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Eon Toad

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About Eon Toad

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  1. Currently playing Hexen 2 through a Quake engine sourceport for Android. Somehow the puzzles are even more obtuse than in the first game, but the combat and exploration are still fun.
  2. The album isn't as bad as it's made out to be. In fact, I don't think it would take much work to make it an enjoyable album. The problem is that the raw sound, the constant mid pace, the repetitive lyrics, and meandering song lengths all combine to make for a listen that gets really grating over time. I could easily picture a recut of St Anger where it's a lean as hell 40-45 minute album.
  3. I just recently finished Hexen and enjoyed it enough that I immediately played it again as the other two classes. Would have liked some more enemy and weapon variety, but the exploration was fun, and the puzzles make a weird kind of sense after your first playthrough. It probably helped that I was playing it on a Doom sourceport on my Retroid (Android based handheld) so the novelty of playing Hexen on the go was part of the fun.
  4. Good to see this project alive again. I'll have some minor revisions to map 24 up soon. If we end up needing more maps, I wouldn't mind taking one more.
  5. I'm reminded of this classic ad for Doom 2 that calls it a fighting game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXhZWi3c-UA&pp=ygUPRWFybHkgRG9vbSAyIGFk
  6. I'm just a bedroom player, but this is my main workhorse.
  7. Sorry, should have clarified. Yes. The link is to a folder containing the wad so I can update the contents and the link stays the same.
  8. Found a button setup I really liked for playing Hexen on handheld
  9. I've replaced those textures and double-checked the map. P2-4 starts are there unless I did them wrong.
  10. Doom 2: Monster Condo Sandy Petersen maps can be pretty hit and miss, but this level really nails the puzzle box design of Doom 2.
  11. Just finished Hyperion and now I'm starting The Fall of Hyperion.
  12. One of my luckiest thrift store finds. A working, American-made mechanical watch that's probably older than I am.
  13. Sorry for the late reply. I had some false starts but couldn't make anything up to the standard of what other people have submitted here. You're probably better off without me on this one.
  14. This sounds like it would make for an absolutely badass game soundtrack. Guitar tone is absolutely crushing, and it's very technical but not in a flashy way.
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