into fruition all the way back to November of 2021. I, and a lot of other Nudoomers outside of this site can agree that our patience is running out. NuDoomtuber channels such as hmmmp and deadk3y have seemingly fallen out of the community due to this 2 year long content drought of nothingness. The only NuDoomtuber still going is HMG. But even he struggles to create new content for his channel. To say the situation is dire is a understatement.
  7. I think by 2025 I’ll be mentally mature enough to not be making shit posts. I’m going through puberty I feel and I’m at a awkward stage in life
  8. I’m 20 years old sadly. It’s a bit hard moving into this adultish life style that I’m trying to get accustomed to.
  9. Yknow. There's shit in my life that I currently have to put up with. Parents keep nagging about me getting a job and having to "act my age" and be mature and such. But I try looking towards the positives in life. I just know that this game will be worth it in the long run.
  10. We Did It Reddit! The new Doom Game is finally in our hands!
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