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Everything posted by S3M_XM

  1. I noticed that in the 'Console Variables' in the GitHub wiki, at the vid_scaleapi part, it's spelt as "direct311d" instead it should be "direct3d11"
  2. I've decided to give Doom Retro a try, and I've enjoyed out of it. I just had to get used to typing commands and CVARs to the console. I've gave BOOMER: Beyond Vanilla on it. I've noticed that the actors aren't indefinitely tall where deathz0r reported that same issue earlier. The shotgun switching is odd to me; when it switched from a different weapon slot to the regular shotgun from the weapon 3 slot because the last weapon I've used was a shotgun, and not a super shotgun as it would be by default. Is that intentional? There's also an alt-tabbing thing where it would turn Caps lock on if I hold the alt key (outside of the game application is off).
  3. I just finished this and I wasn't expecting MAP30 and the ending. I've discovered multiple issues during my playthrough on HMP in Nugget Doom 2.3.1 with pistol starts.
  4. Oh thanks for the correction, I thought that was the module player.
  5. I gave it a playthrough today and I've recently finished it. I wasn't expecting to have some puzzle maps later on, but I didn't mind those. Here's a few things I've spotted in Nugget Doom 2.3.1. in HMP.
  6. Is it possible to have a plugin to play module tracker files (MOD/S3M/IT/XM) using libmpg123-0.dll as DSDA-Doom and Woof/Nugget Doom(?) does? I'm seeing wads lately that use module tracker lumps in their wads. And because I was testing if source ports would play module tracker lumps, and I would get an "Unknown/unsupported music format" error message in Helion.
  7. I've never played Super Smash T.V. before, but I did remembered seeing gameplay videos almost a decade ago, but I can see where the maps got that inspiration from. Which I was not expecting the final map to be this hard. Played through on Late Night Action Film (HMP) in Nugget Doom 2.3.1.
  8. I'm sorry for you loss on your mother and your dog, condolences on both of them. I've finished this recently and unfortunately I had some issues with some source ports when I was trying to play this, so I had to use GZDoom 4.11.3 for rest of the playthrough. When I was playing on Nugget Doom 2.3.1, the game crashed on MAP02, it did the same with MAP05 when I was warping through the levels, I've noticed the fist sprites are jumbled, using them just crashes, even sometimes when I switch them does that as well. DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 crashes on startup due to texture errors. R_InitTextures: Missing patch 510 in texture BLOKBLAK R_InitTextures: Missing patch 511 in texture AQF016Texture errors: 2! Chocolate Doom crashes on loading on the wad which gives me an error message: R_InitSprites: Sprites SHT2 frame A has multip rot=0 lump Which it the sprite has more than one lump for its single-view zero-rotation frame. GZDoom also has some unknown chunk messages when it was loading. When I was looking at SLADE, I've found out that the sprite lumps for the fists, the player gibbing, and the hell knight sprites are in PNG format, which non-(G)ZDoom source ports don't support that. And things I've noticed during my playthrough.
  9. What a fun and short map to play. I've found source port issues when I was playing this. Chocolate Doom crashes when loading the wad: R_TextureNumForName: SW1BRCOM not found Nugget Doom loads normally, but there's HOM effects on the doors where GZDoom did not. DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 gives me texture errors on the command prompt when I was loading on DSDA-Doom. Also, upon loading the map on DSDA-Doom, it crashes and gives me an error that the texture can't be found. Even though I'm using the DOOM2.WAD as the IWAD.
  10. Well this is a very nice introduction to yourself, but next time make sure that your archive file is zip, as source ports don't play in rar files.
  11. I've started this last night and finished it recently, the nice list are relaxing maps with some kick to it in some maps, and bunny race is a nice touch. Although I don't mind slaughter and combat puzzles (to a extent), the naughty list shows off that. I've reported multiple reports during my playthrough on Nugget Doom 2.3.1. I was aware about this before I got to this map, somehow it worked for me on a specific sector shown here: I'm guessing they're too close each other?
  12. I've finished last night and they're pretty much like coffee break speedmaps, I've only spotted one thing in volume 4's MAP06.
  13. Ah, I didn't know that was intentionally be like that. Thank you for confirming.
  14. As a fan of city and exploration wads, I liked exploring every possible building there was; MAP23 was interesting map to end. I finished this a couple of hours ago, and I've reported some things throughout the wad, this was played on Nugget Doom 2.3.1.
  15. Touhou 12 (Undefined Fantastic Object)
  16. A nice take on the Minecraft textures, I'm not really a fan Minecraft just like you, it's a remix of Entryway with a twist if you're going for all the secrets. But what's missing is the Minecraft pain sound everytime you take a hit.
  17. There's been wads that have the bullet hell (in this case, projectiles) focused gameplay, such as Tarnsman's Projectile Hell and Touhou Doom. And also commercially I am Sakuya. I can see similarities to each other, as I can agree with Jayextee.
  18. Sorry, I actually didn't see description until now.
  19. A bit of an interesting first wad you've uploaded, but would it be nice to spoil the wall of screenshots?
  20. I liked the module tracker music that you've put in the map. The green and purple palettes as well with the combat reminds me of Stardate 20x6 that I just finished for the new years.
  21. I've been wanting to make a map. Procrastination has gotten me from this year.
  22. I've never heard of Broadsword Jim before, but I had a fun time with it through your wad. I could see more maps with the Broadsword Jim mod.
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