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About SwanS8

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  1. Yeah I think a new Quake with the lovecraft style of the original would be awesome. I personally could do with a different MC than Ranger though tbh, maybe if they revamped him to fit the world design better, because he just seemed way too generic. Ranger to me looks about the same as one of the grunts, maybe they could give him more of a medieval/ gothic design to make him stand out more.
  2. I don't think it's that bad, though I will admit I didn't really like them making him into a demi-god basically. I also don't care for the whole "Rip and Tear" thing, seems too silly, especially when he actually says it in game. In regards to Crash, I'm suggesting the character be re-worked and rewritten to an extent. I personally think just because a character has become irrelevant doesn't mean that can't be fixed/ changed.
  3. I like a lot of the idea's (and find some of them very funny). I'm not suggesting Doom guy be replaced by Crash as some people are suggesting. The character for Crash is essentially a blank slate so Id could completely re-work her to fit the story. Also since Doom Eternal is a sequel to the original Doom; Doom guy was originally just a regular space marine; only after Doom 64 did he become a night sentinel and this "god-like" being. I feel like Crash would be a good side character in a separate campaign, or even offering a coop aspect to the new Doom. Also as someone else said, Crash could be a separate marine back on Phobos or even someone who helped fight the demon invasion on earth to a lesser extent than Doom slayer. She wouldn't be powerful enough to be able to fight the Icon of sin, but she'd still be an exceptionally strong marine. Since she's a girl and weaker (not being a night sentinel) I feel like she could bring a different dynamic to the gameplay, possible new weapons entirely separate from Doom guys (or at least mostly) and maybe an entirely new evil taking place around the same time as the Icon of sin's resurrection which Doom guy wasn't aware of since he was too busy with the Khan mayker and the Icon of sin.
  4. Oh, thanks. My bad, I'm new to the forums sorry.
  5. Is this forum exclusively for classic Doom? I was talking about possible future ideas for Doom/ Quake. oh nvm, I posted in the wrong category mb
  6. Not sure if this topic has already been talked about, but I've heard rumors Id software is already developing either a new Doom or Quake. I always thought Crash seemed like a really cool character, and she's even Doom guy/slayer's mentor based on Quake 3. Doom Eternal is already a huge fan service game, so I think it would be really cool if she was introduced along side Doom slayer, allowing for possible coop or maybe even a separate campaign. Hugo Martin did say they were curious in making a female protagonist for Doom However If Id can't find a way to introduce her into a new Doom, I think it would be really cool to make her the protagonist of a new single player Quake. I always kinda thought Ranger was really generic and Crash is already initially from Quake anyway. I do think one of the possible problem with making her as the protagonist in Quake is it may just feel like another version of Doom but with a girl main character. So what do you guys think of Crash being in a new game? How do you think she should function, like new weapons, playstyle, glory kills etc.? Do you think she would fit better in a new Doom, Quake, or a totally new game? Any other thoughts around the character and how she could possibly be changed or added to future games are also welcome.
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