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About Azafran

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    Retro doomer

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  1. Yes, I only mentioned 640x480 because it was the highest resolution available in Doom95. But yes, Crispy is double the original (plus sides if widescreen). I'm too interested in knowing when was first possible to use DeHackEd in higher resolutions. And when the use of double the res started to be widespread.
  2. Thank you for your answers. It's quite remarkable that Doom could be played at Crispy's resolution just one year after launch. Although probably the vast majority of people kept playing at original res at least until 1998. Shocking how purist some people are about the vanilla res when 640x480 was attainable that early in Doom's history.
  3. I was wondering when it was first possible to play DOOM at a resolution higher than 320x200. I searched but couldn't find any info. I know that a preview for Doom95 was released in November 1995 and it was supposed to support 640x480 but I'm not 100% sure the preview included it. Then, which was the first port to support that resolution and at what point in time? This can appear silly and irrelevant, but I'm on a quest of experiencing Doom in a period accurate manner so I want to know at what point makes sense to use for example Crispy Doom to play some WADS released at the time.
  4. Knee-deep in the dead is so good, easily my favourite,. The aesthetics and pace of the maps are very good, specially for the year of release. That makes the rest of the game a bit of a let down in some ways. It's clear to me that they wanted to present the most appealing maps in the shareware version, so people would want to order the full game. And they basically hired Sandy at the last minute to shovel maps and fill the holes. Not to say that I didn't enjoy E2 and E3, but it's obvious the quality is not the same. E4 is really interesting, way more difficult and created with the experience of Doom 1 and Doom 2.
  5. 2007-2009 was peak life for me. I just finished high school, I had a rock band with my best friends and we were gigging around town. I started dating my now wife. Smartphones still weren't really a thing and social media was in its infancy (myspace was still alive and very much used in the context of bands). I viewed life with excitement and wonder and everything was more intense as I still was a teenager.
  6. I haven't played a lot of community WADS so I didn't know it was its own genre already! Still, I think the current idea will look just like a normal classic WAD, not that this is wrong of course. In this case, can I take MAP02?
  7. I know I know, I just was trying to be funny "lawyering" over the Doom manual lol
  8. Nice to see a sequel to What is health! I had so much fun mapping for that. Just my opinion on this one: I think the "gimmick" for this sequel is not as interesting as in the last one because it doesn't look like it will have a noticeable impact in gameplay for the player. I'm going to put Doom 2 MAP04 as an example: It has even less health total than the proposed map 4 for this project. And in the end the maps would just be following a normal progression of more enemies and more difficulty as they go up in the rooster. My suggestion: what if, instead of setting a health limit per map, we use Dehacked to modify the health of every monster to a very low amount? That way it would be the inverse of the previous project. Instead of the player feeling very vulnerable, we can make it feel really powerful now and put a ridiculous amount of enemies in the maps. What do you guys think?
  9. ¿Es tarde para pillar un hueco? Me gustaría participar, me da igual el slot 👍
  10. Yes, but what I mean is that apart from the obvious fact that there is a save function clearly built in the game easily accessible through the menu, the manual is already encouraging the player to use it often. So of course is NOT BAD to use saves, is how the game was intended to be played. If someone wants to not save as a challenge, that's another story. Like pistol starting.
  11. I recently discovered that is possible to get locked in my map. I fixed that and made another minor change. Updated version: AILMENTS-REV2.zip Maybe should we all do a final round of playtesting (just to be sure) before submitting to idgames? About the next project, I think the "no armor" thing is too similar to what we already did. We didn't have armor here either after all. What about something more wacky like: - No doors (all are fake or activate stuff other than the actual door). - No ammo? (loads of weapons though!) - Random weapon damage. Pistol strikes like a shotgun, rocket launcher makes little scratches. I don't know, let's brainstorm!
  12. Nothing fancy, maybe the most difficult Doom thing I've done is beating Ultimate Doom + Doom 2, on ultra violence, pistol starting all levels and 100% kills + 100% secrets.
  13. Bastante increíble, la verdad. Larga vida al Doom.
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