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About Chubzdoomer

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    Blackfish changed my title again
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  1. Thanks for the review! I completely agree with all of your criticisms. Boy did I make some poor decisions with that map (the Pandemonium-esque maze was just plain bad).
  2. Just a heads up: While it doesn't hurt to do what Kan3 is suggesting, it isn't strictly necessary either. The reason is that all uninitialized integers start at 0. The main issue with the code you posted above is that you're incrementing a variable called killcount, yet your condition is checking against a variable called killcount2. Unless you increment killcount2, its value will always be 0 and the "if" condition will always evaluate to false. My personal recommendation is to take a big step back and learn the absolute basics of scripting before going any further. Otherwise you're going to keep hitting one roadblock after another and end up nowhere fast. The ZDoom Wiki has a beginner's guide (and is an invaluable reference in general) and I've got an entire video series dedicated to learning ACS from the ground-up. Slow down, learn, and practice so that you truly understand what you're doing. This definitely isn't the type of thing you want to rush!
  3. Just imagine a room full of these guys, LOL. There'd be a bunch of medkits/potions scattered around to help make up for the constant health loss as well as several Blood Punch recharges (just like in areas where you're swarmed by Pinkies). You'd basically be playing a game of "tag"! Come to think of it... that'd actually be kind of fun. It makes me wish we saw more creative scenarios like that. It's disappointing how many battles end up feeling like the same scenario you've fought through dozens of times before. Oh well, at least they did something cool at the end of TAG 2 by giving you a shitton of shotgun ammo when they threw a barrage of Stone Imps at you.
  4. I just beat TAG 2 a few minutes ago on UV and I'm a bit torn, to be honest. I loved some things, but felt others were a swing and a miss. - First off: the new soundtrack does an excellent job keeping pace with the original game and DLC 1. Mick Gordon isn't really missed at all as far as I'm concerned. Andrew Hulshult and David Levy are killing it. - I loved the new bestiary overall. The Armored Barons are just so cool, and executed really well. I like that the Stone Imps finally make the full-auto shotgun mod essential. The Screechers are also a fun way to make battles even more intense, since they're effectively explosive barrels that you DO NOT want to explode! I kind of like the idea of the Cursed Prowlers on paper, but in practice I didn't think it was very fun and I'm glad they were used very sparingly (there were what, roughly 3 of them throughout the entire DLC?). - The Sentinel Hammer is a fantastic addition to an already stupidly-large arsenal, and somehow feels like it fits right in even though at this point there are so many weapons/gadgets it almost makes one's head spin (especially in the middle of a hellish fight). I love that it isn't just a one-dimensional AOE attack, and actually has some depth to it. And best of all, it allows you to take Marauders out of the picture VERY quickly if used correctly. - The Meat Hook grapple points work so well and are such a natural extension of the game's traversal mechanics, I'm honestly surprised they weren't in the base game. I just wish they were put to use in more creative ways and complex environments, speaking of which... - The level design was painfully linear and mostly forgettable: move in a straight line, fight it out in an arena, rinse--repeat. I don't recall a single branching path, and there certainly wasn't a keycard in sight. At least TAG 1 had both of those things. The secret areas were a complete joke, too--almost impossible to miss, and rarely rewarding to discover. I really wish we'd see larger levels with a greater emphasis on exploration just to mix things up a bit (see Foundry and Argent Facility from the 2016 game). I do understand this is DLC, though, and it probably takes much more time to construct such levels. But still: I want to do more than just move in a straight line and fight! - The final boss battle was exhausting and fairly disappointing. It was essentially just a giant Marauder with a humongous health bar. I didn't really feel like I had to figure anything out, and I certainly didn't have much fun fighting him. Although it was far more tolerable than the finale of TAG 1, I just wish the showdown with the Dark Lord himself had something more unique/surprising to offer. Considering the hellish onslaught we had to endure to reach that point, we deserved better. - I don't think I can put into words just how much I despise nuDoom's lore at this point. 2016 showed promise, but Eternal's lore as a whole--from the base game through this DLC--is utterly dreadful in my opinion. I'll take a simple-but-captivating tale over this convoluted bullshit any day of the week. The last few points might make it sound like I didn't enjoy the DLC, but I honestly did. Although I was disappointed with the level design and finale, TAG 2's combat is bar none the best the genre has ever seen and it ain't even close. Not one weapon or gadget goes unutilized for long, and the sheer variety of enemies means you're constantly on your toes, either adapting to the situation at hand or getting ravaged for being sloppy or complacent. It's totally worth playing through the DLC just for the additions to the combat alone. I just can't help but wonder how amazing an experience we'd have on our hands if the supercharged combat were paired with levels that had more to offer than mostly straight shots from one arena to the next.
  5. Whoo, just beat it! According to Steam it took me ~6 hours, so about 2 hours per level. I got absolutely annihilated in the final battle. I bet I died at least half a dozen times before I finally came up with a pattern that (mostly) worked. Overall, I thought it was a solid--if sadistically tough--DLC. As difficult as it was, I'm not sure I'll ever bother playing through it again. I think the base campaign's difficulty struck the perfect balance, whereas The Ancient Gods tended to be a little more frustrating than fun in several spots. I enjoyed fighting the new Turret and angelic enemies--those were really well executed--but I thought the Spirits were a real sore spot. I like the concept of killing a demon and latching onto its spirit Ghostbusters-style before it finds another host, but I'm just not sure turning already-tough demons into absurd bullet sponges was a great decision. The new soundtrack was surprisingly... unsurprising? I figured since Mick Gordon got kicked to the curb we'd end up with something quite different, but the OST was startlingly similar to all of Mick's previous work, at least to me. There weren't any tracks that stood out, but it got the job done by making battles extra intense and setting the mood, so I can't complain at all. It'll be interesting to see how Part 2 turns out!
  6. Same exact thing happened to me. Incredibly annoying!
  7. Ultra-Violence so far. I can't even imagine how punishing Nightmare is!
  8. I knew the DLC would be really tough, but I'm not quite sure I expected this. The first level is just as hard as anything Eternal ever threw at you, even taking into account the Slayer gates. It's fucking insane. I'm honestly not quite sure what they were thinking making this a stand-alone expansion. It's far too difficult and complex for a newcomer to just dive right into without having first gone through the base game and learned the mechanics one at a time. It doesn't even make the slightest effort to "re-explain" any of the mechanics, either, or ease you in. It just starts throwing some of the toughest enemies at you from the first battle onwards. The first level is surprisingly long, too. According to Steam it took me over 2 hours to beat (granted I explored and found all the secrets/did all the side stuff, but still).
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