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Everything posted by DRON12261

  1. This is just another masterpiece by @A2Rob. mod edit: spoilered images because they take up a ton of screen space.
  2. Absolutely masterpiece work, after your previous megawads I wasn't expecting any other level of elaboration. Exemplary sample of mapping. I don't know how you manage to pull them out so successfully. But there are a couple of small joints that I found. This battle can be a bit stifling, due to the large amount of hitscan on all sides and the lack of hp. I got pinned down by 2 archviles in this fight, which made it come down to a long shotgun firing off archviles from that position. And a number of errors in texturing, I think by screenshots you will understand where it is: And I have a feeling you forgot to change the textures here: Other than that, it was a gorgeous few hours.
  3. Played it now. Visually it looks very good, a green version of Moonlit District (I really liked it back in the day). But there are problems with gameplay, namely with some fights, which unfortunately often start to go into a constant loading of saves and grind on a lucky archvile blunt. The final battles of MAP02 and especially MAP03 are clearly weak, in MAP02 3 archviles appear when the player has neither HP nor ammo, in MAP03 the arena does not correspond to the battle taking place on it, there is no cover from the archviles and you have to grind and guess "the right lucky variant of passing". And as it seems to me there are an excessive amount of archviles used here that only hurt and drag out gameplay. If you cut out some of them, wad will not lose, but on the contrary will gain more in gameplay flow. While still Release Candidate, I think it would be worth reconsidering in the direction of a small rebalance of the combat. Now stopped at 5 map, while waiting for a full release. Good luck, I'm excited.
  4. I get it now. Well, that sounds interesting, I'll consider implementing something like that if I have time.
  5. Do you mean exactly the same, with the same layout of interface elements? If so, this is impossible to implement in many near-vanilla source ports, but maybe later I could try to make an optional patch for Nugget Doom, DSDA and ZDoom, where there is support for flexible player HUD modification (I was also thinking of making an optional HUD like in Doom 64).
  6. That too, but that's not really what I meant in this case. I meant NoFreeLook as a style of play, after all that's how I feel most comfortable playing doom. And NTMAI has full compatibility with that play style, except for that very small point. I just don't think anyone would lose by tweaking those constants in the player a bit. However, locally I fixed this point in my copy of the mod and now everything plays fine in this aspect.
  7. In addition to berserk, it would also be worth fixing the height of the player's view. On ado2022 E1M1 without mouselook difficult to get the last secret with blue armor near the exit, because there you need to shoot the button. For now with NTMAI it is impossible to hit the button, because the player shoots above the level of the button. It would be nice to tweak these values to: Player.ViewHeight 41; Player.AttackZOffset 8; Also started going through Epic 2 with this mod. How gorgeous it feels, like running a new chapter of Powerslave.
  8. One of my favorite mods, played it a lot. The only disadvantage is not infinite berserk, because of which some maps can just come to softlock, it would be worth fixing this point, or just add CVAR to switch to normal berserk.
  9. Well, you can find that map in the post above. See the list of updated works at the end of the post - DOOM PSX: Damnation of Eternity. And check out the rest of the maps.
  10. Well, you can find that map in the post above. See the list of updated works at the end of the post - DOOM PSX: Damnation of Eternity. And check out the rest of the maps.
  11. In the form in which my work is presented, I did not find any analogs, actually this is the reason why I decided to build this wad. I wanted to touch on almost every possible aspects of near-vanilla to replace/adapt to the Doom PSX aesthetic, but even here there's still work to be done. At the very least I'm thinking of adapting some of the stock UI graphics related to deathmatch later on, as well as looking at optional adaptations within the various sur-ports that have their own extended default graphics assets, hud extensions(for example, on ZDoom, Nugget Doom, DSDA, ...), etc. But I won't get too ahead of myself just yet. The only thing that had a relatively similar idea was "PSX Doom for Vanilla Doom", but it wasn't fully realized as I would have wanted, + there was a Dehacked patch, which has a risk of conflict with different wads with custom Dehacked. But there was a great adaptation of PSX HUD for PC Doom, which I used in VanillaPSX (of course, indicating the source in Credits).
  12. If you want the same way music from Aubrey Hodges, there is one wonderful big music randomizer created by Big_Dorbo. But it only works on ZDoom, RZDoom, GZDoom and other ZDoom-based ports.
  13. I was literally just the other day when I released my VanillaPSX, I was thinking of finding a randomized Doom PSX music pack for it, lol, I think I'll attach a link to your mod as a recommendation of something to play with. Great job, the only thing I'd like to see is a version with compressed tracks so it doesn't weigh half a gigabyte. And yes, it works fine in RZDoom (and therefore also in ZDoom 2.8.1).
  14. It is usually better to load texturepacks to a specific map, not the whole configuration. When creating a map, you can see a list of resources where you can add resources specific to that map, including IWAD. If you already have a map open, you can press F2 to open the map settings window and there will be this list of resources that you can edit.
  15. Lack of time to complete nearly finished maps, while concurrently creating new projects that fall into the same cycle
  16. V5 Released: - Changed SSG sprite - based on sprite from Final Doom PSX; - Weapon offsets are now centered; - Some new graphics in the menu, as well as corrected offsets of some interface images. (thanks to lafoxxx [B0S]); - Removed Archvile sprites - they were partially duplicated with those in the official DOOM2.WAD. @Donowa There are definitely no duplicate resources from the official IWADs in the mod now, thanks for reminding me of that. To make sure there are definitely no problems, I also removed the old release from GitHub containing the official resources. I also changed the SSG sprite, and I think this is the best option.
  17. Actually technically I didn't take anything from the IWADs themselves, I took and edited everything from the image of the DOOM PSX game for Playstation 1. Except probably the archvile sprites, I honestly don't remember where exactly I got them from and why. But I remembered that SLADE has a special function to check for duplicates from IWAD and they were the ones that got deleted. So soon I will make a small update, where I will remove some unnecessary such sprites (there are about 27 of them), and fix offsets on some pictures. And maybe I'll try to do some tricks with ssg sprites, I've got a couple of ideas to experiment with. I think I may have figured out why you're not running it. How exactly did you download the wad? On github there were links at the bottom of the description to the releases, try downloading from those links. Because there was a funny situation with another person, when he right clicked on one of them in the list of files in the repository, and instead of downloading the file itself he downloaded a link to the page with this file, and Chrome automatically substituted the name of this wad file as the name for this link, including the .wad extension itself. To help avoid this, I've adjusted the link in the post so that it leads directly to the description with the download and doesn't show a list with the repository files themselves. And just in case, I added a blank file named "DO NOT DOWNLOAD FROM HERE, LINKS IN DESCRIPTION BELOW" to the repository itself XD
  18. Maybe later, when I have time, I'll make a more detailed selection of those sprites that differ from the vanilla ones, for now I mostly just took resources directly from Doom PSX. Palette is not an option, because I made it strictly optional, since there are wads that can have their own special palette inside. It is clear that for Ancient Aliens everything will be broken to hell, but for a palette, for example, as in NoSp2, everything will be fine. SSG was a separate pain for me, because it had the most problems with the aspect ratio of sprites, which I fixed in other sprites (as far as I know, in Doom PSX pixel was rendered in the ratio of 8:7, but I can not be sure, I also checked with the size of sprites from Doom2.wad). For the most part, this effect is probably because I took the idle sprite from other Doom PSX style wads, but I really wanted to fit the rest of the animation frames from Doom PSX, because they still look different than the vanilla ones from Doom2.wad. I'll probably revisit this point a bit later. Thanks for feedback It's really strange, because everything works on my DSDA. Are you definitely loading VanillaPSX as a PWAD while plugging in any of the 4 official IWADs? Try the Doom Runner, at least I had no problems with it, but even if I just drag and drop the wad onto the DSDA icon it runs fine too.
  19. Evil Returns by @Cartel. For me, this megawad was a revelation and probably the biggest and most interesting release so far in 2024. It's like what if Hell Revealed wasn't a boring and dull megawad with a very small pinch of Alien Vendetta, Sunder and Sunlust (at least I had such associations). That said, each map looks very distinctive and varied, in some ways the whole megawad is like a big non-stop ride that almost never gets boring. Very cool combat, where the levels have a pretty big killcounter, the arenas are very meaty, but most importantly not stuffy. The megawad finale is a total masterpiece. This is definitely one of my favorite works now.
  20. So, I've gone through this megawad completely, and the last time I got this high was when I went through Machete by A2Rob. Awesome job, the finale is a blast (MAP29 and MAP30, and I love that you made MAP31 and MAP32 the last maps). But despite that there are a couple of minor issues that are worth fixing (just in case, I was passing the megawad on Eternity Engine at the same time testing my VanillaPSX, so don't be surprised if something is a bit visually wrong in the screens). The first issue I'd like to highlight is that on many levels there are many pits that have teleporters to get back into. On these teleporters it is very desirable to set Block Monsters, because often in such arenas the mobs just start piling up at the exit of the teleporter, breaking the intended fight a bit, I think. Second, there are places where archviles are released on the player in open terrain, but many of these moments are well-traveled because there is the necessary arsenal and health to do so. But there are literally a couple of moments that I really didn't like and should be redone. These are the moments when the player goes into the teleporter, finds himself in an open area where he is surrounded by archviles and I just didn't have time to do anything there to kill them. I think by the screenshots you'll understand what these places are. Third, MAP18. And no, not because of the combat, there map is very successful surprise, I liked it. I was confused after the fight when the switches moment started. And I really thought I caught a softlock on the map, and even went in the builder. After I hit the switch in the middle, it took me a long time to figure out what to do next. I think this point should be made much more obvious to the player. Fourth, in this fight (I don't remember the map, but I think it's clear from the screenshot) I think the Archviles are unnecessary. I had to grind a lot just to catch the right moment to destroy the Archviles. It wasn't a fun fight. Fifth. This fight was (one of the last maps) for some reason very tiring with a huge cloud of rockets revenants, which vanshot me (there were no medical kits anywhere). I had to wait for a long time and lure many revenants to the stairs to be able to pass on. It looks like a gameplay slump. Speaking of first aid kits, sometimes in some maps feel their lack, but unfortunately I did not write out in what moments, so I will not say exactly. As for the battle with revenants, I think in that big passage from the top to the red key, it is worth adding many columns to be able to get away from projectiles. Then the fight probably won't be so stuffy. Otherwise, I'm very happy with the walkthrough of this megawad and it's now on my favorites list. I might even try to play it in UV-MAX No Saves format. Also, I'm going to nominate this megawad for Cacowards 2024 because it's the fattest and biggest release for me so far this year.
  21. Released my VanillaPSX mod for near-vanilla ports, which brings Doom PSX aesthetics to regular Doom for PC.
  22. Released my VanillaPSX mod for near-vanilla ports, which brings Doom PSX aesthetics to regular Doom for PC.
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