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About slowfade

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    average w1 lower floor to lowest floor (changes texture) enjoyer

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  1. Ah, I didn't understand at first. Is there really no dialog in UDB that you might open in 2D view, similar to setting a sector's height? (By right clicking the sector in sector mode.) If something like that could be found, there might be a way to set the z value with ++x which would raise all affected by x regardless of their current value. Other than that, I have no idea. There is this kind of dialog in DBX, if you select vertex in 2D vertex mode and right click one of them.
  2. I don't know about UDB, but in DBX you can hold shift and make rectangular selections with mouse if you're in 2D view and vertex mode.
  3. My thoughts exactly! I think something like the Doom 32X (but for SNES) will happen sometime; the retro hacking scene is huge and a full source like this just begs to be optimized.
  4. I did play it earlier but forgot to comment here. Great job with the maps. Delicious decorations. Especially that spiral thing that has a tree in the middle and the lights scroll around it.
  5. Was there a pyramid in Scythe or Scythe II? I may confuse it with just the tomb themes. Some of these I've seen before but not that Avactor. Definitely have to check that out. Great dark vibes.
  6. I have now uploaded this thing to idgames. It shouldn't take long till it's there and I can edit the main post with an idgames link. What I sent to idgames is 100% identical to what has been lying in my dropbox for more than half a year. I didn't fix that texture misalignment in map 2. I let it be a reminder of the crumbling nature of all human efforts. Nah, the actual reason is less loftier than that: making this wad I burned myself out so much that I just couldn't open any of the associated files, edit the map, compile a new version, test, repackage zip, reupload, I just couldn't do it and still can't. One misaligned texture, who gives a damn? I saw that wall so many times while testing and it was ok, but in the final version it wasn't. Either the old DBX changed it on its own the final time I edited or saved the map (more likely) or I had somehow selected it without knowing and moved it 8 units (way more unlikely). Anyway. I replayed the wad about an hour ago. It was alright. Some rooms were particularly good in their small-scale ways. Was it fun? Not really. Was it interesting? Not really. Was it nightmareous? Yes! This wad is/was too much of a gimmick but at least it does it fullheartedly. I'm glad I got it done but the process wasn't exactly gladdening. I had so many problems that I had to fight so much and it burned my mind. I know it's a very small wad compared to many others but the struggle is (very) subjective and for me some parts of it felt almost unconquerable and drove me to the limits of my endurance. Too much pain for too little reward. As a result, for pushing myself too hard with this, I haven't been able to map in half a year. I've mostly done small, not so special rooms that don't connect, and a few small unnecessarily sadistic maps that lack coherence (and aren't finished besides). All my bigger plans remain dormant. Anyway 2. I think there's more potential to this idea than I managed here, but I can't really form it in clear ideas. Perhaps one distant day I can make a collaborative work with one or more mappers that utilizes this loop idea some way but makes a more engaging thing of it than this wad here. You never know...
  7. This summer I'll play all those classics I've meant to play for a long time, like Memento Mori and such. The past weeks I've mainly just strolled in a map consisting of two rooms (origwad).
  8. Indeed. Let's hope nobody will find a reason for making it.
  9. Thanks. The framerate cap might improve the DSDA situation. I'll try that!
  10. Just a quick question: Is Woof less resource/cpu hungry than DSDA-Doom? I have an old rig and DSDA makes my computer generate a lot of noise and heat, which is extremely annoying in the long run. Would Woof be better for old machine for playing Boom wads such as Sunlust?
  11. A WAD with 1001 maps. Three or four high quality maps in random slots like 258, 513, 893, 939, the rest churned out by a couple of mappers, with the most prolific making 600 maps in three weeks.
  12. Interesting. I have never thought of this, nor have I seen such wads. Quite likely some maps exists as a gimmick within a wad but I think the idea has potential.
  13. Great demo, avey! Great maneuvering and movement. Cool strategy for getting the keys. Pacifist runs like this are such a joy to see.
  14. origwad nightmare-stroller in 3.49 orignmstr349.zip This ties the fastest UV-stroller time. I had about 22070 attempts but I just couldn't get my time one tic shorter. At least I can say I tried my best. I think there is a shorter time in the mathematical space but I just couldn't get my hands on it. I'm not a precision runner so I was somewhat handicapped by my inability to recreate my best runs and analyze them tic by tic. Oh well, I'm glad I can move on to some other map!
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