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Chang O'Brian

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About Chang O'Brian

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  1. With a Mk1 1.21 rom that can be source now Nuked SC55 alone should be enough for correct Midi playback, besides loopMIDI. It's lighter on the CPU too, 60% of MkII.
  2. I cant believe these levels are near identical
  3. DN3D is slightly better balanced, more fun combat, better atmosphere. Blood is more demanding due to the reaction time of fanatics. Both are on par as far as level design IMO. Some Blood mods are incredibly well made. In the end my vote goes DN3D for the overall experience, but Blood is a very excellent game.
  4. The KDiKDi_extras_for_sourceports.wad file contains a widescreen intermission screen, and palette corrected graphics for the hud, but I doesn't seem to affect anything in GZDoom 4.1.0 for some reason. Anyone know what's going on? BTW don't be too worried about running it with GZDoom hardware renderer, if you are. I saw a glitch only in one spot walking over a 3D bridge. I was totally able to beat the episode, and I wouldn't have known about any missing graphics detail if I didn't read the thread.
  5. The WADs I liked the most are Plutonia 2 and Alien Vendetta. The combat, level design and atmospere are just spot on, with Nostalgia coming close. Also Cyriaks WADs I feel come close, but obviously way more challenging. With this in mind, any more suggestions to WADs worth checking out?
  6. These are the only custom textures in Zero Brightness pk3:
  7. I think you figured it out, only Wads using stock textures.
  8. I'm just looking for something that will pop with Arl's PBR mod. So far I've found HontE. Looking for more like it, maybe with original map layouts, instead of homages or relit stock maps. Please share, if you know something that has a combination of dynamic lighting + stock textures.
  9. BTW, I highly recommend running this mod with HontE, with this combination the graphics really pop. 👌
  10. Good point, I had a great time in Schythe 2 up until the last thirds of the maps, the the difficulty spiked way above my skill level, even harder than the hard maps of Ancient Aliens. I have removed it from OP to avoid confusion.
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