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Everything posted by DRON12261

  1. The first Scythe has a definite breakdown into sub-episodes as it is. In addition, changing the setting and theme would be a radical departure from the source material, which is already against the requirements.
  2. Sorry, I won't be able to send you the info today, probably by the weekend. Today and the next three days will be extremely busy for me so far. I'll try to finish the geometry and lighting of the map this weekend, but without combat. And I will drop this version off to serve as a reference for the mapper. And also attach a number of notes and comments on certain points to be considered.
  3. The best way to convey everyone's desired level of detail is to provide an example as a pair of finished maps. It is impossible to make this point with words. Before start mapping, a new member must go through a demo level and use it as a kind of reference. We already have a good example of a pretty good level of detail, this map by @Heretic926. In addition, I will finish my map in early May, now in terms of geometry and lighting it is ready for 50-60%. If you don't mind, I can later (as soon as I get home from work) go into a bit more detail on some points and tips for map design, which then can be included in the topic header
  4. I insist that in this case, the project must at least: - Reproduce all the key points of the maps, it is possible in their own way, it is imperative that these places would be well recognized. It is also allowed to expand the new zones and here you can allow certain innovations, but that they were strictly in the style of the main map and not one step away from it. - Improve the visual design and balance of battles, in general, to ensure that the project kept the bar high quality from map to map, without "swinging". It is already necessary to introduce a new standard of quality, it would be very rash to allow the detail of the early 00's years. - Maybe give mappers the opportunity to use third-party textures (eg from 32in24-15_tex), but with strict control over the result, so that when using new textures does not lose the spirit of the original map. But this point still needs to be carefully considered before making this decision. You can not just decide to do a remake of a well-known project from nothing. The fact that the word Scythe appears in the name of this project automatically imposes on all participants in the project a certain area of responsibility and obligations, which in this regard, everyone must comply. Otherwise it will be nothing but an impudent parasitizing on the work of another author, who himself has achieved the significance of his name, in our case it is Erik Alm, not the last man in the doom community. If it were your own project, not based on anything else, that would be a completely different conversation, I wouldn't say a word about it. But in the Scythe project, you can't let things run their course - there must be strict quality control for absolutely everyone involved, with no exceptions.
  5. I did not talk about Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. The project is a remake, the locations must resemble the original in spirit. In this case, there is almost nothing from the original starting half of the level. Is this exactly a remake of the scythe? Or the word entered the project by mistake and it's still just a separate work based on the scythe? I think the project should conform to its high-profile name. If it is in fact as such a remake will not be, it makes sense to change the name to a less loud and not misleading. Scythe is not a no-name project. And if it really is a remake, there must be good quality control. This is an important point, which is worth determining in advance for the project, so as not to break things in the future.
  6. Maybe yes, but that doesn't negate the poor design (mostly texturing) of the starting location. And regarding the fact that the flat ceiling was in the original. The project is a remake, which means a direct improvement in the visual design of the map itself. Absolutely flat ceilings and floors often referred to the weak quality (and in the 90'-00's it was a kind of restriction on the amount of detail, which today we do not have).Otherwise, then the remake makes no sense.
  7. Continuing on from my last feedback... This is where the DBRAIN texture is best removed. It looks very unnatural, plus it's just glued to the walls, the lava itself doesn't logically flow from anywhere. Better to leave just a red stone column. When I said "the thin walls on the ceiling" I meant these places. Regarding the starting location. I think the main problem is unfortunate texturing and too flat room. Try making the room smaller, but with volume on the floor and ceiling, with the same carpet I mentioned earlier, a couple of server and drawers, and that table and chairs in the side section of the room that you made in your version (they look pretty doomcute). And try to keep the original color scheme, simply put, use almost the same textures that were in the original MAP10 at that location. And be sure to keep all textures aligned, this is extremely important!
  8. The start location is poorly implemented, even worse than in the original and does not resemble that location at all, it should be completely redone. From the arrows is better to get rid of and just replace it with a long red carpet (in the original, the big arrow resembled him), as well as keep the original color scheme of the place. The main arena space itself in the cave is quite good, but confused by the thin walls on the ceiling in some places that look unnatural. You should also do a little more work on the ceiling in this arena, it's too flat, make the unevenness and something like stalagmites. And also better to remove the puddle of lava from the place where the player falls at the beginning of the arena and where the barons come out, they are not needed there. The battle itself is quite good.
  9. Great arena, with a well-executed design! I found one shortcoming in the texturing of one column at the arachnatron. There's a half column on 2 sides missing texture in principle, it's rendered through (tested on Doom Retro).
  10. Very cool map. But I found one flaw! THE TEXTURES ARE NOT ALIGNED!
  11. When there is less and less time for mapping, but you want to do more and more. There is a certain amount of fear/disappointment of going unnoticed, even with the widest coverage of places to publish and promote your art. I think this is a headache for many mappers, not just beginners. It is especially frustrating to find entire masterpieces that are only known to a very small circle of people, as well as the realization that your work can fall into the same pit. But here it is a question for the sake of what you do creative work as such.
  12. Insanely nice map, seems like a simple places och detailing, but so well matched by texturing, the balance of combat and atmosphere. Only one problem. which would be worth correcting, at the very end of the map, the final battle of the pyramid completely ran out of ammo, and had to leave a couple of mobs unkillable unfortunately. It's not that I as something mowed constantly, etc., almost every shot I shot at the level hit the target, but I have not found any secrets. And more screenshots (as well, if I were the author would add at least 2 or 3 more of what some screenshots, there is something to show and thus sell the map to a passing user):
  13. I went through the map, and yes, there really is something of the 90's spirit in it, as you pointed out. All in all, I'm satisfied. And I especially liked the combat component of the map. And now about the sins)) 1) This is clearly a bad approach in terms of level design: you force the player to run on a damaging surface to teleport, and at such a distance where he is almost guaranteed to get damage. This is a situation worth avoiding. (Or maybe I just didn't notice the pass back). 2) Sometimes very strange texturing, and it still looks more like a drawback than a feature. Especially the crates and the starting room. As I think for the initial "blue" room were chosen not the best textures. But the rest of the map goes well in this regard. Also try to pay more attention to texture alignment, make sure the textures are seamless, don't tear off halfway through, and also don't bend on the corners of the walls, where they probably shouldn't bend after all. Control the alignment of the textures can be additional partitioning linedef on sub-linedef, and have each set the correct alignment, while at the same time making sure that the texture on the splits seem to be looped. (in the spoiler a small example from my WIP map about texture alignment) 3) At times strange scrolling textures) Do they really have to scroll there?) On the downsides like everything. In terms of geometric detailing you keep the "vanilla" standard, but the texturing is strange at times, it needs to work on that in future projects. LOL, definitely one of the fun ways to present yourself as an author on the map. I also really liked the glass here.
  14. Joining the critiques from @RastaManGames. If the map is made for Boom, it should work on all at least modern boom ports (Crispy Doom, DSDA, Doom Retro, Woof!, Nugget Doom, From Doom With Love, etc.). If it won't work on those ports, it will automatically go into deficiency. And in that case, the target port is the one where you think your map will unfold best (For example, in the Eternity Engine, a feature with periodic thunder and lightning in the street was connected via EMAPINFO). Testing the map is just as important a part of its development as the mapping process itself. The more ports you test, as well as give the map not only to yourself, but to gather a small team of a couple of three people, then you can be more confident about the quality assurance of your creation. If you do not know anyone from your environment who could help with testing, you can always go to some discord server for doom, in some I have even seen special roles for testers. Also my shout out to anyone beginner mappers who reads this (In this case, it is not exactly the situation of the author of this map, however). If you make a [Vanilla/Limit Removing/Boom/MBF] map and say that you only tested it on GZDoom - no, the map is still in untested state. Glad you've already managed to fix a lot of things, keep it up. But for the future, be sure to make a note: test, test, test as much and as thoroughly as possible and most importantly fix and deepen in the subject. As for me, now I'm going to play the fixed version on Doom Retro.
  15. Made progress today. Most of the starting location and the red key location are done. I missed one texture flaw in one screenshot, which I've already corrected, so let it remain as an "attention game")
  16. And also a funny bug that probably appeared when you were fixing old bugs) I seem to have passed the level, collected a certain number of items - 8 out of 13. Completing the level, the statistics is normal, everything as it should be. But when I load a safe before completing a level (actually do not need to complete a level, I completed it just to show the intermission screen), as the counter items changes to "8 out of 3". And in the intermission screen is displayed respectively such a strange number) It certainly amused me a lot when I first came across this and saw that I collected 700% of the items in the level, lol)) UPD: And I think the killcounter is also broken.
  17. Well, I'm here with a new bug.) Now running Scythe X and accidentally noticed a bug with the physics of the player's movement, or rather with the collision with the angled walls. Why is it that if you press forward at such a wall, the player begins to shake and he begins to be pushed back. I recorded a video demonstration, in fact I think it is not necessarily in these places, just here I came across them. I also decided to check for such a bug in Woof! and DSDA and it did not find, the player slips and pushes off the wall, as it usually happens in Doom.
  18. E4M7 Ready! Implemented levels of difficulty, the requirements are met, though on Chocolate Doom does not run, but we agreed to -complevel Ultimate Doom in DSDA. The piece is linear, there is a clear entry and exit. The entry is supposed to be from E4M(1-6) and my E4M7 will lead directly to the final piece of E4M8. Screenshot (duplicated from a previous post): Gameplay: Map: Tribute Quilt E4M7.zip
  19. Doom Retro just keeps getting better and better)
  20. Phew, I finally got to Builder today. Here's what I did, geometry and lighting are ready, the design is also inspired by ADO2022. It remains to implement the gameplay later and send it to release. This piece will be linear with 2 passes (entrance on the pits side, exit on the icon side) and I assume it will lead from the E4M6 piece directly to the final E4M8 piece. I recreated this location (E4M7):
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