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Everything posted by DRON12261

  1. Played through the first episode now on the latest Nugget Doom along with my VanillaPSX. This promises to be one of the most interesting megawads for first doom. But let's move on to the bugs of the first episode: E1M2 - the scenery hangs a bit oddly in the air E1M6 - HOM and another monster didn't teleport out of the monster closet E1M9 - sorry, but this is one of the worst secrets I've seen in doom, no labeled walkable action to open a secret door in the middle of nowhere literally a couple of millimeters before the walkable action to exit the level.
  2. The screenshots look extremely promising. As far as I understand, so far there are problems and wad mistakenly tested on GZDoom, so I will wait for the finalization of compatibility with other ports, such as DSDA, prBoom+, Woof!, Doom Retro and so on. I can't wait to try it out.
  3. A small note, it is worth specifying the target port itself with the version (but in this case I understand it means the latest GZDoom). Just UDMF is already the case when the boundaries are not the map format itself, but the port that will be used. For example, there are Eternity Engine 4.02 UDMF, Eternity Engine 4.03 UDMF, ZDoom UDMF, Zandronum UDMF and so on, everywhere the format is the same, but the set of tools in the hands of the mapper can be radically different even within different versions.
  4. V6 Released: - Fixed key offsets on statusbar and HUD. - Added sounds for WolfensteinSS and Icon of Sin (taken from D64GraphX by Craneo).
  5. I'm sure their total number may exceed hundred of thousands, as we have various repositories, cloud storages and places to publish wads (idgames, moddb, etc. contains only a small part of all this). A huge number of them were lost for various reasons. Many wads are lying at mappers on hard disk and passed privately from hand to hand, but the public official release has not yet seen and many probably will not see. It really is a vast ocean where one can only guess.
  6. Madness in the depths by me from Russian Random Speedmap Pack #1 Format - Boom IWAD - Doom 2 Difficulty - UV Source-port - DSDA Created in 10 hours Top left screenshot from this map (sorry, I don't have a clean screenshot handy yet)
  7. I'll just leave a list of megawads (but there are a few more just episode wads here) that I've separately enjoyed and may return to periodically. Machete Running Late Running Late 2 Escape From Sunveil Starport Arriving Early Donuts ADO2022 Perdition's Gate Scythe Scythe 2 Scythe X Speed of Doom Alien Vendetta Sign of Torment Moonblood Deathless Evil Returns Akeldama Hell's Bane Arrokoth TNT Revilution TNT Resistance TNT Renascence Reverie Plutonia 2 Plutonia Revisited Community Project Plutonia Revisited Community Project 2 Cydonia Doom 2: 25 Years on Eatrh Nostalgia Nostalgia 2 Eviternity Eviternity 2 Heartland Valiant Ancient Aliens Lunatic Vanguard Lunar Catastrophe No End in Sight Demonfear Moonlight District Outbreak of Evil Beta Labs No Sleep for the Dead Flesharmonic Epic 2 Ichinichi ZPack
  8. I won't say it's a weird wad, on the contrary, it's now on my separate list of favorite big projects. The only gameplay issues I've had in the whole time were with the archviles in some maps (starting with MAP18 and continuing with a few more maps until the middle of the second-to-last episode, that's where I really blew up :^) ). Otherwise it's a great wad to look up to in many aspects.
  9. Passed completely on UV-MAX No Saves and recorded the demos. Excellent megawad, the only thing, starting with MAP18 and continuing until about MAP22 (I do not remember exactly) did not like the use of archviles, often they were shoved behind the player without explicit warning and sometimes inappropriate for fighting with them. But then there was on the contrary gorgeous map, where there were a lot of archviles and served them as in Haunted from Plutonia. I also insanely liked the visuals and layout of the levels, they are really fun to explore. I'll leave the archive with the demos for history here. Demos are played only on Eternity Engine (I felt more comfortable playing on this port than on DSDA, etc.). Moonblood UV-MAX No Saves by DRON12261 UPD I also forgot to mention about the demo. There are sometimes moments where I just start circling the room like an idiot for a minute and a half. It's fine, I was just sitting in discord voice chat at that moment and was distracted xdd
  10. This is the original in DOS (except for the menu screenshot, it's from Chocolate Doom). This is the first full singleplayer map under vanilla limits, which I made in about 7 hours (not counting some technical problems with limits). The wad itself will be released later as part of a larger project I'm organizing right now.
  11. Every mapper who mapped for vanilla must have any DOSBOX close at hand.
  12. It may be subjective, but if we consider stock resources, the textures in Doom 1 will be clearly more interesting than the textures in Doom 2.
  13. By the way, No Rest for The Living from DOOM PSX Master Edition is pretty good too ┬┴┬┴┤(ツ├┬┴┬┴
  14. To simply convert the needed music and feed it to any player for comfortable listening anywhere. Or there is another moment, when midi can be played by a huge number of different strange soundfonts, but you would like to play rendered midi on your map exactly with the right soundfont.
  15. @Volter/Voltage it's time for you to step out of the shadows
  16. Doom Tools is also worth a look. At least it has a powerful tool (WTexScan + WTEXport) for automating the compilation of used textures on the map from linked texture packs. Aseprite for working with graphics, sprites, textures. Audacity or GoldWave for working with sounds. Keppy's Midi Converter for converting midi to mp3, ogg, wav.
  17. In terms of source-ports, originally there was Russian Doom, which is now called International Doom (and also International Heretic, International Hexen, etc.). But today we have another other Russian Doom(a fork of the old International Doom), which is currently under active development, you can check it out here and contact the authors there (DeepL translator will help you). Unfortunately I can't tell you about it as I don't know much about it myself, but you can always try it yourself and contact the developers.
  18. AD_79 - great composer, his tracks are one of my favorites among all doom midi tracks. A2Rob - great level designer, I like his approach to the implementation of gameplay and difficulty curve, as well as the way he realizes the visuals with competent texturing and work with lighting, without going into over-detailing, almost every wad of his guarantees a pleasant and memorable pastime. Paul Corfiatis (pcorf) - a fairly old in the community mapper who has managed to do a lot in the doom community. I would like to single out his most outstanding work - 2022 A Doom Odyssey. For me, it's the best wad I've played so far for Ultimate Doom. Somniac - a great mapper too, who knows how to build the right atmosphere and mood in his levels. Alexander S. (Eternal) - who I consider to be the most successful and skillful mapper from our russian doom community. ViolentBeetle is another talented mapper, but I personally remember him for successfully leading community projects with a fairly high level of quality on release. Separately, I would like to take a moment to promote mappers from our local russian doom community. You can take a look at the recent projects that have come out of our pen: Russian Random Speedmap Pack #1 Russian Random Speedmap Pack #2 Gift for DRON12261 ENDOOM Mapping Contest 2024 30 Years With Doom We have quite a large number of mappers, both old and newer, who have just recently joined the community, and I recommend you to read their works in detail, because many of them have not shone much light in the whole Doom community, but are able to show amazing things sometimes. These are Slavius (aka Shiroi Akuma), RastaManGames, Track Federal, Volter/Voltage, Doom Wads (aka dragzxnd), Nikolanchik, George Nash, Man With A Gun, StormCather.77, GranitMaster, Petyan, dashiefrickintyan, StorkGreen, CblBOPOTKA, InfernalSky, Chainie, Serious_MOod, Kisadillah, Demonologist, Shadowman, Lainos and a huge number of other talented people, the creativity of each of which can be considered separately. I also plan to start Russian Random Speedmapping Sessions #3 in our community soon, where I want to attract more of our mappers.
  19. Here, the mere efforts on the design of the post for the wad already deserves attention and respect. I love it when authors treat their wads as more than just a set of maps and are able to present them creatively to the player.
  20. 1) AD_79 2) Tristan Clark (aka Eris Falling) 3) Jimmy I also really like the way Stewboy and Velvetic & Isotype midi sounds
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