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About Mario2560

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    Average Italian Doomer
    Warming Up

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  1. you want difficulty, huh? just wait till next friday, i’ll show you difficulty
  2. @Moustachio Here's an updated version of my map, with the improvements you had in mind. Enjoy! Hell can't wait.zip
  3. Ah, thanks for the feedback! I’ll definitely add secrets and items in a later update today, and I’m glad you enjoyed the last fight.
  4. Here's my map, Moustachio! Took me roughly two days, and was a great learning experience! Shoutout to @MrBlaskovitz for being supportive about the map, the map name is a nod to him. MAP20: Hell can't wait. Music: :"Plugged in" by Bucket (Plutonia MIDI pack). Sky: Default DOOM 2 city sky. Tested with: PRBoom Plus (complevel-9) MAP20 Submission - Hell can't wait.zip
  5. I agree, I've always been a sucker for how the genesis sounds.
  6. Yeah, providing that you used a good-sounding soundfont, like the Roland SC-55 or Arachno soundfonts.
  7. Hmmm, really cool idea, i’m the friend of @MrBlaskovitz, could i take slot 20?
  8. Great to see you enjoyed it! I've started putting a lot of detail into my maps and now I'm glad it has paid off!
  9. Hey, Mario here. Lamp, you may remember me from my Mario's Maps wad you played a couple months ago, since then I have improved a LOT at mapmaking, and have started getting used to making maps in BOOM format. Here, I present a 2-level demo of my upcoming 15-level wad, Galactic Calamity! I will release a proper post once im done with the first episode (5 maps), with a README file and proper credits. Keep in mind that this WAD is BOOM-Compatible, so you can play it with your source-port of choice. (No mouselook, jumping or crouching allowed) Enjoy! Galactic Calamity.zip
  10. I've started working on my first BOOM project, a 15-map wad by the name of Galactic Calamity, and wanted a talented artist to make me a 320x200 TITLEPIC/INTERPIC for my wad since I am nowhere near skilled enough to make art myself. Here's the plot so far if that helps: ===PLOT=== The year is 2099, and after countless failed attempts at combatting the demons on earth, all the world's governments agree on migrating to Neptune, as life on earth could not be sustained. Life on Neptune strives, and Earth is left to rot as more and more demons invade. The human population on Neptune thinks that the nightmare is over and no more demons will be able to invade. That would not be further than the truth. *14 YEARS LATER* Doomguy's TV cuts to static, and then an EAS alert blares: "NEPTUNE IS UNDER ATTACK, THE DEMONS HAVE FOUND THE REMINANTS OF OUR PORTAL RESEARCH LEFT ON EARTH AND HAVE MANAGED TO OPEN A PORTAL TO NEPTUNE. CASUALITES ARE IN THE BILLIONS, ALL MILLITARES ARE ILL-EQUIPED FOR THIS KIND OF SITUATION, AND GOVERNMENTS HAVE COMPLETELY COLLAPSED, SURVIVORS ARE EXPECTED TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES AS NO GOVERNMENT IS ABLE TO PROVIDE AID. THIS IS THE FINAL TRANSMISSION. NO NORMAL BROADCASTING WILL PROCEED. LIFE AS WE KNOW IT HAS CEASED TO EXIST. GOOD LUCK TO THE REMAINING SURVIVORS, AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL" Doomguy grits his teeth and says "The bastards are back, guess they need me to put them in their place again, don't they?" ============================================================================================================ ===CHAPTERS=== Chapter I (MAP01 - MAP05) - Neptune Bases Chapter II (MAP06 - MAP10) - Ruined Earth Chapter III (MAP11 - MAP15)- Return to Sender Chapter I takes place on Neptune, as Doomguy locates the main portal that the demons have entered through. The player will have to traverse through UAC bases and Neptunic landscapes. Chapter II takes place on the ruins of planet Earth, as the player goes through ruined bases and destroyed land. Chapter III takes place in hell as Doomguy attempts to seal all demons in hell to prevent any future calamities. ============================================================================================================ The artist will get full credit in the in-game credit screen, and in the included README.TXT Thanks in advance
  11. Glad to see the first beta out, hope y'all enjoy playing it!
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