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Everything posted by nathanB404

  1. This one is a bit of an oldie. But it's called "The Only Thing They Fear Is You" by Mick Gordon.
  2. Doom 2016....on the switch!! (But only the mp part tho. Didn't get invested in th singleplayer until replaying it on my Xbox one 5 years later)
  3. Do you think (in your opinion) that in the next 15 years, doom eternal will still remain a cult classic? Or is it just zoomer normie trash.
  4. What are things you'd like to see in a doom eternal remake? It's going to happen eventually. Bethesda and Microsoft love money.
  5. They were probably better times. But idk I was 6 in 2010 so I wasn't around on this site nor knew what doom was.
  6. A doom game that is actually scary. None of that doom 3 babies first horror game type bull crap.
  7. I'm somewhat hyped yet heavily optimistic about the next game ID is working on, whether it be doom or quake. I really really really hope it doesn't turn out to be a disappointment. Just one last good game.
  8. Rip halo 1995-2043 Definitely was one of the games of time
  9. 19. Tho I wish I was born in 2020.
  10. I don't have a favorite video game because honestly I'm not much of a Gamer™️at this moment.
  11. It's not silly. It's serious. The Doom God himself won't be back in the next doom installment
  12. It's not silly. It's serious. The Doom God himself won't be back in the next doom installment
  13. Isn't there a only pistol run in classic doom tho?
  14. Ok let me improvise. Comic doom guy: "rip in tear raahhh!! Rip and tear their guts out rraaaahhhhh!!!!!" Quake 3 Xx_D00M_SL4YER_xX: "ooo yeah, rip and tear their organs apart yesss~"
  15. It's been almost 3 years and I wonder how reception for doom eternals second dlc, named "The Ancient Gods: Part 2" which is a follow up to Doom Eternals previous dlc named "The Ancient Gods: Part 1". From what I remember the dlc wasn't received too well on release. It was criticized for being "too easy" and it's final boss was a HUGE disappointment for many. Also the dlc itself was criticized for lacking any identity. As it seemed there wasn't anything memorable about the dlc itself. The arena fights were criticized for being too easy (as was the rest of the game itself). And so were the levels themselves. AS they were often criticized by lacking strong characteristics that made them fun to replay. But now it's 2023. And times have changed. Did tag 2 ruin doom?
  16. What are your thoughts on th cod zombies lore? Do you think it's farr better and well written than doom?
  17. Who knows. But it's glad to see that it isn't all DOOM and GLOOM for, doom. Maybe Andrew Hulshults contribution to the next games soundtrack might end up being as important as Mick Gordon's contribution to doom 2016. As the new composers can really give off a different feel and tone for the next doom game with their music now that I think of it. Who konoes.
  18. But how good of a job tho? Can they stand up against mick? I don't think they can imo. What's left for doom
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