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Everything posted by DRON12261

  1. Went through it yesterday on Doom Retro at UV-MAX. Really enjoyed it. The mapping is neat and the levels themselves are pretty interesting. Also liked the icon of sin, stylized as pharaohs, etc. And it's quite good and memorable, considering that in the vast majority of wads that I've seen, the icon of sin is the torment of the player. I recommend everyone to pass this, will take at most an hour of your time.
  2. If you're making for Zandronum, I recommend switching to Q-Zandronum, there are more options there for customising character movement and more. Overall this port will be much more stable and reliable than Zandronum.
  3. For me, it's one of the best works of the 90s and it's a shame it never made it into the Final Doom (though it should have).
  4. In general, CVAR "language" is responsible for this. But for some reason GZDoom doesn't allow to change cvar's automatically. I got an error even in MENUDEF. Funny thing is that Zandronum knows how to handle such things, where I used the OPEN script in ACS to expose the desired sv_aircontrol. I could suppose that you could try to do a TITLEMAP where you force your language through the ACS in the OPEN script, but there are two problems here, GZDoom can't handle this kind of thing and second, changing the language will always work even when the player doesn't need it (although maybe you can come up with additional checks for when to force a language and when not to). Maybe ZScript has its own tools to handle this, but I'm not very familiar with ZScript.
  5. Dusted Pandemonia is actually very well balanced on its own and plays great on the vast majority of wads. The only balance issues can be with some bosses at late-game level. Plus the mod itself also tries not to stylistically stray too far from Doom itself, which more often than not does not break the overall picture on the maps. This is one of the main reasons why I play often mostly with this mod (well, when I play with mods in general). Another great mod is Nobody Told Me About id, which keeps the style of Doom, but brings in aesthetics from Build Engine games (Duke Nukem, Blood, Shadow Warrior). Well worth mentioning is the classic Complex Doom (no addons), although it can have balance issues, it often goes just as well.
  6. I want to see this project evolve. I really liked the classic old Zombie Plague on CS 1.6. And its variation on doom Zombie Horde. The only thing is, try to pay a lot of attention to character movement. For me, the problem with Zombie Horde is that it uses the usual doom physics. And it doesn't really suit this type of gameplay, for everything becomes too cartoonishly fast and confusing. If you do it under Zandronum try to experiment with the character's movement speed (make it slower) and be sure to add air control. This can be done through ACS scripts (there are at least 2 CVARs for this - https://wiki.zandronum.com/Air_Control) and zandronum allows you to do such things.
  7. Huh) Not necessarily that much of course, but it can show up in certain little things that can affect the perception of the map in a negative way. For example, the map was designed with dynamic lighting turned on, but the player has it turned off. Or vice versa, the map was designed to play without dynamic lighting, but it is turned on, and for example, some lost-souls or lanterns behind the wall start to shine where they should not be. Or incorrectly configured sector lighting, where for example there is a dark area where the player must get through at the expense of the usual vanilla halo, illuminating a small radius around the player, but the player suddenly had Doom mode enabled, which completely removes it and leaves the player in complete darkness. Or when your wad focuses on some kind of playing with lighting and the usual fixed colour palette, but the player has True Color. In general, such situations can be a huge mass and they occur regularly. And the more complex and elaborate the project, the more such points may be involved. That's why I really insist on the possibility of detailed render settings for a certain wad, which will be automatically applied when you run that wad temporarily on a game session with that very wad. But, unfortunately, this only works if you know about GZDoom, know about its peculiarities. But there is a huge number of wads released before GZDoom and after (which are created for Doom, not GZDoom), where such pre-made settings simply can not be in principle, but because of incorrectly selected default settings, such maps have a high risk of "breaking". That's why I say that source-port should look like its source, it's not an independent project, it's based on a specific project. And you could turn a blind eye to this if GZDoom wasn't the most famous port and the first one that people who almost saw Doom itself for the first time come out to. But GZDoom has been that for a long time now, and a certain small burden of responsibility for that still rests on it, but it does, regardless of whether it's a commercial project or not. It directly affects other projects by other authors, which can't go unnoticed with such popularity. I have raised this problem and tried to suggest at least an approximate direction for its solution, but I'm afraid it will remain ignored. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2668691 I should also add that I'm not just talking about texture filtering, but all render settings in general. That's not quite correct. The port is an intermediate step in consumption. It is the wads that are the final step. That's what people come for and generally why they run the ports themselves. Ports have a certain kind of "responsibility" for how these wads will be displayed to the player, they directly influence it. Wads themselves are final projects, which for the most part are not meant to deform anyone else's work.
  8. Looking forward to come back, in whatever form, with new projects

  9. I wish I'd had time to pick up a slot (they were really picked up so quickly then in less than a day? that I didn't even have time to see the theme itself, heh). But at least from the screenshots, the visuals work of many is very good.
  10. Sonic Robo Blast 2 - Not just a great TC(which has been a long time in the making), but one of the best Sonic games ever made. And it also has its own community that makes mods and maps, + it has its own multiplayer.
  11. In fact, it can be realized through mods for GZDoom (but can not guarantee compatibility with mods on zandronum, tied to the built-in system of lives, as well as compatibility with other mods for GZDoom), if I understand correctly what you want - a limited number of lives per map, regardless of whether the game is online or offline. Co-op in GZDoom is also available, but it can be unstable and works on peer-2-peer instead of client/server architecture.
  12. Plutonia Revisited Community Project 1&2
  13. Try all of these ports and more, and choose the one that works best for you: - DSDA - Crispy Doom - Woof! - Nugget Doom - Doom Retro - Chocolate Doom - Rude Doom (limit-rem version of Chocolate Doom) - From Doom With Love - etc. The best real vanilla experience is Chocolate Doom, Rude Doom, or the original DOS Doom (e.g. DOSBox Staging). The best stable port with vanilla aesthetics and lots of new neatly built in features is Woof!, Nugget Doom, and Doom Retro.
  14. I think I can reserve the last slot, and have another map made by the end of the week (or maybe sooner).
  15. Done, maybe not the final version Inside one wad with two maps MAP02 and MAP05 SVDMDRON.zip (i hope link works) MAP02 Screens: MAP05 Screens: Some additional info:
  16. In fact, both ports are now generally quite dated, but if you consider separately multiplayer ports with a client/server architecture, Zandronum would be more fancy. But Skulltag is definitely more optimised and stable.
  17. By the way, if you're not interested in MBF21 and some modern features like UMAPINFO etc. and you're more interested in old Vanilla/Limit-Removing/Boom and possibly Doom-in-Hexen wads, and many modern wads that just don't use all those modern standards, then Skulltag would be a great solution. It has very good performance and as far as I remember it has a hardware renderer. I myself sometimes like to run some wads on it today. At the very least, it's a good option just to give it a try.
  18. Nugget Doom and Doom Retro. +They themselves feel like the most balanced between the "new features" and the "original". The only thing is that all these ports work on a software renderer (i.e. as in the original Doom). If you use the mouselook, keep this in mind (I mean, when you look up and down, the picture will rotate a bit unaccustomed). But there are some things that may not work correctly in a hardware renderer, so for full compatibility and authenticity ports with software renderer are the best. UPD: And also when using vertical aiming in doom, keep in mind that you can break some maps this way, because in doom itself such a thing is not provided and often not taken into account, many maps are built with the fact that you can not look up and down. So try to shoot at different gunfire buttons without using vertical aiming.
  19. Actually my first map was a few boxes made very many years ago. Then there was a period when I was mapping newbie maps and sat on it a lot (I think it was around 2018). But at the time I wasn't active in the community and didn't sit on any forums, etc. (or rather I was always reading them, but I wasn't registered to write anything somewhere myself). Plus, many maps are now either left to gather dust on my hard drive or have disappeared forever. Also, many of them were not trivially finished. After that I abandoned mapping for a long period of time since then. I think I had a couple more maps on disk, maybe I'll dig them up in time and throw them here a bunch. But don't expect any quality from them, plus some of them can't even be passed (there's no exit from the level, lol). But at least recently I found one pack of 2 more or less good maps for a streamer I know. You can check out the cut footage from the stream here: As for the current time. I returned to mapping last summer (2022) and my current skills are very different from what I did before. This is probably mostly due to the fact that I've always been into gamedev and everything related to it in general. The reason for coming back was spontaneous. In general I used to sit in the local part of the community (on LegacyZ discord server) and loved playing deathmatch/duel, even participated (and still participate) in tournaments, but not saying that I'm a super player. But I also sometimes looked at what was happening on other doom servers (since I still sometimes did zandronum modding for myself and on such servers it was possible to get some help in figuring things out). At some point one mapper, a newbie at that time, uploaded his first map to such a server and asked to look at it and give feedback (hello, @Nikolanchik). And I got the urge to do it. In the end, I was so blown away that I even wrote a whole local guide with tips for beginners in mapping and made something like a remake/remaster of the map, which showed an example of what and how you could improve the map. After that moment I realized that I was interested in mapping and that I was actually pretty good at it. And then I really got into it and I still do, working on a few projects of my own as well as participating in a couple of community projects. It was around that time that I started getting into the forums. The first maps after that guide were some dm/duel maps, which we also played/tested in LegacyZ for a while afterwards. After that, I started to look again in the direction of single levels. I actually have one public release so far (which was this January), also had a number of cancelled maps I stopped working on, and now have a number of WIP maps I work on from time to time. Something like this. Many of the current works can be found here, including that little set of dm/duel maps. https://github.com/Doom-Mapping-Modding-Lair-DRON12261 Also some different screenshots from my various current maps, as an example of what I can do now:
  20. I could have participated. The only thing, I had no experience in developing maps for the original vanilla up to this point, perhaps there is some advice from someone (I understand using Chocorenderlimits for testing should be quite a good option? Well, and of course the final tests run in DOS). And maybe I'd like to see a ready-made map (MAP01) as an example. A text description of the rules is good, but a finished example map is even better.
  21. Does anyone still have a copy of this compilation? The links in the post seem to be dead.
  22. I spent most of my life in Kazakhstan (where I was born). I live in Russia now.
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