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About Lobo

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    EDGE-Classic Developer/Modder
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  1. So far I've liked everything I've seen. I can imagine these models in a detailed mapset, maybe with a high res rexture pack thrown in, and then they wouldn't look as out of place as some are implying.
  2. Doom4EC. Requires the EDGE-Classic source port. https://www.mediafire.com/file/2k32zg3j5ly4njv/D4EC.epk/file You get money for kills and completion, and can then buy upgrades for weapons and items
  3. The only things to keep in mind are to avoid adding the super shotgun and the new enemies to your map. Also the map naming needs to follow the ExMx scheme instead of MAPxx.
  4. Quake. EDGE-Classic supports 3 quake model formats.
  5. Not in the immediate future, no. If I add more model formats then mdl and md3 take precedence first I'm afraid.
  6. What windows version? XP? Win7? Win10?
  7. Just want to mention that this is not actually a DSDHacked project, but DSDHacked+MBF21. To run it the port needs both.
  8. The decision was made a very long time ago in the EDGE codebase to, by default, switch all switches that have the same tag and special. It's not vanilla behavior but it's been that way since 1998 so we will not change it so as not break any EDGE maps that rely on that behaviour. However, there is also a SWITCH_SEPARATE special flag for DDFLINE for the exact purpose of not having all lines with the same tag switch when one is pressed.
  9. Here is an example wad of what I think you want to do. scyon.zip
  10. Can you post the wad here so we can take a look? If you don't set the trigger as "tagged_repeatable" then it will only run once.
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