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Everything posted by dsda-dev

  1. I wonder why some are having problems with opengl. There's no difference in this version compared to the last.
  2. I'm probably going to do my massive menu overhaul for 0.28, so this kind of feature will be something I look into.
  3. Updated to v0.27.2 (same link in first post) - Added dsdademo header if using mapinfo in legacy formats (important for future compatibility if anyone ends up doing this) - Fixed -dsdademo desync
  4. Yep, PBeGood4 added endoom support directly in the official launcher. You don't even need to change the port settings directly as the launcher handles it. Messing with the terminal or batch files is something for advanced users who like to tinker or customize things. E.g., I like that endoom now shows up in my terminal using my own font setup. If someone doesn't like to tinker and also doesn't want to use the launcher, then endoom doesn't exist for them.
  5. I need to completely overhaul a lot of things. That's going to be the big iteration for 0.28 if it goes well. The current vertical aiming in the port isn't sufficient on its own.
  6. Huh, the player also falls through the walkable midtex if you spawn in midair. I'll have to take a look at that. I'll take a look at melee stuff too.
  7. Updated to v0.27.1 (same link in first post) - Restored opl player - Upgraded to opl3 emulation (rfomin) - You can switch back to opl2 with config option mus_opl_opl3mode - Fixed crash related to opengl colormap management - Unfortunately, this reverted the fix for boom colormap + invuln in opengl
  8. I'm able to reproduce this. I will fix it for the next patch.
  9. I looked at sector color properties when implementing udmf and decided to leave them alone for this release. I might add them at some point in the future.
  10. Ah ok that's much simpler. The problem is cmd refuses to let the window take focus. Why it refuses I don't know, but most likely it would be fixed by disabling terminal output in the windows build (which is how it is in 0.24.3). I'd rather figure out how to solve the problem without doing that though. @rfomin do you have any idea why cmd won't give up focus, or how to make it do so? Not from me but I'm sure someone will provide one. Ramon_Demestre often posts builds.
  11. Which terminal do you use? I tried both powershell and regular cmd and can't reproduce with those at least. To be clear, the dsda-doom window correctly obtains focus, and you can for instance use all your keys, but it specifically doesn't have the mouse?
  12. Unfortunately I can't reproduce these issues so it's hard for me to fix or give advice. What version of windows are you on? How do you execute the batch file? What exactly is in the batch file? Only thing I can think of to do is update your graphics drivers. Either that or your graphics card has a problem with some opengl feature in the port.
  13. Duplicate command-line arguments override one another and they don't stack. The -file argument takes a list of as many files as you have, so you can simply do "-file pwad.wad archive.zip" (that style is also supported by every port as far as I know). None of those cases should work. Maybe you have redundant files in the zip?
  14. You should be able to fetch and print the contents of your log file after you exit, which should give the same result. I don't know .bat commands so I can't speculate what it would be. It's not possible right now. It also might not work properly for old maps (i.e., you might not get physics or interactions you expect) since that feature is designed for udmf maps and not all the code implementing it is shared across formats.
  15. By the way, if you are an opl enjoyer, let me know. I am fine with adding it back in, but so far I have only ever gotten complaints about it, so I removed it. OPL is back (with opl3) in 0.27.1
  16. dsda-doom v0.27 This update brings UDMF support out of beta with an official dsda UDMF namespace, adds MAPINFO support, and fixes a ton of bugs. Other highlights include a smooth light fade option for opengl (from bkoropoff), improvements to the build mode, and ambient sound support. Ambient sound works retroactively: check out Containment Area, which now has beeping computers and audible conveyor belts. MAPINFO does not work retroactively, as the implementation is more strict and less comprehensive in dsda-doom. If you'd like to use it in your wad, add a DSDAPREF plain text lump with the line use_mapinfo. UDB Support Thanks to a ton of work by @boris, UDB now includes an updated and streamlined dsda-doom udmf config. Update to the latest version to give it a spin. UDMF / MAPINFO Extras I've decided to fill in some gaps in udmf and mapinfo in order to streamline cumbersome boom features and make life easier for mappers. Some of these features are likely to be adopted by other ports, depending on whether or not they are relevant. The basic idea was "if you need a line special to create a static sector feature, just make that a sector property". This includes scrolling, friction, thrust, colormaps, and skies. New MAPINFO Properties Added Passover and NoPassover map flags to disable or enable finite height (default is NoPassover) Added Colormap map property to set the default colormap (i.e., you can now cover an underwater map in mapinfo without messing with any sectors!) New UDMF Properties Added wall texture scrolling properties Split by overall, top, mid, and bottom Added sector scrolling properties Split by floor and ceiling Separate flags for texture, static objects, players, and monsters Added sector thrust properties Separate flags for static objects, players, monsters, projectiles, and WINDTHRUST-flagged actors Separate location flags for affecting the ground, ceiling, or air Added sector sky properties Split by floor and ceiling (you can have separate skies in one sector now) Added sector friction properties Added colormap streamlining Colormap as a sector property (you can set it directly like you would set the floor or ceiling texture) Map_SetColormap special action (change default colormap, still overridden by sector-defined colormaps) Sector_SetColormap special action (change colormap by sector tag) Bug Fixes Fixed a crash caused by an off-by-one error in the sprite count Fixed a crash caused by zero-length ledge linedefs in cl11+ Fixed backspace from skill selection showing the episode menu when there is only one episode (e.g., in kdikdizd) Fixed nightmare skill warning showing up for heretic / hexen skill 5 Fixed issue with reversing build mode in cl7-9 Fixed issue with combining manual key frames with build mode reverse in vanilla complevels Fixed rare crash in line of sight check Fixed various features not working in solo-net mode (next map key, -pistolstart, etc) Fixed opengl not respecting the screen multiply setting (bkoropoff) Fixed some brute force conditions getting ignored depending on the order Fixed some brute force targets displaying a value in the message when there is none Fixed trackers not resetting properly when loading a previous state Fixed player damage tracking reporting the wrong value sometimes when rewinding Fixed an issue that would cause graphical oddities and / or crashes for some players Fixed a crash caused by repeat uses of brute force Fixed mouse buffering while the mouse is disabled Fixed big health / armor exhud components not using the text color config Fixed ammo components not coloring by the ammo percent config Fixed a crash occurring in maps with inconsistent nodes Fixed an automap freeze when dying while using the minimap Fixed position in level table resetting when reopening it Fixed a crash when using the quartz flask hotkey on the title screen Fixed the ammo_text component having the wrong order under alternate alignment Fixed a broken hack related to software midtex clipping Fixed a crash when using -time_use without the associated component Fixed negative coordinate rounding in the console Fixed custom colormaps combined with invulnerability yielding the wrong colormap in opengl Fixed alt-tab causing the wrong palette to appear under certain conditions Fixed reload on use while dead carrying a command over Fixed displayplayer in coop demo playback Check out the full patch notes here. Thanks to @ZeroMaster010 for comprehensive regression testing to ensure demo syncing. Thanks to @almostmatt1 and @RockyGaming4725 for testing and feedback on the build mode improvements. Thanks to @Bytefyre, @GarrettChan, @Maribo, @Master Medi, @Meowgi, @Ravendesk, @Spendoragon, and @Napsalm for beta testing and feedback. Thanks to @Xaser, @Graf Zahl, and @Major Arlene for various degrees of feedback on the extras above. Download the latest release here. This release is incompatible with past save files.
  17. Even in a port designed completely around demo compatibility like dsda-doom, demo compatibility is HARD. When heretic was being implemented, there was a desync with a single demo out of a thousand from the archive. If that demo didn't exist, the issue would not have been caught. Before releases we do regression tests against tens of thousands of demos and sometimes catch errors affecting only a few of them. On the hexen front, chocolate hexen is not completely demo compatible and this has also been inherited by dsda-doom. PRBoom+ and by extension dsda-doom are also not compatible with MBF - a ton of stuff was broken over the years and Woof had to make changes to adapt to the status quo rather than maintain compatibility with the original MBF. To give an idea of the type of thing that can break demo compatibility that could be difficult to anticipate or catch, here are a couple real examples, that would also have happened during zdoom's development: Hexen uses single bytes for its special action arguments. This is pretty limiting, so integers are used in udmf. It turns out that one of those byte arguments in hexen was used as a rolling counter that loops from 255 to 0 by incrementing it and letting it overflow. When it became an integer, it stopped looping and the associated code started behaving differently. In another place in the code, the array of byte arguments was cast together as one integer. Naturally, that casting process also lost information when the bytes became integers instead. So even in a port designed for this purpose, and with comparatively less (and simpler) change over time, maintaining demo compatibility is a constant challenge and there are still gaps.
  18. I plan on having more graphical options in the hud in the future.
  19. Yes, midtex bleeding was broken in 0.26.2 for some cases. It's since been fixed for the next release.
  20. These are known limitations currently. I decided I want sprites at the right position in opengl, with the clipping, rather than having them at the wrong position, without clipping.
  21. prboom+ save files are incomplete, in the sense that they don't perfectly save and load the game state. Since dsda-doom needs flawless game state preservation for tasing purposes, its save files are different, so the resulting demos would desync even if it used the same format as prboom+.
  22. When 0.27 comes out it will support all the stuff shown here: https://github.com/kraflab/dsda-doom/blob/master/docs/udmf.md DSDA-Doom supports a subset of what gzdoom supports, and does not support some of the additional features that aren't specific to udmf but which you might also be considering: ACS, DECORATE, SNDSEQ, ANIMDEFS, etc. Basically, if you open your map editor and make a gzdoom udmf map, it might not run in dsda-doom unless you take care with what features you use. When 0.27 comes out there will be a more concrete standard and udb for instance is slated to have more support for custom configurations, which will make it easier to know what features are and are not supported.
  23. The main thing I recommend is to add a "timeout" to the process. When storing a save takes too long (configurable), dsda-doom disables the feature on the current map and notifies the player. Otherwise players will get hit with lag spikes in certain maps and they may not realize why it's happening.
  24. It appears to work like it does in dsda-doom, by keeping a chain of savegames automatically, though they aren't state-preserving / demo compatible here.
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