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Everything posted by DRON12261

  1. I want to pick up the E2M5 slot (want to do the secret exit as well) from episode 2. Really love the void theme as an alternative view of hell. I don't promise to do it quickly as I have a couple other projects to finish first, but on the other hand I may well speedmap this as 1000 lines won't let it go long.
  2. After 2010. Today there are enough projects and authors who have taken and modernized the classic style in a great way and are able to constantly bring something new.
  3. Wow, those screenshots look really nice and neat. I wouldn't mind testing this on UV-Max No Saves (unless of course you did a ribbiks grind, then with saves)).
  4. Eternity Engine technodemo map progress (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2756672)
  5. Eternity Engine technodemo map progress (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2756671)
  6. In near-vanilla formats, it is possible to use non-standard actions on lines (but not sectors) inherent in ZDoom and Eternity Engine. In normal ports these actions will simply be ignored, while on ZDoom and Eternity Engine there will be an additional "bonus". I've used Line Horizon and Plane Align in this way often to add a bit of decorative element for more advanced ports, where it's possible.
  7. Bringing the thread up from the depths a bit, as it seems to have passed people by a bit. I'll also say thanks also to many people for the feedback in discord, who replied.
  8. Made a big pack of COLORMAPs for Eternity Engine, which allows to make almost full color lighting and fog (as well as partially reproduce something in Boom ports, but with limitations, not on such a scale as on the screens). Now I'm making a technodemo level for it, which will serve as an example and a guide on how to use them.
  9. Made a big pack of COLORMAPs for Eternity Engine, which allows to make almost full color lighting and fog (as well as partially reproduce something in Boom ports, but with limitations, not on such a scale as on the screens). Now I'm making a technodemo level for it, which will serve as an example and a guide on how to use them.
  10. Interesting choice of textures and overall level palette
  11. Given the comments (and not just here) I feel it necessary to clarify one point.

    Rastaman may say some stuff when he gets mad, but knowing him, he certainly didn't seriously wish anyone dead, I'd swear to that (after all, anyone can be brought out by absurd things). Snaxolotl also made quite a mess of things and I'm surprised he was bypassed (which to be honest I don't really agree with, both were at fault in the conflict, not just rastaman), after all he was the one who was busy escalating the conflict instead of adequately and quickly resolving the issues, and if it wasn't for his behavior none of this thing would have happened, although it doesn't matter now. Now I doubt rastaman wants to come back here, at least in the near future, especially considering how he was quietly kicked off many Discord servers and mislabeled. Now people are turning him against themselves on their own. So stop engaging in nonsense, it doesn't make sense anymore, some people are nothing but do snowballing.

  12. Acquaintance with the creativity of @A2Rob (the man literally succeeded in solo making the third scythe) and @AD_79(probably the best midis among the doom community for me) sorry for ping (=____=)
  13. It's nice to see someone mapping to PSX doom. Hope to see more creations.
  14. The texture pack seems to be broken. There are 3 duplicates inside the wad file, a lot of textures in builder is not displayed, also no sky textures.
  15. Doom Retro has updated to version 5.1.3 and now supports this megawad without problems. The information in the post has been updated. https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/releases/tag/v5.1.3 https://www.doomretro.com/
  16. Thanks for the video. It's a shame that in gzdoom with the mod broke most of the work with lighting and monster behavior, the map for obvious reasons was made for a regular doom. Regarding cyberdemon and not only, this is a mistake Project Brutality, it has poor compatibility with such maps, as the authors did not pay proper attention to the accuracy of hitboxes and movement of mobs. Another man on my other map also had it break in a similar way. Nevertheless, I'm glad you liked it. If you are not a fan of vanilla gameplay and accurate doom ports, you can also try to play with the mod Dusted Pandemonia or Nobody Told Me About id, at least with it the map worked fine when testing on GZDoom.
  17. I'm not sure it would work to pass a similar format on idgames. For the most part, I did it so that each wad would have its own file detailing the necessary information, so that the player could understand a little bit from the txt what the game has in store for them. It was also just a good rule to get participants used to preparing these txt's (because a lot of people forget about them, which I don't like, so I forced them attach a text file from /idgames to the wad when they sent their submissions), and besides, if they want to release their maps separately, they will have a txt ready for that.
  18. And not just the titles, my ass hurts after accepting his maps into the project.
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