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About Woody101

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  1. Are we allowed to submit a map that has been previously released as part of another wad?
  2. Same result... only shows the real 10
  3. Looking for help here - I have a map that has 10 secrets in it but it is showing 28 secrets during gameplay I searched for secrets by sector 1024 and it gave me the 10 I also searched for things "count as secret" and got none What else can I do to find these extra secrets / eliminate them? Thanks, Woody
  4. Thank you for clarifying as I was not aware As yes, I am a shameless self promoter - guilty as charged :-)
  5. I would love to put my Woody's World series (5 Episodes released so far) up for consideration for the club. Just search Woody on DoomWorld for the releases. Maybe don't pick Episode 1 as that was my first 8 levels, so they got better as the Episodes went on...
  6. The Woody World Episodes/Maps (search Woody) have evolved a lot since I started mapping and learned a lot. Now, as I make larger and more advanced maps, typically I 1 - Think of a concept (like climbing a mountain, stuck in a city, going down a river, etc.) 2 - Maps out the area/full map on paper with container placeholders for building/sections etc. Also place weapons and keys. 3 - Put the start and exit on the map. I like the player to be able to see the exit from the start if possible so they have an idea where they will finish 4 - Plan out a general sequence for the player to go (i.e. has to get Red key from this area or throw that switch before they can go to area B, etc. (although there are multiple paths to finish) 4 - Take each area/section and flush that out on it's own paper (i.e. with door, floors, hallways, secrets, etc.) often monsters as well 5 - Select textures for that area and build that area 6 - Populate that area with monsters and items/ammo 7 - Test that area 8 - Once 4-7 done for all areas, do a pass to ensure uniformity/texture alignment and sequence works 9 - Playtest entire map, take many notes on problems 10 - fix problems and/or monsters/ammo balance, step 9 repeat until perfect 11 - Once Episode is complete, release to beta testers 12 - fix reported problems 13 - release on DoomWorld! In general, I avoid UAC tech base (too many out there) and hell/gruesome/corpses scenes/themes (yuk). I like more open spaces to run and explore multiple paths Woody
  7. Love the profile pics! I'm a big DM fan

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woody101


      If you like them then you will love my Doom Episodes :-)


      Search for Woody World 

    3. Dweller Dark

      Dweller Dark

      Alright, I'll check them out!

    4. Woody101


      I'm not sure how to message you, it seems to be disabled, maybe message me? 


      In any case, this will make it easier:


  8. Working on Woody World Episode 6, level 31

  9. Woody World Episode 6, about 40% done... follow me for more updates! In the meantime, you can try the other episodes: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/woodyworlde1
  10. Loading external files is not my preference either but I experienced problems merging them in and had to abandon
  11. Working on Woody World Episode 6...... 1 map down, 3 to go Episodes 1-5 for your amusement can be found here:
  12. I used line action 55 and it worked great! Will be coming in Woody World Episode 6... :-)
  13. I never knew how to lower a 3D floor ! This is going to help me so much and I will look into line action 55, never used it Thanks Rita!
  14. Yes, I never got it working either not really understand the other MID related flags...
  15. Hello all, a situation I run into often is that I have a MID (like a railing, cage) that I want to make impassible but it ends up causing me problems such as: 1 - I have a floor above it (3D) that I don't want the impassible to apply to 2 - I want to lower that floor (i.e. open a cage) but don't want it to be impassible any longer I always work around it - I figure scripting can solve something but is there a non scripting solution? Anyone have this problem?
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