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Everything posted by DRON12261

  1. I think the only problem the developers will face at release is that part of the audience will be waiting for Doom Eternal 2, while the new game will be another Doom with different core gameplay and mechanics, albeit based on some of the mechanics of the past games (and I can already see this resistance from different people, heh). And that's fine. It would be weird to see the same game re-released again. id Software is experimenting with the game for a reason, because that's how they did it (Doom 2016, Doom Eternal), they managed to set new trends in the gaming industry, and I'm inclined to believe that they will be able to set a new trend in Dark Ages as well.
  2. Made another weapon New melee weapon for Eternity Engine 4.03 - Force Gauntlet with the mechanic of accumulating damage before a punch: If you hold down the LMB, the player will begin to accumulate punch, the longer you hold it, the more damage you will end up taking during the punch. During a berserk, the damage is doubled. There are 4 stages of damage accumulation, the transition from one stage to another can be distinguished by a specific mechanical sound and visually by the changing sprite of the stretching arm. Stage 1 - 100 (200 with berserker) damage, will work if you just press the LKM. Stage 2 - 200 (400 with berserk) damage, changes the sprite of the outstretched arm. Stage 3 - 350 (700 with berserk) damage, the sprite of the outstretched arm changes. Stage 4 - 500 (1000 with berserk) damage, maxed out, at which point the player keeps his left arm maximally extended at the center of the screen, allowing for better aim before punching.
  3. Made another weapon New melee weapon for Eternity Engine 4.03 - Force Gauntlet with the mechanic of accumulating damage before a punch: If you hold down the LMB, the player will begin to accumulate punch, the longer you hold it, the more damage you will end up taking during the punch. During a berserk, the damage is doubled. There are 4 stages of damage accumulation, the transition from one stage to another can be distinguished by a specific mechanical sound and visually by the changing sprite of the stretching arm. Stage 1 - 100 (200 with berserker) damage, will work if you just press the LKM. Stage 2 - 200 (400 with berserk) damage, changes the sprite of the outstretched arm. Stage 3 - 350 (700 with berserk) damage, the sprite of the outstretched arm changes. Stage 4 - 500 (1000 with berserk) damage, maxed out, at which point the player keeps his left arm maximally extended at the center of the screen, allowing for better aim before punching.
  4. Damn, is this really the fastest hand in Wild Doomworld? Nice work
  5. About this sprite: Realized a new weapon for Eternity Engine 4.03 - Devastator (fantasy on something more interesting was not found), analog BFG. On the principle of work for the basis took the alpha BFG, plus spiced it with my stuff. I made a mini arena for the test, in which I first show the weapon on three Cyberdemons, and then on a crowd of Revenants. For comparison and clarity on the 3:00 walkthrough of this arena with the default BFG. So, thanks to @PortuGueseCat67, this set of sprites is what gave me the idea for this weapon.
  6. I've tweaked it a bit: - adapted it to the Doom palette - fixed some of the pixels that were dropping out - changed the exhaust animation - made it all as a finished set of sprites in wad (including offsets). Credits: Amuscaria, PortuGueseCat67, Dron12261 (maybe someone else, let me know if I missed) Wad: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NgQba7FLS4_40Pr-tss7xAz87_0KGRpQ/view?usp=sharing
  7. I finally got it. A fully working Unmaker from Doom 64 in the Eternity Engine. Which can also be upgraded by collecting demon keys. The firing mechanics are slightly different and slightly randomized (port limitations), but the way it works is roughly the same. Ammo is not spent for test reasons, it is very easy to fix.
  8. I finally got it. A fully working Unmaker from Doom 64 in the Eternity Engine. Which can also be upgraded by collecting demon keys. The firing mechanics are slightly different and slightly randomized (port limitations), but the way it works is roughly the same. Ammo is not spent for test reasons, it is very easy to fix.
  9. Some years I'll point out more just because) 1994 - Doomsday of UAC --- Dante's gate 1995 - Fava beans --- Punisher 1996 - Perdition's Gate --- Plutonia 1997 - Mordeth --- Strain 1998 - GothicDM 2 --- Cyberdreams 1999 - Crusades --- The Darkening 2000 - Demonfear --- Vrack 2001 - Alien Vendetta --- Vrack 2 2002 - UDM1 --- Europa 3 2003 - Scythe - Vrack 3 2004 - Tremor --- The ZDoom Community Map Project Take 1 2005 - Scythe 2 --- Suspended in Dusk 2006 - Crucified Dreams --- Hellcore 2.0 2007 - Aeternum --- Knee Deep In ZDoom 2008 - ZPack --- Plutonia 2 --- UDMX 2009 - Scythe X --- Duel40 2010 - No Rest For The Living --- Threshold of Pain --- Speed of Doom 2011 - Plutonia Revisited Community Project --- Vanguard 2012 - Doom the way id did --- BTSX 2013 - The ZDoom Community Map Project Take 2 --- Hellbound 2014 - The Adventures of Square --- Rush 2015 - Valiant --- Sunlust 2016 - No Sleep For The Dead --- TNT: Resistance 2017 - Moonblood --- Running Late --- Brigandine --- TNT Revilution 2018 - Dimension of the Boomed --- Deathless --- Doom 64 for Doom II --- Eviternity 2019 - Hell-Forged --- Paradise 2020 - Running Late 2 --- Akeldama 2021 - Heartland --- Cydonia --- Skulltiverse --- Hellevator --- TWANGO1 2022 - Machete --- A Doom Odyssey 2022 --- Plutonia Revisited Community Project 2 --- Sign of Torment --- Nostalgia 2023 - Eviternity 2 --- Sigil 2 --- Nostalgia 2 --- PSX Doom: The Forgotten Chapter --- I C H I N I C H I 2024 - Evil Returns --- Escape From Sunveil Starport
  10. ┬┴┬┴┤(¬‿¬├┬┴┬┴ I plan to finish it to its intended state, because it was made for a contest as a speedmap in 30 hours and now I have more free time, so wait for it. But if I do disappear, at least you can get the actual latest version here.
  11. The video is in Russian, but I think it can be freely watched with YouTube's automatically translated English subtitles.
  12. I think there's some kind of disynchronization in the conditions. The map for Boom != Vanilla. Either that or I've misunderstood something.
  13. Any map with any idea where the author has bothered to make it clear and accessible enough for the player so that the idea is visible to the player as well, not just the author. In doing so, the map was able to prove itself and grab my attention from the very beginning and hold it until the very end. The longer the map is, the more difficult this task will be for the mapper.
  14. And in general maybe people would be more interested in seeing new author maps from you yourself, like Triton did with his PSX style megawads. Either way, you shouldn't scrap everything, but it might be worth adjusting your goals a bit. I haven't played this set of levels yet (passed me by a bit), I'll try it a bit later when I have time.
  15. You can include my vanillapsx in you wad/pk3 as a ready-made set of Doom PSX assets for your maps (remembering to copy CREDITS too). Or, as mentioned above, try mapping for Doom PSX itself on PsyDoom.
  16. Gotcha! Nice map! Demo here (recorded on Nugget doom, complvl 4, iwad plutonia, longtics): https://github.com/dron12261games/OTH-Demos-by-DRON12261/releases/download/Congo2It/Congo.2.It.UV-MAX.No.Saves.by.DRON12261.zip
  17. Almost passed on UV-MAX No Saves, but at the end gave myself a weakness, will still give it another try a little later (maybe with demo). Very enjoyable to play, one of my favorite concepts for maps.
  18.  Well, I sat for half an hour on the map trying to figure out how to take this legally and even open builder didn't help me alas. So maybe this is a signal that it's worth making this point a little more accessible to the average player.
  19. @DeetOpianSky @dac Use DeepBSP as the node builder for your maps, as it is the most stable for most cases. This will solve all your problems with dropped monsters through the sector and tons of errors in texture rendering and slime trails. (But E4M7 still needs to be checked because the map itself just seems to have missing textures, i.e. HOMs.). In principle it is relevant for all mappers.
  20. E2M3 - should add doortrak and lower unpegged in secret, red pillars open without red key (wrong action), also the level has no name on the automap.
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