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Everything posted by S3M_XM

  1. I've bought myself a Keychron V1 and a Logitech F310. I've also got a $20 Steam gift card, $50, and a couple of other things.
  2. When I was extracting the zip through 7-Zip 22.01, I noticed there's headers errors for BroadXmas.pk3 & BroadXmas.txt.
  3. I found out that you can completely skip the final fight by going through these circled and go to the exit. Somehow, I overlooked the blue skull key and I found it through UDB after I was done with it, would it be a little more easier by indicating that there's a blue key there?
  4. I think I remembered playing a 60-minute trial back on RealOne Arcade when I was younger, it's nice that Scott brought back that game to modern computers.
  5. I had a feeling they would be something like this for Doom's 30 year anniversary. And congratulations on the release.
  6. I finished your mapset and I reported two things through my playthrough on Nugget Doom. MAP05 has a misaligned texture (Linedefs 791 & 868). After killing the mancubi on MAP07 causes the Soulsphere (Thing 231) to rise up and making it unobtainable. The Christmas-themed wads are coming in hot for an early Christmas present.
  7. I did like the simple mapping and the doomcute stuff. I didn't except that there was more to it. Can't wait for the full episode from you.
  8. Ah yes, Christmas chaos for the upcoming holidays, I've never played the first part though. But I just finished and I've reported a few things during my gameplay. MAP11: One of the health bonuses (either Thing 551 or 554) is floating by the Christmas Tree. MAP12: An intercept overflow can occur if you stand by the door after opening it that leads to the arena.
  9. I've finished this last night, I did like your inspiration on Hell's Vendetta from Deus Vult II because that's honestly my favorite map out that wad, especially the portraits. I've found a visual bug in the arena where all the hitscanners are spectating (which it reminds me of Gladiator from Going Down) in software rendering. DSDA-Doom's Software and Nugget Doom has this visual issue, but playing in OpenGL on DSDA-Doom doesn't affect this. And somehow I was able to bump the Megasphere secret (Thing 1612) without opening the wall that's behind there.
  10. I finished it last night, I actually enjoyed a lot than I anticipated, I've never played Supercharge until now, I've heard of it before and seen gameplay of it a little. It gave me some time to get used to their new attack patterns which I wasn't familiar with, but I still got annoyed from the Wicked a little. The visuals is where it took me, although I've never played any of the Castlevania series, but I can see the visuals that inspired you to make this, the skyboxes were stunning, and the 3D floors and the architecture are amazing of what you can make out for GZDoom. I did this in Casual, mainly the reason because I wasn't familiar with the Supercharge combat. But I'll play this again in Medium when RC2 comes out. But I did found a visual bug in Gardens of Mechanus in GZDoom 4.11.3. Whenever I walked closely to this affected sector on a specific angle, half of the sector disappears, but moving away where I am in those screenshots comes back to normal. The second and third screenshots are depending of where of the direction I am. As if I was looking to the right on the third screenshot, the sector looks normal.
  11. I'm happy that you've found your old wad over 20 years ago and remade your old maps. I tried playing this on Nugget Doom 2.2.1 on -complevel 3 (vanilla/limit-removing) and I've encountered some bugs and softlocks. E1M2: Two sets of stairs have HOM effects, as the flight of stairs (Sectors 184-187 & 256-261) have no textures for the sidedefs. E1M4: Activating the pillar (Sector 111) traps you in an unescapable pit. But running to the platforms where the armor and health bonuses are, doesn't it lower down properly. Where it comes to a situation where you're stuck and can't get the yellow key because of this bug. But playing on GZDoom doesn't have any of these issues on this map. So at the moment, it's incompletable for me without using GZDoom.\ And another unrelated note, one of the imps (Thing 67) isn't set to "Ambush Players". E1M7: After getting the blue key, Linedef 427 is supposed to rise the sectors where the imps are hiding in, but it doesn't for my perspective. So be careful not to fall down any pits as you can softlock yourself there. E1M9: The other side of the red key door doesn't open in the source port I've used, even with the red key that is required to open from the outside in the first place. But it works properly on GZDoom.
  12. It's nice to see an autumn themed wad. Played this through Woof 12.0.0. MAP01 has a HOM effect at the starting point. MAP03 has an area you can climb up and fall down to an unescapable pit where the cacodemons are hiding.
  13. Happy birthday Synami! It's been a while since I actually dealt a difficult map that I had to mid-save at the final fight.
  14. I tried to play this on Chocolate Doom because it was vanilla and I wanted to see it was compatible. Starting off that I see HOMs top of the castle walls, including the castles that you travel to hell, there's a slime trail on the wall. But when I press the blue skull switch and look to the left, a visplane overflow occurs. So therefore, I played this on Woof (-complevel 2) instead, and none of these issues occur stated above. However you stated this is vanilla, but it only works on limit-removing wads instead. It would be a little more interesting if the bookcase that leads to a secret if was the bookcase itself instead of a switch on a wall. And the hell version of the starting area had more a variety on the mapping.
  15. If it's a Doom 2 Limiit-Removing wad, then it would be -complevel 2
  16. I tested this on Woof 12.0.0 on -complevel 2 since it was Limit-removing. MAP01 and MAP02 works normally, meanwhile MAP03 doesn't. MAP03 causes an interception overflow (or the "all ghosts glitch"), which it can happen where the monsters are surrounding the red skull key and the Cacodemon ambush after getting the blue skull key during I was shooting the BFG. Which I had to play this on -complevel 9 (Boom) in order to complete the map normally. But still a fun mapset regardless.
  17. I've just finished MAP09 and MAP10 and thank you for the hotfix. All the maps on Chocolate Doom work perfectly normal and including the savegame limit as well.
  18. Played on Chocolate Doom up through MAP09, and so far I haven't experienced any crashes up through MAP09, which I had to stop due to a softlock on HMP. MAP08 If playing on Chocolate Doom, loading from after the blue skull key door and before the exit causes the Archviles not to be awake. Which might be a Chocolate Doom thing. MAP09 The teleporter where the Archvile was (Linedef 787) doesn't work on HNTR & HMP.
  19. A very short and the combat being a Plutonia-like map. But it's the not the first time of a concept has been done before, but still an interesting one.
  20. It appears that the Archvile and the chaingunners go through a silent teleporter line on UV? And I noticed I've went the first time I played this as I can exit the map early without going through the basement. Plus, you can press the exit switch as right before the monster closets open.
  21. A basic map, died twice to the archvile part. It feels like you should made the second arena more different as it was nearly-identical to the first arena.
  22. I had a hard time with this when I was doing this, but still a good map. But the Cyberdemon (Thing 237) & the Mancubus (Thing 262) are stuck each other in HMP. And also I noticed there's MAP02, is that a bonus map or just a work in progress?
  23. Chocolate Doom gives me an error as soon I opened the wad and the dehacked lump with it, giving me a R_TextureNumForName: SW2STON2 not found. So I used Crispy Doom instead and it works perfectly normal, found no bugs at all when I played all the way through. So wouldn't this be Limit-Removing then?
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