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About needsF00DBadly

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  1. I missed out on the 2023 Maxiumum Project, but I have a map I've been working on that I'd like to submit to this year's.
  2. I found some time to play through a couple of the submissions, and decided to, as an amateur mapper and casual player, share some of my thoughts. @minimedals @CrazedCleric
  3. Absolutely gorgeous looking map. Looking forward to playing it.
  4. Took my sweet time with it, but finally got around to playing through the WAD. I'm not really in a place to provide extensive critique on people's maps. Plus, I don't really have anything to add to Wo0p's coverage of the set. However, I would still like to share a few of my thoughts: - First of all, you weren't joking kidding about the custom monster; the boys in green can be absolutely brutal. The first one in Map 01 is quite a wake up call, and I always felt their usage in later levels was well balanced between challenging and fair. - The detailing in these levels is honestly remarkable. The various ways in which flying enemies would enter the map through caverns or from outside walls rather than simply teleport in felt very organic. I liked it a lot. One small nitpick is that I would get hung up on a lot of these small details, like floor lights or wall indentations. Perhaps an issue on my end? - The attention to lighting easy to appreciate, although there might have been one or two instances where it was too dark. Most dark areas featured some really clever lighting to guide me along the way, but there were one or two situations where it was too dark, made a bit frustrating when accomapnied with hitscanners. - In a handful of combat encounters, enemies were a bit eager to wipe eachother out, even on second playthroughs. - Naturally, to second Wo0p's point about the later teen maps, they do seem like they need some more polish. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this. There is a level and visual polish and detailing that is really easy to appreciate, and the gameplay flowed nicely for the most part, with some legitimately difficult and challenging segments. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes from here.
  5. Not a regular playtester, but it looks promising from the screenshots. And a custom monster? I'll give it a playthrough.
  6. Amateur mapper here, so I don't have much in the way of legitimate criticism. With that out of the way, I had a blast with this one. It absoultely wiped the floor with me at first. Visually it was sharp, and there was a sense of pressure throughout the run. Great map.
  7. I'm a bit late on this. If the project is still accepting, then I plan to have a submission in by the weekend.
  8. I’ve been keeping an eye on this thread. I don’t have a map to upload right now, but just wanted to drop by to commend @thelamp for your work here. This is a lot of Doom to cover, and your energy and positive feedback in covering the works of others is much appreciated.
  9. I’d like to join in on this. I can whip up one or two maps for the bonus episode.
  10. It all looks great! The WAD is excellent so far, looking forward to the final product.
  11. @UltimateDecaf I’m afraid I’m going to have to back out of this one. I’m unfortunately unable to give this project the time it needs. Sorry for the trouble.
  12. Thanks for putting all your work out there for free use.
  13. Sounds fun. Still working on my mapping skills, but I have a few ideas that I was wanting to try.
  14. New mapper here. I'd love to give this a shot. Count me in.
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